It’s a Double Birthday Bash Giveaway!

(In celebration of my birthday and the release of my fourth and final Walker Family book, I’m giving away a $25 VISA gift card plus ALL FOUR Walker novels! Find all the giveaway entry details at the bottom of this post. 🙂 )

You guys…it’s my birthday. And the book birthday for All This Time!! Not gonna lie, I’m more excited about the latter than the former. I feel like I did way more work writing this book than I ever did, like, being born.

21687099_1624456100906310_4303990276545166984_o (1)My inclination today is to write a long and rambling blog post about the release of All This Time. Or, no, not so much about the release…but about the writing of this book. Because writing this one…

…it was entirely different.
And entirely the same.

It stretched me like the others. It changed me like the others. And like the others, it beckoned me places I hadn’t expected to go.

But it also eluded me in a way I haven’t experienced in a long while. Bear—OH MY HEART!!—was like this 3D origami creation and digging into his backstory was like unfolding the paper and then writing his current journey was like trying to re-fold the paper…and I kept failing miserably. (This analogy only works if you’re as bad at origami as I am.)

And Raegan Walker…

Raegan wasn’t supposed to be like me. I’m Kate Walker, you guys. When I wrote From the Start (Kate’s story), I wrote myself onto the page in a way that freaked. me. out. Vulnerability is not my favorite thing. But as I set out to write Raegan’s story, I thought, “Oh good. This character is quite a bit different than me. It won’t be nearly as scary to write her into existence as it was Kate.”

All This Time 3D-croppedBut oh no. Raegan had to face her fears in this book, which eventually led to me facing my own fears—fears I wouldn’t have even been able to name prior to writing this story. And, frankly, it became much more personal than I wanted it to be. (No, I don’t struggle with the exact same things Raegan does. But the way she hides from the hard emotions, her tendency to go numb—I know a little about that.)

And so, today, I’m tempted to wax eloquent about all of this. To tell you all about my excitement and all about my nerves and all about the hundred and one emotions I felt while writing this book.

But you know what I really want to say? More than anything?

I want to say THANK YOU.

Thank you for reading this Walker Family series. Thank you for letting me put my heart in your hands over and over. Thank you for the reader notes and the reviews and the social media interaction and everything.

Thank you for letting all four Walker siblings—Logan and Kate and Beckett and Raegan—and their dad and their various love interests into your life. Thank you for your repeat visits to Maple Valley. Thank you for letting me gush . . . especially about Logan. LOL!

Thank you for being part of a very personal dream-come-true. I’ve wanted to write books since I was a little kid. I literally don’t remember ever wanting to do anything other than write books. (Except be a rock star. Thankfully, there came a point where I realized my years of piano lessons and fair-to-middling singing voice just weren’t going to cut it. I now feed that longing by following my favorite band around the country and it’s working out pretty darn good if I do say so myself.)

I’m so thankful for this journey. I say frequently that writing, for me, feels like a lifeline to God. I just told a friend the other day that when my faith feels dim, the one thing that lights it up again is writing. It’s how I figure out what I feel and why. It’s how I hear God’s voice. Some people get that through worship at church or through nature or through daily disciplines. I find those divine whispers when I write.

And I’m just so grateful.

Thank you.

Melissa First Name Sig




p.s. I’ve have a lot of people ask me what’s next after this series. If all goes as planned, I’ll be releasing One Enchanted Noel, the final Enchanted Christmas novella, later this holiday season…and the whole collection should release in paperback. (Finally!) And after that…well, that’s something I’m still discovering. 🙂 I’ve got ideas, I’ve got inklings of potential plans and opportunities…but I want to get through the holiday season before committing. Haha! I can tell you this: You most likely haven’t seen the end of Maple Valley. And there are definitely some side characters waiting in the wings for their own books. 😉

Giveaway Time!

In celebration of my birthday and All This Times birthday, I’m giving away a $25 VISA gift card plus ALL FOUR Walker Family novels. YAY! Already have the books? Well, they just might make a great Christmas present for a reading friend. To enter, just use the form below.

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    Comments 371

    1. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on your accomplishment. I’m looking forward to reading One Enchanted Noel. I loved the other 2 in the series.

    2. Happy double Birthday❣❣❣❣I hope many mini goats and guzzlers for you today. What am I excited about today???? Getting word that our new home is ready and we can move into in a couple of weeks!!!!

    3. Aww, what a sweet heartfelt post, Melissa! You always make me smile. <3 And I can't wait to read Rae and Bear's story!!! I'm hoping to actually receive it for MY birthday in a couple weeks – birthday celebrations all around!
      I'm so excited for this book. Your writing is amazing!
      Thank you for YOU!! Happy Birthday!!!!

    4. Happy Birthday!! Today is my best friends birthday also! We live on the east and west coast! So far! We love to read! Looking forward to reading when recovering from surgery in November! I hope your birthday is super special!!

    5. Congratulations I’m excited to read All This Time and that canning season is almost finished, as I’m tired. That will give me more time to read.

    6. Wow, congrats!!! (And Happy Birthday, haha! ;))

      Just a question – is the giveaway open worldwide? Is it applicable to lil’ old me in Australia, I mean? 😉

    7. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! I am looking forward to having family over on Saturday for a good old fashioned comfort meal (big pot of pinto’s,cornbread and fried taters with corned beef)

    8. What am I excited about? I really am excited for fall weather (considering it has been in the 90s for the past few days)!! It is my favorite season!!

    9. I have loved all of your books so far and look forward to reading this one. I am excited because it FINALLY rained here yesterday evening and this morning! I was so happy about the rain yesterday that I broke out into song–and then my son asked me to stop–but it hasn’t rained here in over a month!

    10. Happy birthday!!! And congrats on the release of your book! Enjoy your day celebrating. 🙂

      I WAS excited to meet up with a friend for lunch, but she had to cancel…so I guess now I’m excited for the weekend to arrive, lol. 😉

    11. Yay yay yay! Congratulations 🙂 I just finished reading From the Start for the first time and I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!

    12. Happy Birthday! I’m excited that we are going on vacation in about ten days -and that it is finally cooling down here. Now, if we could get some rain….

    13. Happy Release Day and Happy Birthday! I’m excited that in 2 weeks I’m going to be in the presence of Chris Hemsworth since I got picked to go to the Thor Ragnarok premiere event with my blog! Swoon……………

    14. HappyBirtgday!!
      What a gift to have your book come out today. Facing my fears is all I have been doing in the last few months and I am excited to read the book. I love reading your books because they are so real.
      Have a great day!

    15. I cannot wait to read Bear and Raegan’s story but it’s bittersweet to have the final chapter of a series I’ve loved so much in hand. Thank you for 4 wonderful books that both challenge and encourage.

    16. Happy Birthday Melissa! Congratulations on the release of your book. Enjoy every minute of it! I’m going out to get your book now. So excited to see it coming and that all your effort will finally pay off!

    17. Excited to read it, excited to be hopping back to the early 2000s to make a compilation cd for my sister, excited that it’s getting COOLER here in the midwest!

    18. I am excited for you, Melissa. It is your birthday and you are having an exciting giveaway. I am excited for you since it is more blessed to give than receive, who knows what will happen for you?!

    19. Happy Birthday Melissa. I’m excited to read your new book & also to celebrate my sons 40th Birthday this Saturday. Thanks for your great generosity.

    20. Happy Birthday! This is a birthday of special people. One of my son-in-law is celebrating his birthday today too! Have a great day!

    21. Happy birthday!
      I am excited because we are finally having fall weather today! (And I noticed someone else already said this, lol, but our high is supposed to be 20 degrees cooler than yesterday–bring it on!!)

    22. I don’t get too excited about much. But I am glad that I am able to be a listening ear and pray for my daughters during difficult times. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your new book and your birthday. Special days!!!

    23. Had All This Time delivered to my Kindle this morning from Amazon! Can’t wait to read it, but am SO sad this series is ending! Can you let all the characters start having kids and fast forward to the future with a new series based on the kids’ lives?? Lol! Love the Walkers!

    24. Happy Birthday! Happy Release Day! And happy completion day of your series! You are a new author to me, and I am excited about reading some of your books…and, hopefully winning some. Have a blessed day!

    25. I am super excited to read your new book. I have been waiting FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! HaHa. 😉 Also excited my nephew is coming for a visit starting Saturday!

    26. I can’t wait to read Regan and Bear’s story. I have loved reading about the Walker family. I love reading your books!! Can’t wait to read your next book. Thank you for letting God use your talent thru writing clean Christian romance stories.

    27. I’m excited that the weather has cooled down. Starting today we are going to be in the low 70’s! Happy Birthday to you!

    28. I have waited for Bear’s story since day one and it has not disappointed! While I’m sad to see the Walker Family stories end, I can’t wait to see what you have in store. Happiest of birthdays to you!

    29. I’m excited that my husband is coming home today. He’s been traveling for work and I get a whole three days before his next trip! 🙂 Happy birthday, Melissa! Thanks for the giveaway and for the amazing books you put in my hands.

    30. I’m excited because in just 2 weeks I will be flying to Peru for a medical missions trip! Haven’t been on a mission trip in many years so I am very excited! (Not about the 8-10 hours of hiking every other day to get to our locations but that is part of the trip!)

    31. I am so excited for many things! Today is also our dear granddaughter’s 26th birthday! She is more like my daughter since her mother died right after she was born. Even though she lives far away she is near in my heart.
      Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary! We are going to the local school’s Grandparents Day (even though we don’t have any grandkids there) and spend an hour with the children who would otherwise be alone.
      I love that it is Book Release Day too!

    32. I’m excited that it’s your birthday, cause my darling grandaughters was the 24th, my darling daughter was the 27th, my boss is the 28th, and mine is the 29th! No wonder I love your books! Happy Birthday!

    33. Happy Birthday Melissa! I hope you have a wonderful day. And wonderful year also!
      I’m excited about getting some yard work done yesterday. I hope to get more done today when I get back from the post office and finding treasures at the junk stores.

    34. Today is a beautiful day in PA, fall is in the air, and my son has a soccer game tonight. Perfect evening.

      I am also excited that your book is being released today! Keep up the great work and Happy Birthday. 🙂

    35. I’ve only been able to read the 1st chapter since I’m about to start my drive, but can I just say, “oh my! What an opening!” So excited to read this one! =D

    36. Nice! Congrats! I’m pretty excited today, too! My birthday is on the 30th, and this week I’m celebrating the release of my newest book. So, we have the same type of week going on. 🙂 Happy Birthday!

    37. I am excited about reading All This Time! I am also excited about the fall season! Happy Birthday, Melissa! I have loved all of your books!

    38. I am excited about life just because excitement is contagious. Reading how excited you are about this book makes me happy in turn. Happy [book] Birthday!!!!

    39. Happy birthday!!! I would like to say I am excited about the new knee I received a week ago but right now a good night sleep pain free would be more exciting. I am excited about the chance to win your books. I haven’t read any of them and now would be a good time. I have been reading almost a book a day since my surgery. More books are always welcone. Congratulations on your new book.

    40. Happy birthday! I’m excited for your new release as well and that we share the same name (not many do you know ) and we share our birthday month (9/11)!

    41. Happy birthday and happy release day! I am excited to read “All This Time”! I’m also excited because I just finished James Scott Bell’s “Write Your Novel From the Middle” and its been so good for my own writing! I have so many ideas now for my current work in progress!

    42. Happy Birthday to you! And, Happy Birthday to “All This Time”! Celebrate!
      I’m excited to see my grandson in Colorado and spend time with family!

    43. Happy Birthday! I’m excited to read the rest of this series. I just found it and recently finished Three Little Words and From the Start. I need to find out what happens to the rest of the family!

    44. Happy Birthday! I am excited that fall is here! We have had a couple days of snow and some rain which helped with the fires! The smoke is gone and I can see the mountains, clouds, and blue sky! Haven’t seen those since the end of June. I love this series and can’t wait to read this book! Have a fabulous day!

    45. I’m excited about a writing retreat with my sister. Hopefully we will create something wonderful while drinking recently discovered lemon drop martinis. 🙂

    46. Congratulations. This is so exciting. And Happy Double Birthday.
      I am excited to day about my husband coming home from a work week in VA
      and my sister gets out of the hospital today. I am also excited that today is going to be in the low seventies instead of the nineties..

    47. I am excited for you! Happy Birthday! I am excited about seeing my grandsons (13 & 9½) tonight! And, I’m enjoying the fall weather in NE Ohio–we broke record highs (in the 90s!) this past week, & today, there is a beautiful cool breeze–ahhh…my windows are open! 🙂

    48. Sending lots of Happy Birthday wishes to you today!! Today I’m excited to see my breast surgeon and, hopefully, receive the good news I’ve been waiting for! Thanks for the giveaway.

    49. Congratulations on the release of your book 🙂 and your birthday! I love your stories and am really eager to read this latest one!

    50. I am so excited to read the last installment in the Walker family series. I’m laid up after major foot surgery, and this will help keep my mind off my foot. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every book so far, and can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for writing interesting, realistic stories that touch lives and point us all to the Savior who heals brokenness and brings reconciliation.

    51. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! It looks so cool. I’m excited today for your book as well- I haven’t read all of this series, but the first books were really good, and I want to read the others sometime. And I loved Bear and Raegan in the first books!

      Congratulations on completing this series. Really sorry that I didn’t get in on the street team for this final book. It’s a great series.
      As for why I am happy today? It’s Thursday, so I will be visiting with my daughter and granddaughter’s. ❤ Hugs!

    53. I adore your books, especially the Walker family books. They are funny, sweet, deep, and all around awesome stories. I am excited to read Reagan & Bear’s story and I am really excited about this giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win. I would love to have actual copies of these stories. Happy Birthday and Happy launch day! Best wishes!

    54. Happy birthday, doubly so !

      I am looking forward to a fun Saturday plan with the family , heading down to Atlanta to see Cirque du Soleil=)

    55. Melissa, I loved, LOVED this post. And your last book in this series? I NEED to read it. It sounds like it delves into some of the issues God’s been working with me on.

      Happy, happy birthday, my friend!

      What I’m excited about is beginning a new story. It’s been awhile, and I’m loving getting to know my two main characters.

    56. Happy birthday, Melissa! I am excited about my upcoming birthday/35th anniversary trip with my husband. We are going away for two whole weeks- just the two of us!

    57. I’m excited about reading your book! Happy birthday! By the way, it would be nice sometime to have a chronological list of your books – like, where exactly in the Walker Family books do the Christmas books fit??

    58. I’m exited for the cooler weather, for getting our homeschool year on track, and to be able to be with my kids every day. I also get excited to read new books.

    59. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day!
      I, too, want to write a book and have started research on the 1970s, when I grew up in Southern California. It’s way past time for the West Coast to be the area where the story unfolds, as beach stories are usually on the East Coast, or a lake.

    60. Happy Birthday!!!
      I’m super excited about this book!! Can’t wait to read it!!
      And we’re celebrating two other birthdays here today so it’s an exciting day all around!

    61. Happy Happy Birthday………i will be happy if i can go to sleep and sleep ALL day long…….but i know i won’t …..but will be happy that God allowed me to wake up too……i just know i feel better the longer i sleep. Anyway i hope that you have a very good Birthday!!!!

    62. I’m so excited for the story between Bear and Raegan, I have been looking forward to it for a long time. I can never get enough of this family either, I love them.

    63. Oh, Melissa! I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book!!!! It made me stay up way too late, and have all the emotions!! As always, it was like hanging out with you (which we need to actually do sometime!!!)!. Happiest of birthdays today!!

    64. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on the new book. I’m thankful for my family and friends, this past Saturday they got together and threw me a surprise party for my birthday. It was very unexpected and very much appreciated.

    65. I am so excited to get to travel with Life Action Ministries this year!! We go into churches and do revivals for the Christians in the church. I’m working as Children’s Minister for 4 yr – 1st graders and it’s so fun to see then change and grow in Christ.

    66. Happy Birthday!!!! I am happy to see the leaves start changing into beautiful colors. Also I am very happy to spend time with my grand daughter

    67. Happy Birthday to you and your book, double blessings. I am most excited about my husband’s job interview, hoping for new things for him.

    68. I’m excited because you and I have so much in common!!!

      First, our names both have “Mel” in it.
      Second, our Birthdays are practically the same day! Happy Birthday btw. Mine was yesterday.
      And Third, we love your writing and stories 😀

      I don’t know if this giveaway is good for Canadians, but you can’t get mad at a girl for trying!

    69. Happy birthday! I’m excited about today’s book release because I’ve been so looking forward to this story–as a former missionary and having to face my own fears, I’m really anticipating how Reagan and Bear’s story will play out!

    70. Happy double birthday, Melissa!!

      Since I have cancer for the 3rd time – stage 4 metastatic, this time – I’m excited about each day God gives me!!

      Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, Melissa!!

    71. Happy birthday and Happy Book Birthday! I’m excited about reading your books! Love finding new(to me) authors, and giveaway posts are a great way that I have found many. Excited to delve into your books!

    72. Happy Birthday, Melissa! I love the Walker family books and can’t wait to read All this Time. And I love Maple Valley so I would LOVE to see more books with that as the setting. I want to visit Maple Valley : )

    73. Happy birthday and happy book birthday!! I’m so excited for you!! As for me, I’m somewhat excited about going on our first overnight camping trip tomorrow. I’d be more excited if I wasn’t coming down with a cold!! Lol

    74. I’m excited that you think more Maple Valley characters need their own stories. We don’t have to say goodbye!! <3. And I can't wait to read One Enchanted Noel!

    75. Can’t wait to read this! Would LOVE copies of all of these, have borrowed them, and would love the hard copies!!! Will read and review it regardless! Here’s hoping!!! Thank you for your creative work!

    76. What am I excited about?

      This giveaway. That All This Time is out now. That my best friend just got a great new job. That fall weather has finally kicked in!

    77. Happy Birthday, Melissa!! I was so excited to have a few minutes before work this morning so I could read the first 1.5 chapters of All This Time! I can’t wait to read more this afternoon. Thank you for blessing us with your words and being such a fun author to hang around with online. 🙂 May your year ahead be full of joy!

    78. I’m excited that the move is finally over. That we are moved in and the mostly every thing put away into our dream home in the Ozark Mountains. We decided that if we were ever going to do it that it was now or never. So we sold out in the southern part of the state and had our small dream home built. Then the work began when we had to actually move for the first time in almost 30 years. Oh my! With medical problems it was a slow go but now we can sit back and enjoy life, our new home and the mountains. 🙂

    79. Well, for one thing, I’m excited about this giveaway (because, really, a chance to win books? Eek!) But I’m also excited about the sunshine that’s trying to peek through. And the gradual return of the writing spark that I’ve been missing all summer…

      Thanks for this giveaway, Melissa. Happy birthday!

    80. Happy Birthday and Happy Book Release Day!
      I’m excited that it’s my favorite time of the year. Cooler weather!
      Thanks for the giveaway!

    81. Happy Birthday, Melissa!

      I’ve only read two of the books from the Walker family collection, but I look forward to reading the others. 🙂

      Great job. Keep it up. 🙂

    82. Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway! I am excited today about the fall weather and hopefully, finally, getting a chance to bake zucchini and pumpkin bread. Yum!

    83. Hi! Congrats on finishing this series! Cannot wait for One Enchanted Noel! 🙂

      I’m excited it’s fall! I love the changing leaves and the cooler weather. ❤

      Happy Birthday!

    84. I’m excited about your birthday and book birthday, too! Happy birthdays! I’m excited that your book showed up on my kindle last night. I’m also excited about being able to see all my kids and grandkids this weekend.

    85. First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
      Second of all, I am excited that you are a new author to me and I will look for your books. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    86. Melissa,
      I am so exxiteexciteds to read your new book! I hope you have the happiest of birthdays!!!

      I love that we’re two big NTB fans too!

    87. Happy Birthday X2! Right now I am excited to know your new book is waiting on my Kindle. I have been looking forward to Raegan and Bear’s story. A trip to Maple Valley is just what I need right now, and I have a week long vacation coming up, so I will have plenty of time to read.

    88. Hi Melissa and Happy Birthday. I am excited that it is a beautiful day, I am able to get outside to enjoy it and I just won a Kindle Fire and I have it registered!
      Thanks for this giveaway!

    89. Happy Birthday! I’m excited that we get to go visit our granddaughter in less than 1 month. (She lives over 1000 miles away, so we don’t get to see her very often.)

    90. I have loooved the Walker family and feel very sad about it ending. You have been a favorite go-to author for me. Thanks for the contest and may God continue to bless you and your writing.

    91. Happy birthday! I love your books. I’m excited that I have a night without ANY activities planned. Time to curl up with a good book and relax.

    92. Hope you have an awesome day! Happy birthday!! AND Congratulations on your book release and completion of your series!! Oh, and I’m excited about the weekend finally coming, lol ;p Shine on

    93. Loved the books I read so far. Can’t wait to read this one! I’m excited about new books to read and that it has finally cooled off here in Ontario Canada. Happy birthday!

    94. Happy Birthday and Release Day! Everything I’m excited about is happening at least a week in the future. April 15 is a concert, November 12 is my sister’s birthday, November 10 is the start of the basketball season… my grandmother is coming to visit us soon, so that’s the closest exciting thing that will be happening. 😉


    95. I am excited because I get to go watch my eight-year-old grandson play coach-pitch baseball this evening. You may think I’m just a proud Grandaddy, but he is GOOD! In three games, he already has six homeruns and has made some very good plays at first base. I LOVE watching him!

    96. Congrats and Happy Birthday! Today I’m just excited to get some snail mail ready for the post office. It’s the little things:)

    97. Happy birthday and release day. I’m excited about seeing my daughter soon who lives out of state. Hoping to win some books that my budget hasn’t allowed me to buy yet is a great possibility.

    98. I am definitely excited to read Bear and Reagan’s story… about Fall and the cooler temps… about my bday in 11 days… and about spending time with grands!! Happy Birthday!

    99. Two of these days ago we break records for heat in Buffalo, NY. Who heard of 91 in September! I’m grateful for our normal 60’s again.

    100. Also I am so sorry! I just entered and then realised I can’t – I live in Australia so I’m really sorry about that! Should have read the terms and conditions first 🙂

    101. Happy birthday Melissa! I hope you have an especially blessed day (and eat cake too)!!

      My son won a $300 tuition voucher in a raffle at his college “Welcome Back” BBQ last night!!! I’d say that’s something to get excited about 🙂

      And I also found out today that I won a huge 15 + book giveaway for a mix of Christian Suspense novels plus a brand new Kindle Fire!! So yea, I’d say I’m pretty stoked about that too 🙂

      Thank you for the gift card and book series chance.

    102. Congratulations on your new book.
      I’m excited that fall is finally here, and it’s almost October.
      I go on vacation the last week in October every year.
      I’m excited for your new book.
      I’m excited that Christmas is coming and my daughter and son-in-law will be here.

    103. I’m excited for you!! And for me cause I get to read your new book!!!! Also, hope you have a blessed birthday. (My insta name is ‘sarahwollm’ I accidentally hit enter before I was finished)

    104. Happy birthday, Melissa! I am so excited to read Bear and Raegan’s story! I recently re-read the entire series (and the Enchanted stories) and am really looking forward to seeing how Raegan uses that airline voucher…

    105. I’m just excited I got to “re-meet” you at ACFW and you didn’t think I was a little creepy for all the stalking I do (or if you did, you hid it really well.)

      And I’m excited for Bear & Raegan and all the Walker Family love again!!!

    106. Happy Birthday! I haven’t been able to read this series of books yet but I did read one of your novellas and really liked it. One thing I get excited about is receiving books in the mail! I always love to read. Thanks for having this giveaway.

    107. Happy double birthday! I accidentally submitted my entry for the newsletter before completely typing out my email address. Anyway it is the same as above.

    108. Now that the last book is birthed, I can begin the series. Yes. I am one of those readers. The ones who need to read an entire series all at once. I have the first one, but have been waiting to start it until the series was done. Now I can. Whew!

    109. I’m excited (but also sad) that I finally get to read Reagan and Bear’s story! I hate to see the end of the Walker family series, though. Happy Birthday, Melissa!

    110. Happy Birthday! My excitement today was to have an Aromatherapy Scalp Treatment at the Spa my daughter works at… it was heavenly

    111. Happy birthday ma’am. I’m excited that cooler weather is coming. It’s time for comfort food! Then Holiday’s coming also!
      Thank you for the chance to win these amazing books! Belssings!

    112. I am exceited for your book – I’ve been excited for it since I knew it was coming out. ditto for the Christmas novellas which are special to me. Also excited for my son’s wedding coming up in a few weeks 🙂

    113. I’m excited about fall because my b-day is close to Thanksgiving.I have so much to be thankful for.I’m also excited about your giveaway. Thank you for the chance & Happy Birthday ☺

    114. Happy Birthday Melissa! I’m very excited to read “All This Time!” Thanks for writing great stories for us all to enjoy and that warm our hearts!

    115. Happy Birthday or Froliche Geburtstag in German. Awesome prize package! Would love to win the set of books on the Walker family.

    116. I’m excited to spend time tomorrow at the local pumpkin patch with my kids and grandkids!

      I’m also excited about reading Bear and Raegan’s story. I have enjoyed the other Walker family books very much. Thank you for sharing the talent God gave you with us. Keep writing. Happy Birthday!

    117. I absolutely love behind the scenes information! I I am interested now in reading Kate’s story again so I have insights into your life as well! You havebrought joy to so many including me in your wonderful writing!

    118. Thank you for your excitement….and vulnerability…we readers love seeing your vulnerability on the pages…it really speaks to us!

    119. Aghhhh-I’m so excited for Bear and Raegan’s story but it’s a little bittersweet too. I love the Walker family and the heart you put into each of their stories. Thank you for writing them into existence and then sharing them with us!

    120. Happy Birthday Melissa! I’m so happy that the weekend is here, so that we can also celebrate my great nephew’s 1st birthday.

    121. Happy Double Birthday! I’m pretty excited today as I just might be the blessed winner of your contest! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    122. I have not had an opportunity to read the Walker Family novels yet, but I look forward to getting to know the characters and their stories soon! Thanks for sharing the contest! Happy belated Birthday!

    123. Happy birthday, Melissa, and Happy Release Day! What I am most excited about today is that our weather is cooling off aOretty pretty soon autumn

    124. I’m excited for fall weather and new books! Although I’ve already read the two I was most excited about, including All This Time… I’ll just have to discover some others!

    125. I’m an avid reader and have been searching for some new books/authors to try, and your books sound fascinating! I look forward to reading them!

      Happy Birthday!!!

    126. I’m excited that I don’t have any housework today (I did it on Thursday to free up my weekend) and also that it’s not 100 degrees and I can sit on the patio!

    127. I’m excited about God’s plans for my future. I don’t know what they are yet, but I know I can trust Him totally.

    128. I’m embarrassingly excited about my welcome playlist on spotify. Something about Metallica following up Haydn makes me happy.

    129. Just started reading Bear and Reagan’s story…I am already enjoying my trip back to Maple Valley. The place is quaint, but the people are what makes it so endearing and a place I want to escape to time and again. Melissa, you write characters that touch my heart and I can totally relate to each of them! And I find that I would love to have them in my life… love to linger over a cup of coffee or help out at the depot or run into them at the many festivals that Maple Valley has. And oddly enough, I find snippets of myself in characters like Maren, Rylan, Ava (a little too much of myself!), Kate (picturing her stories on the Hallmark channel), Amelia & Logan and Becket & Kit. I can’t help cheering for their HEA and am reminded that I am living mine.

    130. Happy belated birthday, Melissa. I’ve been looking forward to this book for a while now. I’ve read all the other books in the walker series. Maple Valley sounds much like the small town that I live in (or near). I don’t think our town mayor is quite as quirky as Maple Valley’s mayor though. 😉

    131. Happy blessed Birthday. I’m practically on the edge of my seat.I cant wait.I hope this birthday giveaway also covers everyone including those outside the states.

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