“Be still and know that I am God.” ~Psalm 46:10
And no, I’m not talking about the bag of cherries I bought at the grocery store – though that comes in a close, cheaper second. Mmm. Breakfast.
Nope, talking about this: I purchased and downloaded a nifty little piece of software called Freedom. Basically the software will disable your Internet for however long the user indicates—up to 8 hours at a time—all with the goal of forcing you to focus.
Now, true, some people have more self-discipline than me. They don’t get distracted by ridiculously funny videos like this or this. They don’t get sucked into reading book reviews on Amazon. They stand up to the lovable monster that is Facebook.
But for the rest of us, there’s Internet-escape in the form of a simple download. And I’m telling you, this has been a productive week. I’ve become the Felix Unger of housework and The Pie of racing through errands. And oh, the writing time! I’ve discovered setting Freedom for 90 minutes is my sweet-spot – just enough time to pound out a scene without the lure of social networking. I’m no Prentiss Ingraham, but if ever evidence existed that less Internet distraction equals more writing productivity, I’m it. (The vague references are flying today. I can’t stop! Call me Amy Sherman-Palladino. There I go again.)
But here’s what I’ve really been wishing for: a mental version of Freedom. Really, while my daytime productivity has peaked this week, the nighttime sleeping thing hasn’t. Because I’m thinking about little Ollie down in Kansas City. And how many articles and blogs I’ve committed to in the next couple weeks. That synopsis I’m supposed to submit for a critique next Friday. Weekend travels…sticky plots…and hey, what all do I need to pack for my Colorado trip?
I’m guessing, though, I’m not the only one who goes through seasons of Internet-like mental webbing. Problem is, there’s no software to disable our mind-racing. No off-switch. And unless you’re into illegal drugs, no magic pill.
What there is, is this:
“Be still, and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10.
Another translation (NASV) changes “be still” to “cease striving.” Both sound pretty darn good to me.
And both feel a little too out of reach when my mental tennis playing reaches Rafael Nadal speed.
And yet, God, through the psalmist, wouldn’t encourage us to do so if it wasn’t possible, right? I don’t think He points us impossible directions. (Though there is that verse in Matthew where Jesus tells us to be perfect as God is perfect. I always sort of hope he means that more as a goal to shoot for…)
But seriously, I do think it’s possible to “be still,” to “cease striving.” But it’s not flip-of-the-switch thing. It’s something we have to cultivate as we grow in our faith walk, set aside quiet time…and practice. Practice casting our cares, setting our minds, surrendering whatever it is—the to-do lists, the worries, the emotions—that overwhelm and keep us awake, like too many ticking clocks. (This totally calls for a Captain Hook reference, but I’ve got to draw the line somewhere.)
Be still.
Cease striving.
It’s possible. It’s practice-able.
Think I’ll go for it.
The Pie: Racehorse in National Velvet
Prentiss Ingraham: Dude who wrote over 600 books under 10 pen names, including over 200 alone about Buffalo Bill. What?! you say. Yeah, that was my reaction, too.
Amy Sherman-Palladino: Creator of the show “Gilmore Girls” which is known for its constant slew of pop culture references.
Rafael Nadal: Spanish tennis player. Sweet skills, sweet hair.
Captain Hook: From “Peter Pan,” scared of clocks. Also he shook my hand at Disney World.
Comments 4
Ah good question. I think the early mornings spent with God really help me throughout the rest of the day. Sometimes, I have to get away for about ten minutes and read a Psalm or listen to a great song and let all the craziness filter out of my head.
And I’ve gotten really good at saying, “no” in the last couple of years. 🙂
“Let all the craziness filter out of my head…” Love that! 🙂
I’m gonna go scrounge up 10 bucks and do a bit of investing myself.
And you’re coming to CO? When? And what part? And can we meet up for coffee? Or breakfast? Or just somewhere along the highway for a hug?!
Oh, Beth, I would loooove to meet up with you! It’s a short trip, though – this Tuesday (tomorrow) through Friday. And I know this just happens to be a BIG week for you. 🙂 I’m going for a work retreat – at the Cliff House in Manitou Springs. So I’m pretty much at the mercy of our retreat schedule. But, I do think I would be free to slip away Wednesday or Thursday evening, though I’m car-less out there. And I have no clue if Manitou Springs is anywhere near you…but if it is, if you’ve got a break between wedding activities and if you want to meet up one of those evenings, just let me know!! 🙂 Hugs!