It’s a Christmasy giveaway

Guys! Did everybody have a great Thanksgiving? Did anybody else spend the weekend decorating for Christmas?!

I may have been a teensy bit overly excited to decorate my new house. And I’m super happy with how it turned out. You can see pics on my Instagram or Facebook if you’re interested. Tell me if you can spot the goat ornament…lol!

I think the joy of jumping into the Christmas season (complete with tons of twinkle lights!) calls for a giveaway…don’t you think? The giveaway is open now and runs through the end of the day on Sunday, Dec. 2. Prizes include:

  • Paperback copy of my ENCHANTED Christmas Collection
  • $25 Target Gift Card
  • 25 Hand-lettered Advent Cards designed by Nicole of Nicole Letters (they’re so pretty!)
  • “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” coffee mug

Christmas Giveaway!
You’ve got multiple entry options below. Happy entering…and Merry Christmas!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 273

    1. Haha, a goat ornament?! We have a pet goat at our house, actually. xD And there are so many ornaments on our tree it is literally lop-sided.

      I love giveaways!!! I’m not sure if this is open internationally (Australian here), but I’ll enter just in case. 😉

      My favourite Christmas movie is “The Nativity Story” or “White Christmas”. 😀
      And a Christmas tradition of ours, in our extended family, is for all the kids (whether or not they’re adult age) to act out the nativity story in front of the parents/grandparents. 😛 We always somehow manage to turn it into a comedy every time, haha!

    2. I love The Christmas Card on hallmark movies and mysteries. All of the Christmas movies are great. Second best, Maggie’s Christmas miracle.

    3. This is the one book of all that I would most like a paperback copy. It is just so beautiful! And I love all the stories!

    4. My favorite Christmas memory with my family is when my two sisters and I would hunt for the Christmas presents Mother and Daddy had bought for us. One year we found them in the suitcases up in the attic. The challenge of finding the presents before Christmas was great fun!

    5. My favorite Christmas thing is my parents, grandparents, siblings and their families, and my family being gathered together. Little ones running around the house entertaining us, teens playing card games and being loud, adults drinking multiple cups of coffee and chatting…I love it all!

    6. My favorite thing is having all of my family together for food and gifts and love but that isn’t happening this year! I like reading or rereading Christmas books and listening to Christmas music.

    7. Not sure I have a favorite movie. I’ve been enjoying the Hallmark movies this year. Tradition wise, I just enjoy the extra family time we enjoy during the holidays. What a lovely gift package. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Here’s hoping…

    8. Favorite memory when I was 4 years old. I heard reindeer on our roof. When I ran into the kitchen to tell my mom and dad, being so excited and all, I saw we had a new puppy that Santa left, an all white German Shepherd who made all kinds of noise with his little feet! Of course, I knew Santa had come since I heard all those reindeer feet!

    9. There are a few things that are Christmas traditions for me:

      1. Watching White Christmas while putting up the tree.
      2. Leaving the tree lights on and sleeping by the tree on Christmas Eve.
      3. Eating donuts and cinnamon rolls Christmas morning. 🙂

    10. my favorite christmas tradition starts at thanksgiving – all the baking! i used to help my dad make a few holiday cookies and fudge. now i’ve got my own favorite holiday cookie recipes and the fudge lives on. of course, i can’t eat everything i bake, so i enjoy giving the goodies away to friends and coworkers.

    11. One of my favorite traditions is attending our Christmas Eve service. 7:00 p.m. It means that all the cooking, decorating, wrapping is finished and I can concentrate on what really matters.

    12. I love Christmas movies, especially the classics, but I always watch “A Boyfriend For Christmas”. It reminds me of a friend’s daughter who is waiting to find her special someone. I love the feelings that Christmas brings, the story of the baby born in a manger, the music, the time with family and friends, the food, and going home (even if only in our minds).

    13. My favorite Christmas movie is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. My great great aunt, Dot, got it for me one year for Christmas, and it’s been my favorite. It’s just so ridiculous. Grandma suing Santa.

    14. My favorite Christmas tradition was my Dad always arriving very early so he could go down the hall saying “Hohoho Santa’s been here!” and waking up my daughter to go see what was under the tree. It was a tradition that we all loved – including his granddaughter. When she had just turned a teenager, she actually woke up very early to get dressed and fixed up (you know teenagers when it comes to having their photos taken) and then crawled back into bed just so Pappaw could “wake her up” Christmas morning like he always did. I cherish these memories since both Dad and our daughter are together now having Christmas in heaven. <3

      Although our Christmas has changed over the years, it’s good to cherish old memories and create new ones. We just downsized and moved in our new home last year at the opposite end of the state. Been a lot of adjustments including this Christmas decorating since there’s not the room to put up the seven Christmas trees of the past. However, we will have new experiences and joys each year as we celebrate Christmas making new traditions and memories while remembering the past Christmas ones – especially when we put the ornaments on the tree and the meaning behind them to us.

      1. Thank you for sharing such precious memories. Sorry for your loss of your Dad and Daughter. We lost our oldest Grandson 31 yr. old Sept.7 and this will be his first Christmas in Heaven……Memories always puts a smile on a person’s heart when they love and have lost someone special in their life.

    15. I remember my parents taking us to a movie on Christmas eve so Santa could come while we were out. We came back to a locked apartment. It was hours before we could get in.

    16. Ohhhhh can’t wait to read this. Thanks for the opportunity! Good luck to all! Christmas is my favorite time of all. Now I’m curious as to where the goat ornament is, cause I can’t find it – where’s waldo :o)

    17. My favorite movie is Peanuts Christmas. Ah, the music of Vince Guaraldi, gone much too soon.

      I love the music of the season. Whether it’s making music or listening, it warms my heart.

    18. just want to say thank for this chance and I want to wish everyone a very special an happy holidays. I also would love to win.

    19. My favorite is decorating the Christmas tree and unpacking all our ornaments remembering the story behind each one and then enjoying it while watching The Polar Express with hot cocoa and cookies.

    20. Thanks, Melissa, for an opportunity to win your Christmas giveaway. Btw, my bookclub, Worthwhile Words for Women, just read & discussed your novel, Here To Stay, & unanimously loved it <3

    21. My favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street. I enjoy all the festive lights and decorations as well as the music.

    22. We always got new pajamas on Christmas Eve growing up. I’ve modified that for our family: I give them new PJs the day we get our Christmas tree, and then they wear them all December long!

    23. I love listening to Josh Groban and any Christmas music he sings while I read a print book with the holidays involved am disabled so I spend most of my day trying to get into the Christmas spirit doing this!

    24. So many things.. Decorating, time with family, Christmas Eve candlelight service, our appetizers all day a long with cider on Christmas Day…the list goes on.

    25. Sounds like a wonderful giveaway. I never have luck with raffle copter entries, however. Also, I’m signed up for your newsletter, so every contest asks to sign up, which has already been done. Very confusing.

    26. My favorite Christmas movie is “White Christmas”! I become a sobbing mess, but I love it! Thank you for the chance to win. Merry Christmas season! <3

    27. My favorite Christmas movie is definitely “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This summer I was exchanging e-mails with a new acquaintance and they said, “Your life story reminds me of George Bailey.” YES! Every year I watch it and cry a ton of tears… life is not always what I expect, but in so many ways it is so. much. more. and I’m thankful (through bouts of grief and discouragement) that I get to live and love the life I have. <3

    28. My favorite Christmas movie is the classic Its a Wonderful Life. Gets me every time! I also love singing Happy Birthday along with a cake, of course, to celebrate His birthday. This is a tradition I started with my kids and want to continue with my grandkids.

    29. My favorite Christmas movies are : How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Coat of Many Colors, and Elf. My fave Christmas song is: Hard Candy Christmas and I love having my extended family come and go throughout Christmas day.

    30. I love the Christmas season! I love listening to the Pentatonix Christmas albums, baking cookies, drinking eggnog and watching Hallmark Christmas movies or classic ones – like “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “White Christmas.”

    31. I grew up watching Christmas Vacation with my brother so that one is a favorite. I laugh every time I watch it. I think my favorite as an adult is The Christmas Card with Ed Asner as the dad. I love the story with the soldier and Ed’s daughter. I also love While You Were Sleeping and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Henry Winkler is awesome in this one).

    32. I love just about everything Christmas.. minus fruitcake! We always spend Christmas Eve at our Aunts house. We play games, eat and of course take in the Christmas Eve service! I love spending time with our families regardless of how much time it is. Always precious memories made! Thank you so much for the chance on the giveaway! ( even though I never win anything, I love the chance)

    33. My favorite Christmas movie is “Christmas With the Kranks” because I grew up watching it every Christmas with my whole family and I still die laughing every time I watch it. lol
      I also love watching Hallmark Christmas movies every year with my mom and sister…especially the new “When Calls the Heart” Christmas episode. 🙂
      Thanks for the giveaway!!

    34. I enjoy the Christmas Eve service at church, listening to Christmas music, Christmas goodies, and now seeing Christmas through the eyes of our grandchildren. We enjoy watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.

    35. I love your new house and decorations. But the most awesome thing I say on Instagram was your beautiful babies. You are truly blessed.

    36. My favorite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause and my best Christmas memory is riding around town looking at all the house lights!

    37. All the heart eye emojis!

      Favorite Christmas movie is definitely Christmas Vacation, although Elf is up there as well! With a toddler I am excited to re-discover some childhood classics too, like Rudolf and Frosty the Snowman!

    38. Because we bought a Balsam Hill tree last Christmas, I can now leave my Christmas tree up year round!!!!💜💜I may have an ornament addiction as well!!😍

    39. My favorite Christmas movie is “It’s A Wonderful Life”!
      My favorite memories of Christmas is having all my sister’s and their families come for Christmas and help out with Christmas dinner while listening to some Christmas carols and reading the Christmas story from the bible! 🙂

    40. Favorite Christmas movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. Tradition is putting up the Christmas tree every year…ours is a traditional tree with many ornaments collected over 35 years of marriage…many are handmade from my kids and a few that I made, others are gifts from friends through the years. Other than the bulbs that hold the color theme together…it seems that almost every ornament has a memory attached.

    41. So…I love pretty much all hallmark movies 🙂 And I love this time of year because it always gives me a happy, almost magical feeling…like the word Believe.

    42. My absolute favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 😀
      I love Chevy chase; his antics & facial expressions are like no other.
      Thanks for the sweet giveaway!!
      Happy Holidays.

    43. My favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street.
      When I was a child I wanted a Cher doll bfor Christmas.
      I was sure I wasn’t going to get her. I was surprised and thrilled
      to find waiting for me on Christmas morning.

    44. I know this may be weird…
      I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what to get each individual and then finding the absolute best deal. Since my mom has difficulty with shopping in crowds and refuses to learn the internet I get to do her shopping too.

    45. I love everything about Christmas! I have lots of great memories of Christmases as a child and with my own kids. I have lots of favorite Christmas movies, but Home Alone is the one we always watch first.

    46. I know this may be weird…
      I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what to get each individual and then finding the absolute best deal. Since my mom has difficulty with shopping in crowds and refuses to learn the internet I get to do her shopping too.

      Can you delete the others?

    47. My favorite 2 Christmas movies are The Grinch who Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey and Love Actually because it talks about all the different kinds of love and my husband proposed to me right after we saw it.

    48. Thanx for the Christmas giveaway. I love Christmas carols. My favorite is What Child is This. I play Christmas music all season long… Thanksgiving to Three Kings’ Day. I need to go look for that goat ornament!!! Merry Christmas!

    49. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! My favorite Christmas movie is the original Miracle on 34th Street and then my 2nd favorite would probably be The Shop Around the Corner.
      Happy Holidays!!

    50. My family enjoys baking and cooking Christmas Dinner together! I also, enjoy having all of my family there to celebrate!

    51. My favorite Christmas memory/tradition is breakfast at Grandmas, my favorite Christmas song is I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas, and my favorite Christmas movie is A Charlie Brown Christmas.

    52. My favorite Christmas movie is “Christmas In Connecticut” with Barbara Stanwyck. Favorite memories are our dad reading “The Night Before Christmas” when my twin and I were small as mom and older sister prepared the Christmas fixtures,opening stockings the first thing on Christmas morning.

    53. All the decorations. We put up our tree last night, earliest ever, and I love just sitting in the glow. It’s so peaceful! And all the Christmas lights are beautiful.
      I’m literally from “Christmas town” Leavenworth, WA, so it’s like part of me. I think my kids are so over it when we visit Grandma there, but I love it every time!

    54. My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve Candle light service and making a Happy Birthday Jesus cake with my little ones

    55. I LOVE ❤️ Christmas 🎄!! My favorite tradition is eating Scandinavian treats that my family brings to our large celebration 🎉

      1. AntieMelinda – Can I be your friend,? lol. I went to Scandanavia last year and absolutely love it. If I can find a good price on tickets I am going to go back.

    56. When I was a child, my brother, sister and I went to a local movie theater for a special Christmas showing and then each child got a goodie bag on the way out. It was sponsored by the local Teamsters union. Looked forward to that.

    57. Thank you for the fun giveaway Melissa! Christmas movies are so much fun . I really like the Hallmark movies during Christmas. And the old classics Miracle on 34th/ street; Bing Crosby movie and his music. I sure would enjoy the giveaway ; at church we are doing a Christmas gift box for Children and my next stop is target :0 Merry Christmas ………

    58. I loved your Christmas decorations! My kids are begging to decorate the house immediately; however, we just got back from visiting family for Thanksgiving in CA (we live in Texas and made the 24 hour drive!). We have a basketball game, play practice, church and dance in the evenings this week. Decorating will have to wait until the weekend!

    59. My favorite ornaments on a tree is my little pom pom balls that have googly eyes and glasses because they remind me of book characters in our fun series about a land where there are animals and people that talk and are completely random….like the lady in black who screams at random times about recuring nightmares and then you have a dislexic peacock named Rabbi Polar and some hairy berries named Silly, Hairy and Creeper. Hairy is the sparkle queen of Oooka Chewobie.

    60. My grandmother and mother used to make Swiss cookies and bread at Christmas time. Now my sister has taken over the Swiss baking duties. She loves to bake. She makes the Swiss bread throughout the year and usually saves us a loaf. Best sister ever!!

      One year my mother made matching pajamas and nightgowns for all the grandkids. I think she had at least 15 at that time. They all looked adorable!

      1. Winnie – what Swiss bread does you sister make and would she share the recipe? I am trying to collect recipes from the countries that I have been to.

    61. Hubs is as a big of fan of the Hallmark Christmas shows as I am. Christmas is both of our favorite time of the year! MERRY CHRISTMAS, Melissa!!

    62. What a wonderful giveaway Melissa. I love everything about Christmas. I love all of the Halllmark Christmas movies but my favorite feel good movie is The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Jack Black. I would love to be transported to that little cottage.

    63. I LOVE Christmas and enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies immensely – and I just found out that at least FOUR of them have been made in the northern Ontario town that I grew up in (my parents still live there) How cool is that???
      Christmas in Angel Falls
      A Veteran’s Christmas
      Northern Lights of Christmas
      Christmas Inheritance

    64. Ahhhh! Just one? That will never do! Soooo…I love watching all our favorite family Christmas movies (The grinch, A Christmas Story, Elf) and The Christmas Card and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year on Hallmark. I love watching A Christmas Carol with my sweet daddy, (and our annual Christmas shopping trip for my mom), and being apart of the singing Christmas tree Cantata at my church. And singing Silent Night on Christmas Eve, coming home to get in our Christmas Eve comfy pajamas, and waking up to Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream on top…ok. I love it ALLLLL. It is so the Most Wonderful Time of the Year for me! 😀

    65. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

      My fave Christmas movie is A Charlie Brown Christmas. Fave Christmas song is 12 days of Christmas.

    66. I love the lights at Christmastime! It makes everything so pretty! I also love watching Hallmark movies with my daughters and getting together with my family. It’s such a special time of year!

    67. Our favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the house together and baking cookies together, yes all 14 of us. My husband and I have a dozen children 🙂

    68. My favorite Christmas movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. My facorite Christmas song is Mary Did you Know? Your blog is super popular!

    69. Our favorite Christmas tradition is watching “White Christmas” on Christmas Eve while eating Chinese food. There is a story behind the Chinese food. 🙂

    70. Melissa, first of all . . . I love your current look—both your website and your headshot. So nice!

      The Christmas movie that has been on my mind lately is Holiday Inn. I love it! Along with It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and the Christmas Child.

    71. Watching Christmas family movies, munching on Christmas goodies,{ reading a Christmas book.} Playing Christmas games Baking cookies building a Holiday house.

    72. I seriously cannot find the goat. I think I’m blind.

      But yes, our family decorated our tree a couple days after Thanksgiving. Always love this time of year. <3

    73. Traditions! I love following the traditions I grew up with. A favorite tradition is homemade sticky buns after Christmas Eve service. My grandmother would be pulling them from the oven as soon as we got home. So delicious! And of course, the left over sticky buns and homemade raisin bread for Christmas morning breakfast.

    74. My favorite Christmas movies are the new Miracle on 34th Street and the very first Santa Claus movie with Tim Allen. It is a tradition in my family every year to watch the Santa Claus 🎅 movie every holiday season between thanksgiving and Christmas 🎄

    75. Favorite Christmas movie: A Christmas Story; Favorite Christmas memories (have to make it plural): the Christmas Eve church services, candlelight Christmas concerts, baking figure cookies with my mom, seeing my father’s enjoyment of the Christmas tree, being with family

    76. Wow! So generous. What a neat gift bundle 😊
      My favorite part of Christmas is the twinkling lights of the tree and watching my children’s faces light up with the magic of Christmas ❤️

    77. I just love watching “White Christmas” every year! And then Hallmark movies near the fire with some peppermint hot chocolate.

    78. I have several favorite memories of childhood Christmases. One is of dad reading us the Christmas story from Luke in the Bible. We would go to church on Christmas Eve. When we came home all of us kids would have to go to bed and Dad and Mom would fill the stockings hung on the stair railing. Though they tried to be quiet about it, they’d always drop some candy or nuts on the floor. In the morning we would go downstairs and see all the wrapped gifts under the tree but we always had to wait to open them. My dad was a dairy farmer and the milking had to be done first, then Dad had to eat breakfast. THEN, we could open gifts. It was so hard to wait!

    79. Some of my favorite Christmas memories revolve around making preparations when I was little. I remember mom always making fudge and divinity. Dad always got shelled pecans, peanuts, and ribbon candy. I remember making ornaments and decorations. It would take us a whole day to get our tree up because before we could put the branches in, each branch had five or six sprockets and each sprockett held five or six sections of greenery. It was a very old tree, but it helds a lot of memories.

    80. I guess my favorite movie would be Home Alone because it is my special needs son favorite and I love to watch him laugh

    81. Love that you have a goat ornament!! Now I have to go find it 😉 Also, love your Enchanted Christmas novella! I read the first one last year and I need to see it as a hallmark movie! It would be perfect!! I’m planning on reading the other two as soon as this semester is over 🙂

    82. I’m thankful for the true meaning of the season, the birth of Jesus, our Savior! I enjoy any Christmas movie, Christmas cards and a snowy Christmas Eve!!

    83. Love going to a piano concert with my mom. Love watching Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Love just making memories with my mom and husband! Thanks for the opportunity to win awesome prizes!

    84. My favorite Christmas tradition is that we celebrate with my husband’s family on Christmas eve, my family Christmas day, and then wait until Epiphany to have our own family celebration with gifts.

    85. We love all the old Christmas cartoons. Watch them every year. One of our traditions is reading a different Christmas story every night in December ending with the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve.

    86. Is the goat hanging on the mantle? Thank you for sharing your writing talents with us. Have a wonderful Christmas season. 🙂

    87. When we were younger, my sister and I would spend Christmas Eve with our dad. We would have hot chocolate and popcorn while watching a Christmas movie. That’s one of my favorite traditions.

    88. My favorite movie. The Miracle on 34th Street (the original). My favorite family traditions: new pjs right before bed on Christmas Eve, a new ornament for each family member that represents a special event or memory from that year, and monkey bread and hot cocoa for Christmas morning

    89. My fav movie is While You Were Sleeping. I need to watch it at least once a year. I’m waiting until my daughter comes home from college so we can watch it together again. Otherwise, I love feeding my peeps at Christmas (and all throughout the year) so I’ve been baking loads of cookies and have also put some meals into the freezer so we can spend more time together during the holidays without me spending all day in the kitchen.

    90. I love all the Hallmark Christmas movies and White Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and take time to rest soak in the love of the Lord! 🙂

    91. I love White Christmas and The Santa Clause movies! My favorite tradition is baking cookies with my 3 daughters while listening to christmas music and then making up trays for family, friends, and neighbors! It was how I was with my mom and grandma and now me with my girls!

    92. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity. It’s an awesome prize package.

      My most favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street. I prefer the classic version from 1947, but one turn down watching the one from 1994. 😁

    93. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is making soft ginger cookies to share with family and friends. This year, my sister’s new college roommates are looking forward to them as well! 🙂

    94. I enjoy the original version of Miracle on 34th Street, but also enjoy Peanuts Christmas. I especially enjoy listening to Christmas music as I decorate the house. Christmas Eve service is a tradition I enjoy.

    95. I love Christmas movies!!! Honestly don’t know which is my favorite! Christmas Shoes is always a favorite. So is Gift of Love. Christmas Kiss is a good one…the list just keeps on! 😊

    96. I LOVE White Christmas! And The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (cartoon fisrt, but Jim Carrey is pretty good, too). Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, Mickey’s Christmas Carol and Small One are all viewed at least once as well. Another one of my favorite things about Christmas is our traditional German/Prussian Christmas Eve dinner of Eisbein, as a soup. (Our family recipe looks better than some of those out on the internet!) And Aebleskivers, for the Danish side of the family, for breakfast on Christmas day. Movies and food – two of my favorite things no matter what! ☺️

    97. Too many wonderful Christmas memories & fun traditions to name, so I’ll just mention my favorite Christmas movie 🙂
      White Christmas

    98. I love a lot of Christmas movies. My favorite memory is waking up as a young girl to a decorated tree and presents on Christmas morning, so magical. My parents waited til we went to bed on Christmas Eve to do it all

    99. One of our favorite Hallmark movies is titled the same as the words on the cup! Our fav Christmas activity is making cookies and candies using Gramma’s recipes. (I didn’t see the goat)

    100. My favorite Christmas memories are attending Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with family then eating finger foods and playing games while singing Christmas carols. Love my family.

    101. I’m such a softie for the classics! I adore Holiday Inn and White Christmas. I also want to tear up a little every time I hear the Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. It’s kinda’ awkward when it happens out in public! lol

    102. I also LOVE Christmas. Christmas music is THE best. I listen to it all year—while gardening, cleaning, cooking, etc. It lifts my spirits. I don’t know that I can pick a favorite movie. The oldies are especially amazing—White Christmas, etc.

    103. My fave Christmas movie is Christmas with the Pranks. I love Christmas and everything it stands for. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway 🎄🎅

    104. Baking cookies with my grandma is my favorite Christmas memories! A Shopping trip with my mom and two sisters is my favorite tradition.

    105. I’m gonna keep this simple and say my favorite Christmas movie, only how am I supposed to pick just one? 🙂

      White Christmas, Holiday Inn, and It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, fit in the very Christmasy category. A couple of my family’s favorites are Stalag 17 and We’re No Angels; though neither are very Christmasy in focus, they both take place on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    106. my favorite christmas tradition is going shopping with friends and family.
      they shop until they drop and i just go along for the ride.
      the best part of it is, that it doesn’t cost me a thing.

    107. The goat decoration is darling and I stay up past my bedtime to read, also. We put new lights up on the eave of our house Saturday in 80 degree weather. It was so fun when our 2 year old grandson came over to see them! This year will be full of excitement as he understands about Christmas and is learning the Baby Jesus story. I’m thrilled to decorate the house and adding new decor just to delight him!
      Thank you for your giveaway opportunity, Melissa! Christmas books fill my soul and I collect them.
      Merry Christmas!

    108. Merry Christmas indeed!!! Thank you for the chance to win! Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love Christmas books! A couple of my favorites are:
      * The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs. It’s a wonderful read to tune my heart to God.
      * The House Without a Christmas Tree by Gail Rock. I’ve been reading it every Christmas since I was a little girl.
      * Room for a Little One by Martin Waddell. Just the sweetest little book to read with my little ones.
      * Tonight You Are My Baby: Mary’s Christmas Gift by Jeannine Q. Norris. So beautiful and another great one to read with the littles.
      I could go on and on, but those four are definitely among my faves. Thank you again!

    109. A favorite Christmas tradition is slipping away for a weekend in December to a Victorian Inn located in Vermont. It is a lovely getaway for us before we head into the holiday week.

    110. My favorite parts of the holidays is helping my kids make memories; baking and snuggling up with Christmas movies are pretty much at the top of the list though.

    111. Hi Melissa! I love Christmas, too! Especially the weeks that precede the actual day. I love the atmosphere, the lights and the joy I can feel around me. Such a magical time of the year!

      I’m not sure I can enter the giveaway as I’m Italian, but in any case… Merry Christmas!

    112. I love Mickey Christmas carol. its always a lot of fun getting to see it with my niece and nephew. they are so cute and always tradition to watch it on Christmas eve

    113. I loved the time when I was young and right after we got done with breakfast on Christmas day my family would all sit around and my dad would read the Biblical story of Christmas before anyone would open a gift.
      When I got married my husband and I carried this tradition on yet we added a little bit to it. We have a nativity set and the baby Jesus is not placed into the set until Christmas morning. He is the first gift opened. This is to remind us of the true gift given to us.

    114. drinking hot cocoa with my grandkids watching all the christmas classics like rudolph and frosty and just enjoying the magic of christmas through their eyes

    115. I recently read book 1 of the Maple Valley series and really liked it! I have book 2 on my Christmas wish list. My favorite parts of Christmas are Hallmark movies, Christmas cards, and visiting my in-laws. 🙂

    116. Every Christmas I have to listen to Roch Voisine’s Christmas Album. It’s something I’ve listened to since childhood. It never fails to put me in a festive mood.

    117. I love to watch tons of Christmas movies!! Home Alone, The Christmas Story, Grinch, White Christmas…on and on!! Merry Christmas!!🎄

    118. Every year we buy a new ornament that represents that year for us. I love putting them on the tree each year and remembering those previous years.

    119. I love watching old Christmas movies with the kids. It’s neat to get them into the movies we watched as kids growing up.

    120. My favorite memories is after my grandparents adopted my sister and I how wonderful Christmas time came for us. My grandparents always did all they could to make Christmas special for us. They didn’t have a lot but they made us feel like they did. Our first Christmas with them I was 11 and they made me believe in Santa for the 1st time at that age.

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