Welcome Mat Wednesday: Anne Mateer…and a two-book giveaway!

You know what I love? I love picking up a book by a new-to-me author and realizing within the first chapter I’ve come across a new fave. That’s how I felt last fall when I read Anne Mateer’s At Every Turn. I quickly gobbled up Anne’s first book, Wings of a Dream, as well. In the months since, I’ve so …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Kathleen Y’Barbo

Hey friends! I apologize for the lack of video intro today. (For anyone new, I usually introduce our Wednesday guests with a suave and sophisticated generally pretty random video.) But the early part of my week has been b-u-s-y, and the webcam and I simply never had a chance to spend quality time together. BUT…I’m thrilled to get to welcome Kathleen …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Murray Pura

Okay, fans of Downton Abbey, you’re in for a treat today! This Wednesday’s guest is author Murray Pura, whose latest release is bound to hit the sweet spot of Grantham family fans. Murray gives us a glimpse into Ashton Park and the world of nobility amidst the backdrop of WWI and Ireland’s fight for independence. I’m so excited about this …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Randall Allen Dunn

Hey folks, I’ve been pumped for today’s post for a long time. Our guest is writer Randall Allen Dunn…and he’s talking about one of my favorite topics ever: movies! Randall is an action, adventure and suspense writer who’s got some great short stories available at Amazon. I met Randall in Chicago at the MacGregor Literary seminar last fall. You can …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Gabrielle Meyer

It’s the first Welcome Mat Wednesday of the New Year. Woohoo! I officially started welcoming Wednesday guests in December 2011, and it’s fun to look back at the list of who all has stopped by Tag(g)lines since. Such a cool group of authors, industry professionals and other fun friends. And I’m really excited about the lineup already in place for …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Gina Conroy

Hey everybody! First of all, an apology for the lack of video intro today. I’m prepping this post on Tuesday while home sick. Boo. But trust me, nobody should have to see a video of me looking as I do today. Nobody. (Unless he’s a handsome doctor with magical meds.) Today’s guest is author Gina Conroy! Gina and I are …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: James L. Rubart (plus another giveaway!)

Happy 12-12-12! I’m so super pumped about today’s guest: author James L. Rubart. Those of us who are writers all have author heroes we look up to–Jim Rubart is one of mine. I love his stories, I love his writing and I love all the stuff I’ve learned through his marketing classes at a couple different writing conferences. Jim’s latest …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Clay Morgan (plus a giveaway!)

So, Wednesdays are pretty much my favorite blogging days because I get to welcome cool guests like Clay Morgan. Clay is a writer, speaker and teacher…and author of a sweet nonfiction book called Undead: Revived, Resuscitated, Reborn. It’s about zombies. And Jesus. And being undead. It’s awesome. Awesome enough that I’m doing a giveaway!* Leave a comment below for a …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Jamie Britt

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Welcome Mat Wednesday is back with a guest post by the super sweet Jamie Britt! Jamie is a devotional writer for woman and even though I’ve never met her in person, I can tell from reading her blogs her heart for encouraging others is genuine. Jamie’s post is all about trusting in God’s awesome grace. I read …

Welcome Mat Wednesday: Michelle Lim

Woohoo, today we have the fun and talented Michelle Lim visiting as part of her blog tour for her new book, Idea Sparking. Michelle is the My Book Therapy brainstorming coach and a romantic suspense writer. She writes a sweeeet villain… And speaking of sweet stuff, she’s got an awesome drawing going on for a Kindle paperwhite. So be sure …