I took this pic last week on the day my first official author copies arrived. I was barely wearing any make-up and I hadn’t bothered putting in my contacts and my hair was still half-wet … but I didn’t even care because I was sooooo excited to see how pretty the book turned out!
It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!
Now and Then and Always has (finally!) made its way into the world and I…totally treated myself to Lucky Charms for breakfast this morning. (There’s currently like 30 people who will get why that’s significant. If you read the book—which I really hope you do—you’ll get it too. Haha!)
To celebrate, I’m doing a book release giveaway and you’ll find all the details below. But if you’ll indulge me for a few minutes, I want to tell you just a little bit about how this book came to be…
Man, this book took a long time to come to life. I actually started writing it in January 2018. It was a snowy day and I was sitting in front of the fireplace in my old apartment, feet propped up on an ottoman, and the first words of a story I’d brainstormed almost two years prior found their way onto the page.
I was so excited about those first few paragraphs that I sent them to some author friends and I still have their sweet email replies (*waving at Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck, Beth Vogt, Lisa Jordan and Alena Tauriainen*) but what I didn’t know then is that it’d be an entire year before I’d be able to fully focus on writing this book. Sure, I wrote a few more chapters here and there in 2018, but eventually a big move to my hometown and a house renovation pretty much took over my life.
And when I finally got back to the story in January 2019, I was sitting in front of a different fireplace this time, with my feet up on a different ottoman…feeling different feelings this time.
Because this, I realized, was a different story.
For one thing, though I’ve had little mystery threads in a couple past books, in this one, the mystery is probably as prominent as the romance. But more than that, this story would be going to some deeper, darker places. The grief and loss faced by the hero (Marshall Hawkins 😍😍😍) are the kinds of grief and loss I can barely even imagine. He’s in such a low, tortured place when the story opens…
And to tell you the truth, when I tried to put myself in his shoes throughout the writing of this book, I could not imagine personally coming back from that kind of loss. I just couldn’t. I kept thinking, “I don’t know how I’d go on. I don’t know how I’d keep believing what I believe now. How long would it take me to heal…or would I heal at all?”
If you’re reading this thinking, “Huh, I used to like Melissa Tagg books but this one sounds like a real downer,” don’t worry…it still has a funny meet-cute. It still has a swoony romance. It still takes place in charming, quirky Maple Valley. And for long-time readers, it’s got a few fun cameos from past characters (ahem, LOGAN!) and callbacks to past books, including the eerie old Everwood B&B that was first mentioned way back in Like Never Before!
But it’s that journey from grief and loss to newness and hope that most intrigued, fascinated, energized, and sort of scared me as I wrote. Because I honestly had no idea how Marshall, in particular, would come to a place of healing.
Nor did I have any idea how writing his story would come to personally affect me.
It’s still affecting me, to be honest.
I came across a verse in Psalm 13 one day earlier this year, right when I was in the middle of writing this book. It was really just one phrase I initially keyed in on that day, which happened to be a hard day…part of a hard week…part of a hard month: “Restore the sparkle to my eyes…”
I remember thinking, “Yep, this is what I need. Kinda having a hard time right now, God. I need You to give me my sparkle back.”
And then I read the second half of the sentence: “Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.” 😮
Whoa, that took a turn, right? But it’s exactly where Marshall is when Now and Then and Always opens. Like the writer of this Psalm, David, Marshall is that desperate, that despairing, that ready to just give up entirely. In earlier verses in this same chapter, David asks God how long He’s going to forget him, how long He’s going to look the other way. David is dealing with deep, deep sorrow and anguish. Just a perfect picture for the Marshall Hawkins of Page 1.
But then I read even further: “But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me.”
And I just sat there for awhile. I kept thinking, there’s an entire story, a long and windy road, hidden between those verses. The space in-between “Why don’t you do something, God?” and “I trust in your unfailing love.” is the stuff of a hero’s journey. That’s the gritty place where we’re shaped and tested and ultimately, strengthened.
But it’s also, I think, the place where we discover a kind, tender-hearted God. One who holds our broken hearts gently.
Rarely does He offer quick fixes or trite answers to our deepest questions. But always He offers Himself, His presence, and His unfailing love.
Wow, sorry to get all long-winded and deep on you. I promise Now and Then and Always has plenty of lighthearted moments, too! But I guess I just wanted you to know that as much as this story is a journey for Marshall and Mara, it’s been—and still is—a journey for me, too.
And I’m grateful for it. I’ve said it over and over that writing these stories feels like my lifeline with God. It’s like spring rains for the soil of my faith, and sometimes that faith gets a little parched. So the writing means even more.
And it means so much to me when you share in that journey, too. THANK YOU to those of you who have already read—and even reviewed—Now and Then and Always. Thank you to those of you who plan to read it.
And thank you, too, to those of you who’ve read this far! 🙂 Now we can get to the exciting stuff…
I’m super excited to be giving away some super sweet items. You can enter through June 11 using the form below. You’ll see all kinds of entry options! The prize package includes:
- A paperback (or digital if that’s the winner’s pref) copy of Now and Then and Always
- This adorable Anne of Green Gables book cozy from The Cozy Life Shop. There’s a whole thread about Anne of Green Gables in my book…kind of an emotional thread, to be honest. In fact, I can’t really talk about it because oh my goodness, my heart! I LOVE book cozies and I especially love the ones created by The Cozy Life…they are all kinds of adorable!
- A Maple Valley-scented candle. Yes, you read that right! An candle specially created for Maple Valley. It smells like apples and spice and it’s a-ma-zing. It was created by From the Page, a shop that creates candles for “bookish souls.”
- Customized wood plank artwork created by none other than my own sister, Nicole Schwieger of Nicole Letters. If you haven’t seen Nicole’s amazing hand-lettered artwork, well then you need to spend some more time around my online hangouts because I rave about it all the time. The picture below is a sample. The winner will get to choose his/her own phrase, quote, verse, etc, and Nicole will create a custom piece just for you.
- And of course, a $15 Amazon gift card so you can buy yourself some other fun stuff.
Again, you’ve got until June 11 to enter. This giveaway is only open in the U.S. – super sorry to my international friends! If only international postage wasn’t so darn pricey!
Comments 215
Happy that Melissa’s book is out!
Hot chocolate is making me happy today because I’m on vacay in South America and it’s cold here <3
Happy release day!! Thank you for taking us back to Maple Valley!!
Happy release day, Melissa!! I am so excited to read your latest book! <3
I am happy because my family is all around!
Looking forward to your new book!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!! Happy Book Birthday!! I CAN NOT wait for a trip back to Maple Valley. ❤️❤️
Happy release day! Looking forward to reading your new book. : )
So happy that warmer weather is here, and with it some great releases! So happy for your new release, Melissa!
After severe thunder storms the sun is out this morning so that makes me happy.
I’m happy today because I got to have my granddaughter for a visit and she is coming back in a few days again. I just can’t stop smiling! Got to rest up now…she’s an 8 yr. old energy ball.
You are one of my favorite authors. Thank you for doing what you do well and always being so sweet to interact with your followers online. Happy Book Release day to you Melissa!!!
Can’t wait to read this book! The sun is shining today – Plus going on vacation to Michigan in 2 weeks!!
Right now I am excited to hear about your book, congrats on it! I have 2 sisters and twin daughters who love reading and I get them many books and also share with them.
Having a day at home is making me happy. May is crazy and it is nice to have a slow day. Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to read it!!
Coffee and family!!
WOW I’m excited about the new book – love the ties to Anne of Green Gables – one of the highlights of a recent cruise was touring the home which inspired Lucy Maud Montgomey
Already pre-ordered on Amazon! Almost finished with bookclub book, so will be starting later today! YAY!!!!!
Today is the first official day of summer vacation for my kids, and its alluring promise of possibility and empty time to be filled has me feeling that happy childhood glow this morning!
I am happy that I get to see my sister soon. it has been quite a while.
I’m Happy that it’s a new day with a fresh start 😉
I love Melissa’s writing and happy to add another one of her books to my library!
I had this pre-ordered, so it came on my kindle this a.m. Going on a bus tour with two long days of traveling this week. Will be devouring your book.
I’m happy that my daughter and I got our walk in super early this morning, so now I’m actually being productive this morning. And I have a brand-spankin-new-book to look forward to this evening!
Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway! I hope I can read your book one day soon.
So happy with the release of Now Then and Always. Love Melissa’s books!
I’m happy for a new Melissa Tagg book to read, and because I’m going to be an auntie!
Want to read this
This looks AMAZING!! Can’t wait to read it.
What is making me happy right now is the fact that I get to watch my adorable 3-month-old cousin for a few hours today!
This book sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you so much for sharing to this depth! I loved this post.
I’m happy that I know God has a plan for my life, and that He is showing me what that looks like. But most importantly, He is working on me, changing me, so that He can make me the person that I need to be to be used of Him.
I’m a teen librarian in charge of summer reading, so I am super happy that it is almost June 1! Our program will be starting soon and I can start planning for next year!
started my weight loss journey in Jan at 277, weighed in at 230 today!!!!I am happy
The release of this beauty is making me incredibly happy! <3 Congrats, Melissa!
I’m happy that you have a new book out!😊
Happy Release Day Melissa!
Thank you for a chance to win a copy of your book.
Spending time with family makes me happy….and reading awesome books.
Blessings, Tina
I’m happy to be a stay-at-home mom who has the freedom to grab some extra sleep on mornings when I just can’t stay awake.
So excited to read your new book!
I’m happy that I received an email last night letting me know Now and Then and Always is out!! Also, it feels like Spring might finally be here which means sitting out in the sunshine enjoying a new book.
I’m happy that it’s FINALLY warming up! It’s been a chilly spring. Although, it has been excellent weather for reading. I hope to read your book soon!
My kids are making me happy today! Love them so!
I loved reading your blog post, Melisssa, and look forward to reading “Now and Then and Always”!
Visiting friends is making me happy.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway. Looking forward to reading your book.
Sounds like a great book! I’ve enjoyed all your others.
What’s making me happy today is my husband being by my side at an impromptu hospital visit. I hate going to the doctor’s, but I especially hate it when it’s unplanned (i.e., an accident or a visit to urgent care). It’s good to have someone by your side in these moments.
I am happy my dad got released from the hospital.
Happy Release Day! Practicing sight words with my kiddo is making me happy right now!
A new book is so exciting. Congratulations and I can’t wait to read it! 🙂
I’m happy today that shortly I’m picking up an 8 year-old boy who I’ve been mentoring during the school year through Kids Hope USA and we’re going to Dairy Queen for lunch to celebrate his birthday. I’ve got a bag of goodies for him including Legos (robot). I know he’ll b excited!
Happy book day release! I look forward to this summer read.
Congratulations on your new release!
I saw my copy pop up on my Kindle last night and I squealed with excitement! So ready to read!!
Happy Release Day must be so exciting for you! Wishing you many more of those days and many happy reviews .
So excited for this one. Can’t wait to dive in.
I’m happy about another new book to read!
All the book releases are making me happy today.
Congratulations on the new book!!
Today I’m happy because the sun is shining!
A few things:
1- this book cover 😍😍😍 I want to live on it lol!
2- I love that you have a Maple Valley candle!
3- Thank you for introducing us to your sister’s craft, as well. I’ve been following her on Facebook. Y’all are both so creative and gifted! ♡
Right now my coffee is making me happy! 😊☕️
I’m happy because I’m in my cool house with the air conditioning running while outside, it is 96 degrees.
So looking forward to reading this book!
Happy Release Day!! Sounds like a wonderful book!!! Congratulations!!!
When I am reading a book, I am living it, sleeping it, even dreaming it!!! It’s so exciting to see that is how the author is too! I love reading!!!! So blessed to have Christian fiction. Thank You! Looking forward to reading Now and Then and Always. Thanks for writing!
I am happy that I am retired and have a lot more time to read I would be happier if the rain would stop here.
I am happy about your book and getting to spend time with my niece Dani this summer. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
Love new books from my favorite authors!
The long weekend made me happy!
Happy release day, Melissa! I’m happy today because of warm weather, BBQ and good books!
Reading a good book makes me happy. Always has, always will.
The opportunity to enter to win makes me happy 🙂 when you throw in that I have a new book of yours to read – allllll the better!
Another Maple Valley book, yay! I love this series! Congratulations on the release!
I’m so happy that school is out, and that I’ll have more time to read!
Congratulations. Fantastic as always
Happy happy release day, Melissa! 🎉 I’m so happy for you and for us! I adore your book babies!
Today I’m happy because it’s a good day at work. The sun made an appearance, it’s warm out, and the birds are singing!
Happy release day!!! Ahhh, hearing you talk about your book is making me itch to read it now!!
Um, something that’s making me happy? Right now, not a whole lot, to be honest, but I am finding a bit joy in studying Psalm 25 and spending precious time with family.
I am happy today because the sun is shinning bright. I do not like overcast, gray days which we have had this last week.
I’m happy because we got our AC fixed (after waiting a week) in 90 degree weather!!
My loving husband makes me happy – every day! Love him more and more with every day – even after almost 37 years. Love to spend time with him. Happy that he’s now retired and we have even more time together. Love doing things with him and can’t wait for our upcoming vacation so we can go see sights in this beautiful country of ours that we haven’t seen before.
Yay! New book. I can’t wait to read it.
Wow, awesome response to your new book. I picked it up and am excited to read it! I love the premise but I also love how you shared your heart about the story and how it impacted you. I can’t wait to dig in. I don’t usually spend that much on a book (I read at least 20 books a month so I can’t afford to spend much on a book), but this sounded very interesting. Thanks for sharing your gift with us. Kim
Happy that the rain held off long enough to take a walk around the neighborhood.
Love all your books and the town and people of Maple Valley! Can’t wait to read this one!
Sounds like a good read. Hope I win. Love the psalms
I am happy to have spent some time with a good friend today.
Books and my little boy, Romeo (an almost 2 year old Yorkie that owns me).
The sun is shining and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day today.
Happy Book Birthday, Melissa! Spending time with friends and reading makes me happy.
I’m so excited for this book!
Can’t believe it’s finally here! I’m so excited to read this… The occasional laptop sneak peeks have been killing me for so long!
I can’t wait to read your new book!! I just love your books. Happy release day, and thanks for the giveaway! You find the cutest things to go with your giveaways.
HAPPY RELEASE DAY–BEST WISHES!!! Great books, coffee, chocolate, and cats–keeps me smiling!!!
Looking forward to returning to Maple Valley:) Good luck with the book launch. Love the book cozy
I’ve been sick for the past week, but am finally starting to feel better today! That makes me happy=)
Today is my youngest’s 14th birthday!
Happy Book Release Day!
I am happy today that my family and I are safe and alive after the twisters went through our area last night/early morning hours. Although we are having to boil our water, many people in our area are without power, water, and homes due to the many tornadoes we had during these powerful storms.
Happy Release Day! Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
Thank you so much for this opportunity!
That we have more sunshine now! 😀
Good food and iced tea makes me smile. 🤗
Happy Release Day! I have enjoyed all your stories and can’t wait to start this one.
Happy is a good book (this one!), chocolate, and a comfy spot to curl up!
I am happy that the weather has turned cooler after a few days of HOT weather. This giveaway is a nice one.
Congratulations, Melissa! Your book is fantastic! I loved it! I’m excited that I’ll be able to see my family more, now that it’s summer!
Iced coffee makes me happy!
Your description of your journey in writing this book has whetted my desire to read it! Thank you for sharing!
Warm summer days reading on my back porch. I’m so ready for this book!! I’ve feel like we’ve been waiting forever! I can’t wait to dive in!
Looking forward to reading this book!
Knowing that my Savior is in control makes me happy. That and a good foot rub! Lol My hubby and children ALWAYS put a smile on my face.
I am happy that school is out for summer!
Tv shows, and anime make me happy.. I like my cat too.
I am entering for amazon only , as I am not in US :/
Whoohoo! I’m happy for Melissa’s book birthday today!!! ❤
I’m happy because there are so many amazing books to read! Thanks for the chance!
Hi Melissa, love your books! Looking forward to reading Now and Then and Always!
Happy book birthday! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Reading new books is one of my greatest joys!
I am happy today because your book is out ! Yay!! It is fantastic!
Happy Release Day!!! Thanks for sharing what this book means to you.
Happy release day! Looking forward to reading your book
Happy Release Day! It makes me happy that I got to see the live-action Aladdin today! It was so good. It made me cry!
My husband, our 2 daughters, and our sweet puppo….and reading makes me happy! 🙂 Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!!!
After a hot weekend, the temperature is pleasant today!
I do love it when characters and settings appear in other books. Can’t wait to read this newest addition to the literary family. Congratulations on letting God use you and His Word to reach others, Melissa.
I’m happy to see the sunshine, and blessed by
all of the lilacs blooming in my yard for the first time!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter 😉
I got to spend time with my new baby granddaughter today.
Today, I am very happy with the hair color, cut & style I got this afternoon.
Congratulations on your new book. What’s making me happy today is I had my hair cut and highlighted. Thank you for the wonderful chance. Blessings
Looking forward to this book. I love Maple Valley!
Summer is making me happy!
Love Melissa’s books and look forward to reading this one. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
I’m happy that Melissa has a new book out for me to read. It arrived on my Kindle this morning!
I am happy today because I just found out our grandson is staying with us this summer.
I am happy that I spent the weekend with my daughter.
Getting some work done with my flowers this morning before it rained again and then having time to read made me happy today.
I was glad that my mom’s eye surgery went well and I can be with her as she recovers!
The book sounds terrific. I’m happy because I got to attend my quilt group today and I just beat my hubby at backgammon!
I am happy to be home from a long trip and that the storm is passing around us. I am also happy you shared your thoughts on this book with all of us.
Happy release day! I am happy with the beautiful weather we’ve been having. 🙂
Yeah! Looking forward to reading Now and Then and Always! Looking forward to some mystery, too!
Spending time in the woods makes me happy, and I got to do that this morning.
Sharing life with my wonderful Hubbie! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
Something making me happy: watching my cat sleep in extremely strange positions :p
Congrats on your new release and thanks for the chance to win!
What’ s making me happy is only one more week than summer break a time to refresh before starting another great school year with my students.
Looking forward to reading this book.
I’m happy to be at the lake with family & my sweet Mom. Happy you have a new reason to return to Maple Valley! Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m happy because I’m heading out on a trip that is all about books.
I have been waiting to get back to Maple Valley, and I can hardly wait to start your new novel. This was such a beautiful post at exactly when I needed it. I am saving it to read and ponder over later as well.
I’m happy because I’m looking forward to reading this book!
I am soooo happy that we finally broke 80 F today. Here’s hoping for a long, hot summer since spring has been beyond cold.
I have been waiting for this book for what seems like a lifetime! Haha! I cannot wait to read this!! Maple Valley is my favorite fictional small town!
I’m happy because I’m on a month long trip up the east coast with my husband in our RV.
I’m happy that your book is out! 😃 I’m also happy that even though it’s been raining for roughly one hundred days here, at least the temperature is above 60!
What a awesome giveaway! I am so excited about your new book, and can’t wait to read it! I’ve heard a lot of great things about it! Something that makes me happy is sunny days spent with family…
Have a blessed day!
I’m always eager to read your new tales, but when I just ready our newsletter blurb and you cited that you incorporated in an Anne of Green Gables thread?? I cannot hurry to read this book quickly enough. The series is my all-time favorite and touches my life in a way that I can’t wait to read your acknowledgement of it within your own story. So so excited! Thank you!
Congratulations on your book release. I’m happy because the weather is warmer and all the beautiful flowers are in bloom or soon will be.
I am at Dollywood with my grands. I am a happy girl!!!
Happy release day! I’m happy to be retired and learning to garden with my hubby!
I’m happy because I had a productive work day and now I get to rest with a good book!
Happy release day! I’m so excited that you have another book out!
Congratulations! I am happy that school is out and I get to spend time with my 3 grandchildren who are out of school for the summer! <3
I love books!
I can’t wait to read this gem! Thank you for this opportunity and congrats on your new baby! 💕
My hubby and kiddos make me happy! Books and coffee do too! <3
I sing when happy. Being near water refuels me. it could be water at a fountain at the mall or art museum, the shores of Lake Erie and the brook at the Nature Center where my kids used to make leaf boats out of a leaf and a stick. Reading books makes me happy.
My grandsons make me happy!
Congrats on your book birthday/release day! Sounds good!!!!
What makes me happy: it could be as simple as a bag of freshly popped popcorn or a surprise gift of a bag of material for making quilts.
Happiness is curling up with a cup of steaming coffee and a good book.
Congrats on your book release!
Such a fun giveaway too. 💕
Congrats on your new release! I’m happy when I have time to read.
So happy for a new Melissa Tagg book to read! 🙂
I just love that book cozy!!!! So cute!
Looking forward to reading this story. I appreciate you writing about loss in this way. Congratulations on the release!
Happy Release day! 🙂 I’m so excited to read this book! What is making me happy today? It’s not raining at the moment in my area. We have experienced lots of rain and flooding in the last couple of weeks and I’m just glad that we are able to be a little bit drier today. 🙂
Loved, loved the book. Now you know the next question—when’s book #2 coming out?
Having a sick kiddo at home has its benefits, as I just finished this amazing book! I had read the entire Walker Family series, so I was glad to get back to Maple Valley. It did not disappoint! Congratulations, Melissa!
Ohmygoodness!!! I am SOOO looking forward to reading this!!!! (Um, kinda have to buy it first…oops!! Laura said yesterday, ‘It’s Melissa’s release day and I don’t even have the book 🙁’) But I am seriously looking forward to this book…I don’t know what kind of loss Marshall went through, but I feel like it’s going to be a somewhat relatable book! And I just love all your books, because like I’ve said before, it’s like hanging out with you for the day (or 2 or so)!
I’m happy Melissa shared about the impact this book had/has on her. I’m so excited to read it!!
This looks so good. Can’t wait to read.
Today what’s making me happy is the anticipation of summer fun in the mountains tomorrow. 🙂 And congrats on your book- I’m sure it’s going to be great!
this giveaway is making me happy! 😀
Happy that my daughter is turning seven in a few days!
Happy that my son graduated and has a job! Congrats on your new book!!
Awesome giveaway! Good luck with new book! 🙂
Love that He always offers Himself! Comforting insight. Thank you.
I am looking forward to reading your new book, Now and Then and Always.
This is a Wonderful Giveaway! Thank you for the chance at winning it.
Happy that it’s almost Friday!!
I’m excited for your new book! And for warmer days and no rain.
I’m looking forward to my first trip to Europe this summer!!!
Happy for a new book! And happy that summer break is sooooooo close!
I’m happy because it’s summer vacation!
I’ve been a big fan of your books since “Made to Last”! I hope you continue to release even more wonderful books in the years to come. 🙂
I bought scallops to make for dinner 🙂 That makes me happy!
What makes me happy is when someone excepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior and being with my boys!
jennydtipton at gmail dot com
Congrats on the new release. You are so right about grief being part of a journey. It takes time. Certainly doesn’t happen overnight I have experienced it myself so I can totally relate to Marshall Hawkins.
Forgot to mention something that was making me happy today. I just received a new Japanese cookbook and I am looking forward to trying some new recipes sometime soon.
Not a good day so far honestly. Ummm, I guess my furrier dog didn’t mind as much that when I shaved her fur a bit before I cleaned her. Yes, that is the highlight of my day.
I’m happy that traveling is done for a little while and I can settle at home and catch up with some things. This book sounds inspireing. Thanks for this opportunity.
my SONBS birthday wasn’t yesterday and great pic!
Looking forward to reading Now and Then and Always!
What is making me happy today is that in 2 days we leave for our vacation in Tennessee!
I am happy that I have today off from work!
My “happy” today is in healthy kids (all four are home!), a wonderful husband, lunch with friends and contentment in everyday things!
I’m happy to spend lots of time with my grandson this summer.
What makes me happy today is spending time with family, friends and pets.
What makes me happy is another Melissa Tagg book!!!!! 😉
What’s making me happy today is sunshine and beginning a new book from my TBR stack…can’t wait to read your latest book!
Sitting on my front porch in a thunderstorm with a good book!
3 days left of school. Then a week from tomorrow I go to South America for a month!
My kids make me happy!
This book sounds seriously amazing!! I can’t wait to read your work!!
Congratulations on your new book!!! I’m SO excited to read it, but will almost certainly wait until they are all released… I’m not very patient once I start reading!
I’m a teacher, so I’m happy to be on Summer Break! Time to read, sleep, and most importantly… spend time with my fabulous niece and nephew!
The great weather.
What’s up to every one, it’s actually a pleasant for me to pay a visit this web site, it consists
of helpful Information.