Special Anniversary Giveaway (and thoughts on dreams-come-true)

UPDATE: We’ve got a giveaway winner—Katrina E.—and she’s been notified. Thanks everyone for entering the big giveaway!

Five years ago today, my first book—Made to Last—launched into the big, wide world.

I was nervous and excited and happily overwhelmed…and oh, what a great excuse it gave me to eat like a thousand cookies. (No but seriously…we had this intensely fun launch party, thanks to my amazing family and friends, and there were so. many. cookies.)


One of my favorite pics from the party! We had a photo booth with a bunch of construction props and my family had a hilarious time taking pics. We were just missing my brother, Nathanael, who lives out East.

Five years ago.

It feels like forever ago and it feels like yesterday. It feels like everything changed that day or maybe nothing at all. I was the same laidback Iowa girl—still a lover of stories, both real life and imaginary—and a different one, now living on the other side of a dream-come-true.

You know what, guys?

MTLDreams-come-true are so wonderful, but if there’s one thing my own has taught me, it’s that our dreams aren’t so much about the what and the when…but who we become along the journey. I chased a publishing contract for a couple of years before God opened that particular door…and even after the door opened, I sorta felt like I kept running for awhile. Chasing the next “thing”—good reviews, awards, lots of readers, another contract…

But in the past few years, man, God has done a number on my heart. He’s reminded me—sometimes in big, un-ignorable ways and other times in little whispers in my soul—that it was never about chasing the dream. It’s about chasing Him and becoming the person He always planned for me to be.

I’ll confess that’s a perspective I haven’t always held on to…and whenever I don’t—whenever I start comparing my road to another’s or fixing my eyes on the next “thing” instead of the One who promises the kind of fulfillment that “thing” could never bring on its own—it just leads to burnout and stress and unnecessary striving.

Five years later, I know I’m not all the way there yet. I’m not sure we ever fully get there while on this earth.

But with each year and each bend in the road, if we stay open and flexible and humble, He’ll guide us and grow us and teach us until, like sunflowers bending toward the sun, our natural instinct is to lean into Him…

And that’s when our dreams will most flourish.
Our souls will replenish.
Our creativity will soar.
Because we’re tucked close to the most creative One of all.


Autumn Anniversary Giveaway

A five-year anniversary calls for a little celebration, yes? I think I’ll eat some cookies.

But for everyone else, how about a giveaway??

This giveaway includes some happy autumn stuff! One person will win:

  • Paperback copy of my debut novel, Made to Last
  • …plus the autumn-y sequel (in which the heroine’s name is actually Autumn!), Here to Stay.
  • A super cute fall mug designed by my talented artist sister, Nicole of Nicole Letters
  • A pretty fall scarf! (I want this, you guys. I might need to go back and buy a second one.)
  • A pumpkin candle that smells like heaven
  • Dove chocolates that taste like heaven

You’ve got one week to enter via the form below with multiple entry options. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, Sept. 24.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 228

    1. I loved this post. 🙂 Something I really need to be reminded of – not to chase my dreams, but to chase Him, and the person He made me to be. Thank you for that reminder!!
      Also, I read your book “Here to Stay” – would you believe it’s actually at my library – an insignificant town in Australia!!! Isn’t that crazy?! Anyhow, I really liked it, and I love your writing style and oh my goodness I would LOOOOVE to win that giveaway. 😉 But a question first: I suspect this might just be an America only give-away? (i.e. It’s not open to someone like me in Australia? ;)) I totally understand if it isn’t, but just wanted to check – cause, y’know, I don’t want to miss out on something so amazing as this if there IS an opportunity. 😀

      1. Post

        Hi Gabby! Oh man, I’m so sorry, but the giveaway is only open in the U.S. I’m soooo sorry! Postage is just so expensive for overseas packages. But I feel so bad.

        Thank you SO much for reading Here to Stay. That’s hugely fun to hear and I love that your town in Australia has it at the library. How cool!

        Again, so sorry about the giveaway only being open in the U.S. 🙁

    2. Beautiful post!! And very encouraging. I can get so caught up in the desire to be published that it’s easy to forget that God has a perfect timing and it will all come together in His timing exactly.
      And yes, I LOVE cookies and all things fall and cozy! <3
      Congratulations on this 5 year mark!!

      1. Post

        Hey Raechel! I’m so glad the post resonated…and as someone who has been in that exact place of being caught up in the desire to be published—and who still gets caught up in other desires on the other side of the publishing journey—I want to reiterate that you are so not alone. And that I truly believe if God put a writing dream in your heart, then He will use it. You may not know the hows or whens right now, but He’s faithful to finish what He started…including the dreams He’s planted in our hearts.

      1. Post
    3. Fall is a glorious time of year in Houston, TX. Not only is it comfortably warm instead of beastly hot, but it’s still pretty with some changes in leaf colors, green grass, and so forth. I love fall flavors–pumpkin spice in particular. Having been an educator all my adult life, I enjoy the back-to-school part of the school-year cycle even though I’m now retired.

      Congratulations on your five-year anniversary! What an accomplishment!

    4. A dream come true for me was finally visiting all fifty states. Each one is wonderfully and I am thrilled that I had this privilege.

    5. Happy anniversary, Melissa! I do, indeed, love autumn and all it holds. It’s especially wonderful in the Midwest, don’t you think? 🙂

      A dream of mine…to discover what comes next for me. I’m a bit uncertain about which way to go, but while I wait for Him to guide me, cookies and everything cozy and fall-y can be very therapeutic!

    6. Brings back happy memories. I took a chance on a new author and BAM! I loved it and determined to follow you and now I am a forever fan! You can’t write fast enough for me.
      Plus, I just love your heart.

    7. I am with Sarah! I am in a waiting time, wondering what God has for me next. I am working on contentment and being faithful in what I consider to be the small things. I think that my view on that needs to be brought along to God’s view! Happy Bookaversary!

    8. I love everything fall – it’s my favorite season of the year. Yes, I love cookies. 🙂 My dream come true (one of them) is becoming a mother. I’ve always wanted to have children and were blessed with the best!

    9. I love cookies! Chocolate chip with walnuts are my favorite. I love fall too. Brilliantly colored leaves and a trip to the pumpkin patch. My dream come true was dancing with my son at his wedding last month. As a two time cancer survivor I don’t like to think very far ahead. In the moments now is a great place to be!

    10. I am chasing who I am in Christ. You’d think at my age (63) I would have discovered that by now. Have been going through a difficult season, so not sure any more, but light is peering in.

      Thank you for your sweet stories and this opportunity to enter your contest.

    11. Um cookies are the best 😍. I have tons of dreams, but the closest one to being reality right now is my daughter and I are working on opening an Etsy shop to sell bible journaling stuff. We’re not quite ready yet, but I’m confident we’ll get there! And doing it with her is so much fun.

    12. I love all things Fall! It’s a beautiful time of year!
      A dream (or prayer) that has come true for me would be my grandchildren. As a 2x cancer survivor I didn’t know if I’d be around long enough to see any grandkids, but the first one was born while going through treatment and now I have 8! I feel very blessed!!

    13. Oh yes, I definitely love cookies as much as you do, and fall 💖🍂🍃🍁🎃 I have a dream come true: he’s a little boy (a Christmas baby that was my dream since I was 11) with green eyes, broad shoulders, and a kind heart 💖

    14. Congrats on the 5 years being published! I enjoyed your inspiring and reminding post that it’s all about seeking Him. And yes, I love cookies, too!

    15. A dream come true…it’s still in the works. I keep praying, falling down a few times, but God lifts me up. And yes, cookies make all things better!

    16. I have NEVER had this happen before, and I have no idea who Theresa Allen is (you might want to check with your tech guy, Melissa, because I’m the only person using this phone, which means that Theresa’s info was saved in the comment form, which is very bad), sorry Theresa for impersonating you! Here’s MY comment: Oh yes, I definitely love cookies as much as you do, and fall 💖🍂🍃🍁🎃 I have a dream come true: he’s a little boy (a Christmas baby that was my dream since I was 11) with green eyes, broad shoulders, and a kind heart 💖

    17. I love everuthing Fall because I was born the day after Thanksgiving! I love so many types of cookies such as snickerdoodle, PB chewies or Reeses cookies, etc!! Thank you for writing clean romance. Love to read!

    18. I love your books, Melissa! I also love that mug!!!! I may – I do – have a mug collection in the making. 😀 I’d love to add that one to my self!

    19. I love fall!! It’s my favorite time of the year! 😊 I’m a wife and mom of 5. Although some days it seems like a nightmare 😜 I’m living out my dream! 😊

    20. I dream about having my own family and going back into music ministry. I love ALL things Fall!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. 😀

    21. I really enjoyed your blog post and the reminder that we should all keep our eyes focused on Christ. I know living in America everybody says you can be what you want to be and you should work very hard to do that. I think you have found what we really need to do…chase after God and become the person he wants us to be. Thanks for sharing! 😇

    22. Marriage and motherhood are dreams that have come true for me.

      I’m currently pursuing the dream of publication!! It’s terrifying and exciting! Lol

      Fall is my absolute favorite. Sadly, here in Phoenix, our flak doesn’t show up until January. lol

    23. I love fall all the beautiful colors cool nights. I also love cookies dont really have a favorite but like when they first come out of the oven. I am dreaming of getting a position of cps. And a monitor at the shelter i was homeless for 3 years learned alot and try to pay it forward love all these prizes the scarf is beautiful and the cup is nice your sister did a great job hope to win ty for the chancr

    24. I love cookies. Fall is a wonderful time of year. a dream that’s come true in my life is seeing my daughter grow up to be a wonderful person. MADE TO LAST and HERE TO STAY sounds very good.

    25. My dream of being a nurse, and being a mom have been great blessings in my life. God has blessed me with 3 sons, and now a precious grandson. And, we all love cookies!! Home made ones, especially. This gift is perfect for fall. What’s better than a good book, a candle burning, a cup of coffee in a special mug, and a shawl to wrap around yourself sitting by a fireplace? Congratulations on your 5 year celebration! God bless!

    26. I love fall. I am trying to make my dream a reality. I want to be able to be an advocate for young women with cancer full time. I am looking for jobs where that will become a reality. I love sugar cookies and ginger snap.

      Congrats on 5 yrs. We have a book swap and I am really struggling with giving up your books. I want others to read it but I would want them back.

    27. Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary. And cookies, yummy. Sounds like a good way to celebrate to me. Thank you for doing this wonderful giveaway to celebrate your success. Shouldn’t we do a giveaway for you? Lol. Seems backwards. Here’s to another 30 years of success!!!!

    28. I always wanted to be a mom. I have 2 beautiful kids, and now after four losses, I’m due early January with number three! I love Fall! My absolute most favorite time of the year, I wish it lasted longer than it does.

    29. Do I love cookies? Well, back in the day when we did clowning, my clown name was Cook E. Lady. 🙂

      We love fall so much that two years ago we too a bucket list trip to the New England states to see all the brilliant fall colors. Wonderful trip – making one dream come true.

      My dream came true when we sold out, downsized getting rid of “stuff” and moved to our dream destination, the Ozark Mountains. We were able to build the house of our dreams to our specs with floor plans hubby and I drew with everything in it that we ever dreamed of. Retirement is grand and life in the Ozarks is heavenly!

    30. Oh, and also I’ve put my dreams on hold for a bit. I’m a writer, as well, with four published books. We hit a bit if a life change two years ago when my husband was diagnosed with a disease that causes muscle weakness and permanent double vision, and was forced to medically retire from his job as a police officer. I’m still constantly wriring in my head, but for now finding time to get it all down has been difficult. I believe God just wants me to pursue different things with Him at the moment 😉
      And good gravy, yes I love cookies. So, so, so much.

    31. Such a great inspiration. I am still dreaming about amazing lives for my teenagers. One has started college and is on her way. My son is amazing me with how well he is doing in high school and decisions he is making.

    32. Due to life’s circumstances, I’m learning to live today. Not an easy lesson, but an important one. Life is precious. Cherish people & appreciate experiences.

    33. Happy Anniversary!!! What an exciting time for you. We just moved into a new hour last October, so I understand that “busy-ness” as well. I can’t wait to see pictures. Yes, I love cookies, and I make them all of the time. This time of year, my favorites are Oatmeal Scotchies.

    34. This is so exciting!!!
      A recent dream that has come true is that I’ve been able to work for a environmental faith based nonprofit.
      And yes, I’m known as a Cookie Monster and I take fall very seriously 🧡🍁

    35. Thanks for the reminder! This is a back and forth that I have almost daily with God. After my dream job ended, I could not imagine how God could orchestrate the circumstances again. I think He laughed. I have recently accepted a position that has all I left behind and then some! I want to be someone who pursues the Giver, not the gifts.

    36. Congrats & thanks for the giveaway! Fall is my absolute favorite & pumpkin is my jam. 🍂🍁🍂

      On dreams: my hubby & 4 kids are my dream come true (plus a work in progress every day)

      The dream I’m working on is art & writing. 📚🎨❤️

    37. Have a great celebration on your 5 th anniversary of being published. I’ve read one of your Christmas series and enjoyed it very much. Thank you for the lovely and thought full giveaway. One of us will be very happy for sure. Great prizes.

    38. Love & miss you Melissa!! You are always such an encouragement to me! If I win (I never do) send it to my mom, but tell her to save it for me!

    39. I’ve had a lot of dreams come true. Some were dreams I didn’t even know I had! Like you, I am pursuing a writer career dream – – and working hard to focus on God and not on me. At times that is so difficult. The Lord has given me a wonderful husband and two awesome children. When I go pregnant with baby #2, I vehemently did not want to continue working away from home. Along came the perfect opportunity to work from home! Coincidence? No. By my effort? Not at all! After 12 fantastic years with that job, the company was sold. Fear set in yet I kept my faith focused where it should be focused. Lo and behold, the new company has turned out to be a great place to work. Trust in the Lord and He will provide abundantly!!

    40. What a lovely generous gift….and with a fall theme couldn’t be more perfect. LOVE FALL! All things fall.

      Congratulations on your anniversary 🙂

    41. My Dream that came true after 17 years of praying every day and crying and seeking God for Answers to heal me of Diabetes. The damage it was doing on my life and the Doctors giving me 5 years to live was Answered. A Pancreas Transplant in 01. Never having Diabetes again and now 17 years later life with My Girls and Husband. So Blessed and So Thankful.

    42. I am so glad to see the summer gone and welcome Fall…the cooler temps are very much appreciated (at least to me). *LOL* Also love the smells…pumpkin, apples and cinnamon are a must this time of year…makes me feel warm and cozy.
      And yes…who doesn’t “love” cookies! Anyone who doesn’t can send their cookies to me. 😀 Now that the weather has cooled its time for baking…yum!
      Just wanted to wish you a Happy 5 year Bookiversary!
      Take Care!!

    43. Happy Anniversary Melissa! Thank you for writing books that I love! I love many kinds of cookies. They are a great snack while reading. One of my dreams and prayers was to have a husband and children. I’m in my 33rd year of having that blessing with it’s happiness and challenges. Another dream is to become a published author.

    44. Loved your blog. I co love cookies. Chocolate chip is the best or peanut butter. My dream to come true is all my family know the Lord. One dream I had was to live to see my kids have kids so I can be a Nana I have 7. My dream was to have a wonderful God fearing husband. I have that he is awesome. We been married 40 years looking forward to many more. God has so blessed me in many ways.

    45. Fall is my favorite season, although I miss the changing of the leaves now that I live in South Florida. At least I can indulge in all the Pumpkin Spice flavored products! My dreams were always to have children and to be a published author, and both dreams have come true, so I feel very fortunate.

    46. What a great blog post and generous giveaway! You are a new to me author, so I would love to win and have the chance to read your books! Cookies are yummy, especially home made chocolate chip!!

    47. I will say I do like cookies. Snickerdoodles are one of my favorites, and I am actually making some of those today for our small group tomorrow. I am very fortunate to have a flexible schedule that allows me to work parttime, lead small group, and be a wife, mother, and gramma. I guess as my son-in-law would say, “I’m living the dream!”

    48. It took me several months to tame a feral cat, and now she is the sweetest thing in the world. I really do love cookies. I also like Fall, but then comes winter. I hate the cold. My cats hate the cold. Even my car hates it.

    49. I dreamed of being a mom. I have 3 amazing boys! I love cookies. Fall is my favorite season. I love the mug from your sister! I’ve had my eye on it since she first posted it on FB. Happy Anniversary!

    50. I love cookies. My dream is to have my children and grandchildren close to me, and living for God. I would love to win this prize. Thanks for the giveaway.

    51. Growing up in sunny Southern California, I didn’t like fall and winter. My birthday is in October and I always wished it was in the Spring. As I grew older, I came to live Fall…snuggling by the fire with a good book and hot tea or coffee is one of my favorite pastimes.

      I never had dreams for my life. I always did what others told me to do. I was convinced that the things I wanted in life weren’t valid or important. That said, I do believe God has used others to direct my path.

      One dream I do have is to write a story on what it was like growing up in SoCal in the 70s. Seems most stories are located in small East coast beach towns or lakes. I’ve started a Pinterest page of all things 70s. The challenge for me is to be disciplined enough.

      And yes, I love cookies!

    52. Up here in Maine we are already having a touch of fall. The leaves are beginning to turn and I have put out fall decorations around my home.

      What’s a dream that’s come true in your life…or a dream you’re pursuing now? I have always dreamed of having a farm but that dream is still on the back burner. I would have to say that my “Dream Come True” would be being a stay-at-home, home schooling mom. And yes, my family likes cookies.

    53. I have recently purchased my first novel by Melissa Tagg, Here to Stay. In fact, I have purchased 10 copies from my bookclub, Worthwhile Words for Women…
      Can’t wait to experience your writing, Melissa 🙂

    54. I don’t think it was actually a dream, but just being married to a good man, having a wonderful son, and having a decent life is what I hoped for. I do love cookies and the autumn’s colorful leaves.

    55. Happy Book Anniversary and the dream I am following is to talk to my 12 yr old grandson caretaker won’t let me talk to him she is same age as my daughter and lived up the street. So going to court next mo and hoping my dream of talking to him again comes true its been 9 long months i have sent him cards from here in Iowa and presents galore just so he knows I am thinking of him. She has him so brainwashed and she got the whole thing by the courts none of the family knew they were going to appt her umpppp. He is in Ca that is probably why I thought Jerry Brown was a good man and stood behind grandparents but I don’t know.

    56. Your post was beautiful! One of the dreams I have always had was to get married and be a mom. I have done both 🙂 However, as things usually are, there have been bumps in the road but i wouldn’t change a thing!

    57. A dream come true was having my 4 children: 2 boys & 2 girls–now I have 4 grandsons, w/ another grandson due Nov 22! I love fall! The colors, the cooler weather, pumpkins and apple cider, and colors of the leaves & fall flowers… sigh… 🙂

    58. My dream that came true was being an attorney! I didn’t get to go to law school until I was 36, and I passed the state bar exam and became a lawyer before my 40th birthday. It’s NEVER too late! And yes, I love cookies as much as you do and fall is my very favorite season, I want to live in a world of perpetual fall with a 3 week winter break for Christmas festivities!

    59. I LOVE FALL!!! LOL! It totally deserves capslock of doom.

      Fall is absolutely my fave season. And a dream I’m pursuing right now is becoming an editor! I’ve been editing for eons in varying capacities, and usually for free, but now I want to make it a professional reality. 🙂

    60. I do love cookies, especially if they’re crisp.
      And Fall is my favorite season. Such a relief after the summer weather and so beautiful, too.
      You may want to check your settings here–when I scrolled down to leave my comment, the previous commenter’s name and email was visible (please make sure my email address isn’t. Thank you)

    61. I love that my daughter is now old enough to make cookies all on her own, from start to finish! More cookies for all of us!
      I didn’t know I had a dream until about 3 years ago. I’m slowly pursuing it, a tiny bit at a time. For now, I’m focused on my kids, but when they’re all grown up, I’ll have the time to pursue it even more, Lord willing.

    62. I truly do love cookies…and unfortunately it shows ! I’m appreciating fall weather this year more than ever since we’ve been in a drought here with unrelenting heat most of the summer. One of my dreams is to be published as an author; a big congratulations to you!
      I have to add that as much as I enjoy cookies, I think I might enjoy Dove chocolates even more! The thought of sprawling with a good book, a mug of coffee and some chocolates- mmm, heavenly!

    63. I’m living out the dream of being a servant to The Master on the mission field…seeing the miracles of God’s mighty hand every single day.

    64. Great post and I love your new profile picture! You look adorable. I baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago and had to freeze them because I couldn’t resist every time I walked by!
      My dream came true 28 years ago when I married my husband. He’s the spiritual leader I always prayed for, loving, kind, generous, and best of all he loves God first more than me!

    65. A dream come true that I prayed for many years was finding my amazing husband. I love cookies. I enjoy experimenting with new recipes every year in the fall. Another thing I love about fall is the cooler weather and the changing colors of the leaves. Love pumpkin goodies too.

    66. Thank you for this beautiful contest! Fall is my favorite season! My husband and I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage in October. That has been a dream come true!

    67. My husband and children are a dream come true!
      And yes, I love going through the park in the fall with the leaves turning colors, and cookies.

    68. I had dreamed of living in Colorado and now here I am! Definitely a lesson that achieving your dream, while still good, doesn’t magically transform your life—still lots of work to be done!

    69. Happy Book Birthday!!!

      “It’s about chasing Him and becoming the person He always planned for me to be.”

      Wow, what a reminder for me. I think I need this for my phone lock screen!!!!

      Thank you for the chance, for sharing, the beautiful lock screen, and for the reminder.

    70. I love cookies that are soft and chewy, and autumn is my favorite time to be outdoors. The air is so crisp and lovely!!

      Congratulations on your publishing anniversary! I have dreamed of being a writer for as long as I can remember – I was making up stories before I knew how to form the letters to write them down! For a lot of reasons I’ve never pursued this, but this summer it felt like it was time. I wrote a 23,000-word novella and am in the plotting stage for a full-length novel which I hope to start very soon. I’m considering these practice stories, and if they go well (the novella did, oh my goodness I was so happy writing and editing it!) then perhaps I can think about writing something with publication in mind. But I’m trying not to get too far ahead of myself, to enjoy the journey, and let the Lord be in control of how it all plays out.

    71. My dream for this year was to be able to make up 100 Pencil Granny packs as fillers for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. I really didn’t know if I was going to be able to get them done. However, my daughter came for a visit and we were able to pack 108 pencil packs! The Lord is so good!

    72. My dream is to expand my team.. I love cranberry oatmeal cookies and love everything pumpkin spice. I love the scent of apple and spices in the fall.

    73. Congratulations on 5 yrs! I love your books and hope that it is just the beginning for you. I love you mentioning the real goal is what God teaches us during our journey. I look forward to reading your newest book. Your prize pack has me wanting to find some Dove pumpkins. 😋 May Hod continue to bless you as you serve Him on your journey.

    74. I love fall but it does not happen that much in Florida. You kind of fake it here by going to the pumpkin patch, making pumpkin flavored goodies, carving a pumpkin and putting on your sweater and boots when the weather finally gets down in the 60’s around November. Right now I do not have any dreams. Well I plan to go zip lining next summer and hike the mountains in Tennessee after I lose 100 pounds total. I am down 55 pounds right now.

    75. Fall is my favorite season of the year. The weather is neither hot nor cold. I like the Fall colors and holidays that occur during this time. I love all kinds of cookies and eat too many on my diet.

    76. First of all congratulations on 5 years and so many amazing books since the first as well!!! Cannot wait to read what you write next!!! I have 2 amazing children and I am trying to spend as much time and really having experiences and trips with them, helping create memories hopefully that they will always remember! A few weeks ago we went to Tupper Lake in the Adirondacks, a wonderful day trip, great conversations in the car, fun time at The Wild, lots of memories made. And the leaves were starting to change, beautiful!!! Fall is my most favorite season, love the colors!!

    77. Can’t really think of any dreams that have come true, definitely not currently pursuing any. I do, however, love cookies!! 🙂

    78. I think the biggest dream I’ve had in my life was to become a mother. God answered that prayer in my life, not without trials and heartache before and after, but He’s been with me all the way. Thanks for your comments and your giveaway! God bless you with continued success:)

    79. I love all things Fall. Pumpkins, beautiful changing colors of leaves, glorious smells of baked goods, decorating, and cozy warm sweaters. Cookies are a favorite to eat and bake of course. I love baking for others, making Fall crafts, and wreaths. Oh Fall I love it most of all. 🍊🍂🍁🌻

    80. I’ve had a dream in my heart for many years of writing a devotional book about women and the Beatitudes. It’s been difficult for me to launch but I’m still holding on to that dream.

    81. I’m sort of at the tail end of my dream. For 48 years I sang in choirs (school, community and church) sang at a few weddings and was a song leader at a few churches. Lost my voice once and sang some more till I could feel my voice going again. I put some of my music that was on cassettes, onto a CD and shared it with a lot of people. Now I just sing in church with the congregation. At almost 64, I can’t handle long rehearsals and such but still doing what I think the Lord wants for me and that is giving glory to him from the gift he gave me.

    82. I love cookies as much as you do. And all things fall. Everything’s extra pretty in the fall!!
      This is all so true.
      I love fall leaves and the chill in the air, hot chocolate by a fire, a good book with a blanket on the back porch. It’s juat a beautiful time of year. This is an awesome give away. Thanks

    83. I’m not sure it would be a dream, I think it’s more of a prayer that was answered. My husband spent last year fighting Hodgkin Lymphoma. He is now in remission. The doctors only gave him a 40% chance of survival. Well we celebrated our 50th anniversary in April. One year after his diagnosis. God is so good. I do like cookies a lot, maybe not as much as you. But I LOVE Fall.

    84. What’s a dream that’s come true in your life…or a dream you’re pursuing now? (Also, please tell me you love cookies as much as I do. And all things fall. Everything’s extra pretty in the fall!)
      Oh my – God has allowed so many precious dreams to come true in my life! Where to start? A wonderful husband and sweet children who are dangerously close to adulthood and leaving our homeschool ‘nest’! I have been so greatly bless – I get to teach children and enjoy rich friendships … and sometimes those friendship include COOKIES!!!! Ha! Actually – I am waiting for some butter to soften to make cookies for my 1 & 2 grade ‘social studies’ class – I read them wonderful picture books that inspire simple art projects …. and to keep little ears open and mouths closed … I give them snacks inspired by our literature! It’s HOUSE shaped cookies this week since we are reading ‘This is my HOUSE, This is my SCHOOL’ by Jonathan Bean! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

    85. A dream that has come true in my life – going to the College World Series which I got to do this summer with my 26 year old daughter! I love cookies, especially warm chocolate chip cookies. And yes, fall is wonderful – the smells, the sights & the weather.

    86. Congrats on your 5-year publishing anniversary! I love your books and recently turned my sister into a fan of yours 😊

      Also, cookies are my sweet of choice, especially oatmeal chocolate chip 😊

    87. Congratulations Melissa!! What an accomplishment. I wanted to be a nurse and help people, so I became a nurse. I really loved being able to help people.

    88. Congratulations!! Dreams are like wishes in that I had many growing up. Some came true, like marrying a wonderful man and having children. I truly wanted to be a teacher, but became a nurse instead. I got to teach my patients about their medications and how to manage whatever needed when going home. I also have helped bring life into the world and held a hand as a life was leaving the world, but all and all I wouldn’t change a thing.

    89. I love reading Christian romance, because I know I will learn something new about serving God and get some good clean laughter. And maybe she’d a few tears as well. Thank you for being a great author and putting God first in every story.

    90. Congrats on 5 years, Melissa! It’s been a blast following you and your career, and then getting to meet you. <3 Keep writing ~ I can't wait for more!

    91. Congratulations on five years! I love the blog post, it was a good reminder to chase after God first and my dreams will come true! Love your books!

    92. I love cookies allot!!!! Chocolate chip, oatmeal, butter cookies, chocolate covered peanut butter, mint chocolate, and so on.
      None of my big dreams came true but I am truly blessed!

      Congratulations on your dreams and to an awesome 5 years and many more.

    93. Blessed to be a wife and mother.
      Enjoy white chocolate chip cookies
      Congratulations on your anniversary
      Thank you for offering giveaway

    94. For years I dreamed of being married and having a family. I didn’t realize that God would wait until I was in my 40s to let this dream come true. My husband and I married when I was 42 and he was 47, and we adopted 3 children. Twenty-two years later, those children are almost 20, and the twins are almost 18.

      Yes, I love cookies, esp. war from the oven!

    95. I feel like I’m in a season of life where God is reminding me that dreams come true in His time, not mine. It’s sometimes hard to wait. But He’s never been wrong in my life.

      And I love cookies! Can’t go wrong with a really good chocolate chip classic.

      And fall is my absolute favorite! I got married in fall and had two babies in fall. It’s so pretty and the weather is perfect and the treats taste delicious and it smells divine.

    96. Congratulations on the 5 year anniversary!!! I love the fall and all things pumpkin.

      I have always known I wanted to be a nurse. I am a mom/baby nurse. I guess that can be considered a dream come true. 😊

    97. I love fall and cookies! Such a great giveaway. My family is my dream come true. I have been blessed in so many ways in my life it is hard to count the ways, but God has always bee faithful and merciful.🍁🍂🍊🍎🍊🍂🍁

    98. I adore fall, cookies, pumpkin spice…i am just starting to pursue my dream of counseling teens. This dream has laid dormant during the early years of parenting, but God is bringing it to fruition.

    99. Happy book anniversary, Melissa! This post is lovely and I enjoyed reading it. Yes, I love fall! There’s so much beauty in this season. I love the fashion, the colors, the flavors and smells. I also love cookies, too. Sugar and snickerdoodle cookies are my favorite.

    100. A dream that came true for me was having my children. Congratulations on your five year writing anniversary. Thanks so much for having the giveaway.
      I do love cookies and baked some today. My favorites have peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate chips (I used dark chocolate chips this time) among the ingredients.

    101. My dream (that I am starting to pursue) is to actually become an author one day! It’s been a dream of mine since I was pretty young and now I’m trying to make it a reality.
      One thing I really love about fall is the leaves changing colors. 😍

    102. I have a lot of dreams good ones and many strange ones, When I first meet my husband back in 1982 I dream we would get married we did in 1986 and have 2 daughters in their 20’s. Come Oct it will be our 32nd Annv.

    103. A dream that is an ongoing pursuit for me is to travel the world. I’ve been to so many amazing places and hope to see so many more in the future. It’s been sad to see the leaves starting to change colors and fall signalling the end of summer and the approach of winter, but I do love see the beautiful colors (and the return of all things pumpkin spice). Now I need to go find some cookies to nibble on….

    104. I have had so many dreams. Unfortunately I am one of those people who constantly find mountains when trying to grab a hold of my dreams. My last big dream was to become a doctor. I was getting ready to go back to college when I was told I had cancer. I’m in remission now but unfortunately the chemotherapy came with a very “interesting” side effect. Chemo brain. I haven’t given up on living but instead have learned to live within some new boundaries. As for Fall and cookies? Can’t get enough of either!!

    105. Congrats on your 5th Anniversary! Celebrating with cookies is perfect!

      My dream to visit Israel came true in May! It was an INCREDIBLE experience!

    106. I love Mallomars cookies. they are my faves. My dream is to own a house. We live with my mom and it is very difficult to live with her but God will provide.

    107. I absolutely love Fall! I love the leaves changing, hot apple cider and eating crisp McIntosh apples. I do love cookies and the dream that came true for me was meeting and marrying my husband who is also my best friend!

    108. I absolutely love the fall, the colors, the cooler weather and everything pumpkin or apple flavors. Triple chocolate chunk cookies are a favorite of mine.

    109. I do love cookies…my favorite are my homemade sugar cookies made from my grandmother’s old recipe. My current dream that I am working on is becoming a published author. Thank you for the giveaway!

    110. I love everything fall, I love the many colours of fall, the smells of fall like campfires, pumpkins, Apple’s and cinnamon and the cooler days and cooler evening for sleep, and even the best colours that look good on me in clothing are fall colours.

    111. What a fun giveaway! Fall is my favorite season so the scarf, candle, chocolates, mug and books are right up my alley. 😃 Congrats on your 5-year book anniversary! So glad your dream came true. And that I get to read your great stories because of it! Thanks also for your newsletter message. A great reminder of the importance of who we become, and come closer to, in our journeys.

    112. A dream come true… Growing up, I always had many “dreams” (one was to be Anne from Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea…. really to have Gilbert 😉 ). One was to be an author and an editor! So I could write and read at the same time for a LIVING. However, over time, I think I have realized the same thing, that our dreams may be very (and unrealistically) glammed up and not exactly what the Lord has in store for us, but His plans are better. And you are so right, it is not about OUR dreams– we should be chasing Him, the One who fulfills all we want and need. 🙂

      Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these fun and pretty autumn-y prizes! (This is the first time I have used that word this season!!) Actually, this evening, before I saw this giveaway, I stumbled across and was looking at Made to Last earlier in the Kindle store, so this is perfect timing! Have a great autumn! <3


    113. For over 25 years I dreamt of going to Europe and it finally happened last fall. We took our three YA daughters along and spent 18 short days touring Italy, Austria, France and England. Now we all want to go back!

      I dread fall because that means winter is coming. And when winter lasts 5 months, well, there’s not much to look forward to there.

      I love cookies and my friend and I have gotten together for the past 8 years for our annual Christmas cookie baking day. We’ve already planned our 9th day in November! So much fun.

    114. My dream come true is that I am finally retired and loving it! I do love fall! In NE Tennessee we have “leafers” that visit from all over. I love sweater weather, cooler temps and the beautiful mountains here.

    115. Fall is my absolute favorite! I look forward to it all year.

      I love cookies in any form but especially chocolate chip 😋

      My dream come true is being mama to my three angels and wife to their daddy!!!

    116. I start college next month which is a dream come true!! So excited and a little scared! 😀
      Fall is the best! Finally, the weather is cooler and you can do outdoor activities with your family!

    117. Congratulations on five years! Yep I like cookies just like you. Although we only have them at Christmas now. And I love fall. My favorite season by far.

    118. A dream that’s come true……
      we lived in a dank, dark basement apartment during my childhood. I shared a room with my brother. I always thought that I would feel so rich if we had a house — not realizing that my mom made our apartment nicer than most people’s houses. Now, 35 years later, I live in a house with my children, and I have to keep telling myself how blessed I am to have a roof over my head. So many people don’t.

    119. Oh yes, I absolutely DO love cookies! Maybe even as much as you do. 🙂

      Congratulations on five years, and here is wishing you many, many more!

    120. You must have had several books written and ready five years ago! I’m finally pursuing my dream of working in the library after years of working in jobs I didn’t feel were a good fit.

    121. So glad I found your books. I have read them all and am eagerly awaiting the next one (soon, I hope). I love that you share your heart and faith through your posts. Keep writing! And congratulations on your new place!

    122. My Dreams: True Happiness…
      One Day, I Myself Will Be Driving Down, “My Lane” To “My Castle” Of “My Dreams!” And Know… Always What You See Or Picture, Is Not Always What It Is Or Will Be! For “My Castle’ Is Where “My Heart” Lies Forever & Ever!…
      One day, “the one” special person will walk in my life… And, will never want to leave me… Now know, I don’t need him with me 24/7… All I want & need him to be is HONEST & FAITHFUL To Me !!! Anymore then that, just seems, to much to ask…
      Oh & I dream for a safer vehicle to drive; instead of one coming apart piece by piece.

    123. I’m living my dream now. I always wanted to be a missionary since I was a small girl. Now that our daughter is married we are missionaries. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway. I love fall and everything about it.

    124. A dream that’s come true? Writing a book, probably. Considering I decided to re-write the manuscript, however, I’m not considering it a fully finished dream.😂

      And yes. Particularly if we’re talking Oreos, sugar cookies, or peanut butter with chocolate kisses. And chocolate chip. There’s so many options and now I’m thinking about cookies. Uh oh.

    125. I love fall! However, Florida barely goes in the 60s which is fine with me lol. Yesterday it was 100°!! It is so HOT! I absolutely am a sucker for cupcakes lol!

    126. I’m not sure about a dream-come-true. I just think I’m not a really big dreamer, I just kinda live in the moment. Except someday I hope to go to the Caribbean…I’ll let ya know when that comes true! 😉 I’m not a huge fall girl, but that’s mostly because I live in Wisconsin and I really dislike the cold of winter. So, since fall leads to winter I’ve never really loved it. I do love boots, and scarves, and apples…and cookies, warm fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip!

    127. I often find encouragement in your blog posts, and this one was no exception. I’m preparing to go on sabbatical in October; while it’s not quite the same as pursuing a “dream”, I am very much looking forward to this much needed break in my routine, an opportunity to renew and restore. For some time now, the themes of pursing God and become more the *me* HE intends me to be has been recurring over and over in a variety of ways in my life – I know that is going to be an important part of my sabbatical journey.

      Thank you, Melissa, for sharing your dream of creating stories and – more importantly – allowing God to use you through the passion he’s created in you.

    128. I’ve been praying for a number of years for God to open a door for a long held dream While I still have the dream, and still pray for that open door, this last year has been a year of contentment while I wait. For me, Fall is a time of waiting. Waiting for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then for winter to be over before new blooms and growth reappear in the spring. Happy anniversary!

    129. I’d always take ice cream over cookies. It’s hard for me to find cookies that really hit the spot for me. They must be crispy and have really good flavor.

      I’ve traveled a lot which would fit into the dream category.

    130. What a great giveaway! Yes, I love cookies, especially warm out of the oven!!

      My favorite waiting story…realizing I needed to be satisfied in Christ ALONE. I had just realized and believed it (at 38!!) and then Chris came into the picture! 🤔 He’s now my hubby and we have 3 kiddos! It isn’t that way with everyone, but what a dream come true!! ❤️

    131. Thanks for offering the giveaway! I love cookies of any kind!! My favorite to eat or oatmeal raisin with a close second being white chocolate macadamia…although my Mom’s chocolate oatmeal balls are good too! I love to bake cookies too! My favorite thing about cookies is that they are so portable, I can carry around a small bag of them anywhere I go! 🙂 And they are great for sharing!!

      A few Wed nights ago at church I heard a teaching that said that maybe I should lay down my dream so that I can fulfill God’s dream for my life (that was the message I heard). Something I’ve been pondering on since that night. Thanks for the reminder, need to be praying about that as well 🙂

    132. This post is so fabulous! Congratulations on the five year anniversary of your release, Melissa! <3 And one of my biggest dreams is authorship! 😉 Definitely pursuing that…

    133. Happy bookiversary! I do love fall! I love to decorate with pumpkins, and I usually carve one just for myself. And, I do love cookies… I could eat my weight in peanut butter cookies right now. 🙂

    134. A dream that has come true for me was obtaining my MLS (library) degree. School was always hard for me. And I was told many times that I would never be able to do college. But I was determined. It took me a bit longer, but I did it!

    135. A dream of mine that came true is being a mom to my 3 kids! Another dream of mine is to travel the world especially England and Australia.
      I love cookies! Especially chocolate chip. I love fall too! Drinking hot chocolate, going on walks, and going to the pumpkin patch. More time to read books too!
      Thanks for the chance to win!

    136. I’ve achieved the dream of raising children. I love Autumn. The smells, the cooler temperatures, the changing leaves, and Thanksgiving!

    137. I do love cookies especially warm from the oven and all things fall. It’s my favorite time of year. I always dreamed about being a mom ( I loved to “play house” as a child) and my three munchkins have made that dream come true.

    138. I love oatmeal cranberry cookies and I absolutely love fall and just about anything pumpkin spice. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

    139. Wow, congratulations on 5 years of being published! That’s so exciting! This giveaway looks amazing! Just looking at it is putting me into the fall season! 😊

    140. I love how you end the post saying that God is the most Creative One of all! Indeed He is!
      I always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom and that has come true. There were many years when it didn’t seem like it ever be and it certainly isn’t a glamorous dream, but here I am…a stay-at-home mom to four kids ranging in age from 1 – 12. Daily life is everything from sippy cups and diaper rash to math homework and cross country meets. Thank you for the chance to win your beautiful giveaway and yes, I totally love cookies! 🙂

    141. It’s funny that you mention cookies and dreams, because a dream I am pursuing right now is to become a baker. And Fall is also giving me a lot of baking motivation….:)
      Someday, I’d also love to illustrate children’s books on the side, but I guess we’ll see how that goes. 🙂

    142. I am so excited about this giveaway! I love each of your books and highly anticipate new arrivals.
      Congratulations on hitting the five year mark of achieving a very remarkable dream. 💕

    143. i absolutely love fall and cookies!! i used to have a lot of my dreams come true but most were small things such as i dreamt a boy i hardly even talked to in my class when i was in middle school asked me out and it happened in real life a few days later.

    144. Dream come true was having natural dizigotic twins that were my rainbow babies.

      Yes, LOOOOOVE cookies and real fall/autumn; we don’t get the latter here in San Diego.

    145. The dream I am pursuing now is going to nursing school. I love fall , cooler weather, pumpkin spice, and the start of the holidays.

    146. Five years! That’s wonderful! I’ve enjoyed reading every one of your books. You’ve created excellent characters and shared lessons of faith and life that are always so applicable. I’m currently working on finishing university and constantly reminders to give it my all and your journey of publishing encourages me to continue even when the assignments pile up :). Looking forward to reading more of your work!

    147. I like cookies and hot cocoa and different types of teas. I like the different fall wardrobe changes that I go through. I like Fashion and want to design different types of clothing.

    148. A dream that’s come true for me is being a wife and mom. Seriously. I also love all things fall (pumpkin spice, anyone?), but I don’t love cookies, unless they’re shortbread (and in that case, no one better think of taking them!).

    149. A dream that’s come true is remodeling a house with my hunky and handy husband. And fall is bittersweet in the Pacific Northwest…it’s fun with leaves changing and football starting and crispness in the air. But it’s devastating that it means the rainy season is upon us. But it means coats and scarves and boots so maybe it’s okay? 😊

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