The book of my heart.

Before I get long-winded, I should tell you two things:
1. The ebook of Autumn by the Sea is still only $4.99 but only for a few more days.
2. There’s super sweet release day giveaway way down at the end of this post.

Okay, onward… 🙂

It’s release daaaaayyyyyy!!

True story: I wrote a long launch day post for today about how Autumn by the Sea came to be. About how creatively frustrated I was last summer, how hollow I felt, and how, in the midst of some pretty intense anxiety, God gave me the idea for this new book.

It was a long, emotional post . . . which I ended up deleting.

Not because there wasn’t any value in being a bit transparent . . . but because I realized I don’t want to talk about the frustration that led me to write a whole new series in a whole new place.

I want to talk about the joy.


Autumn by the Sea is probably my favorite thing I’ve ever written! (Well, maybe tied with Now and Then and Always.)

It has a Scottish hero!
A blueberry farm!
A charming seaside town!
A loving Muir family!
Romance and mystery—multiple mysteries!

And it has Sydney Rose, a woman who doesn’t actually know who she is. She doesn’t know why she was abandoned as a toddler. She doesn’t know where her life is going.

She only knows she’s disappointed. She used to have hopes and dreams . . . now she has hurts and haunting pain leftover from the only few minutes she’s ever spent with the woman who may or may not have been her birth mom.

But then a private investigator comes crashing into her world with news that might change everything. And the next thing she knows, she’s on her way to Maine—halfway around the country—to a big yellow farmhouse by the sea filled with people who will in turn come to fill her whole heart.

Her entire life changes when she meets Maggie Muir and Neil MacKean, when she chases the secrets of her past and, in the process, stumbles into a whole other mystery and even some danger . . . and oh my goodness, I had fun traveling with her.


I resonated so much with Sydney as I wrote this book, even though my story looks nothing like hers. But writing her story taught me something . . .

For Sydney, the revival of her hopes and dreams took a massive life change . . . a huge leap of faith.

For me—I think, for many of us—it’s not necessarily about the huge leaps or massive changes. It’s about the little choices. The little jumps. The little moments of trust, however fragile.

When I was hard-core frustrated last year, I remember so many moments of thinking, “That’s it! I should quit writing!” or “That’s it! I should quit my day job!” or “That’s it! I should quit everything and move to England!” Some of that was just my dramatic and sometimes stormy Enneagram 4-wing taking over (lol!) but I think some of it was this sideways belief I didn’t fully realize I carried—a belief that in order to get out of the rut, to be happy or successful or both, I had to make big, huge changes.

But then I started brainstorming this story . . .

And instead of setting it in Iowa like so many of my books, I gave in to my own creative wanderlust and set it in Maine. Instead of a straightforward contemporary romance, I let myself follow unexpected twists and turns until I realized I was writing an actual mystery. On a complete whim, I let myself give Neil a Scottish accent *swoon* and wrote a ghostly old legend into the story . . .

They were little changes. Little choices. Little new things. And in them, I found a new storytelling joy.


I don’t know where you’re at in life as you (hopefully!) crack open the pages of Autumn by the Sea. But just in case you find yourself in a season similar to where I was last summer or where Sydney is at the opening of this story, I just want to encourage you today to embrace “little.”

A little change.
A little new thing.
A little moment of trust.

Two of my favorite lines in Autumn by the Sea are on page 310:

Maybe there were times when her deepest desires were the echoes of divine whispers. And maybe it was time she finally listened.

I’ve repeated those lines to myself so many times since they first found their way onto the page, reminding myself that my desires and dreams didn’t come from nowhere . . . often, they’re God’s whispers and nudges in my soul. And it’s more than okay to listen to them . . . it’s good. It’s vital, even.

Desire for change and renewal is what led me to write my favorite book yet! And yet, it didn’t take huge leaps to get me there. It took little steps and little moments and little changes. (And lots of prayer!) Sometimes we need the big, sweeping life change. But sometimes . . . sometimes the joy is found in the “little.”

What’s your divine whisper? What’s your desire? Is there a little that might help lead you there?

I hope you find it.

Just as I hope you find wonder and intrigue and exhilaration in the pages of this book of my heart. Thank you for the joy of getting to share it with you.

p.s. It’s my birthday today! If you’d like to give me one of the best, best gifts possible, well, a) I’m just gonna say it—I’d be so grateful if you’d buy my book! but also b) leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub and elsewhere is so very helpful. It doesn’t have to be crazy long or in-depth…but it helps other readers find the book. Thank you!

Okay, this prize package is pretty great, if I do say so myself! In addition to a $50 VISA gift card and a paperback copy of Autumn by the Sea, one winner will receive a cutting board and fall house artwork—both hand-lettered and lasered by Nicole Letters, who also happened to letter the title for my new book! You’ll also get a couple of fall candles, a bookish magnet and a bookmark. You’ve got through October 8 to enter. 🙂

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    Comments 227

    1. My favorite thing about fall is the change in weather-relief from heat. I love pumpkin everything it seems. I love baking for others with the cooler weather too.

    2. Happy birthday Melissa! I must say I loved this story and can’t wait to read what comes next. That little teaser in the back just wasn’t enough! Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us.

    3. Love fall and all the glorious fall colors! Love how it symbolizes death leading to new life with Jesus! Looking forward to reading the new book Melissa!!

    4. Happy Birthday! My birthday was Sunday. It’s crazy how many people I’ve seen whose birthdays are between the 24th and now. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!

    5. Happy Birthday Melissa! One of my favorite things about fall is the splendor of colors that is displayed. It reminds me again that earth does declared the glory of God.

    6. My favorite thing about fall is September birthdays 😉 (Happy birthday to you! Hope it’s full of God-gifts! 🥳)…settling into a season of routine…cool weather and soft sweaters and hot tea and comfort food. What’s not to love? ❤️

    7. My favorite things about Fall are all the beautiful colors, the cool air, the smell of spices, hot spiced tea . . . oh my, so many things!

    8. My favorite thing about fall is many things, but my top ones are getting to turn on the fireplace again and cuddle with my kiddos, caramel apples, and my two fall babies. The two best things (blessings) of fall by far! 🙂

    9. I can hardly wait for this new story to come out, Melissa! You’ve grown so much in your writing abilities since I first read your books. 😊

    10. My favorite thing about Fall is the cooler temperatures and the beautiful leaves when they are in full color. It’s like God took a paintbrush and colored the trees just for our enjoyment of His beauty.

    11. Favorite thing about fall….. don’t laugh but the fam and I go to the beach every year in fall and it feels like a little extra summer before winter. (Summer is my favorite) And pumpkin spice creamer for my coffee.

    12. Divine whispers and deep desires, I’ve already been blessed with so much in my life. Now I appreciate even the small things, cooler temps, a hot cup of tea while curled up under a cozy blanket with a good book! All of these make me pay attention to the rhythms of life and I’m thanking God for his glorious seasons!
      Congrats to you on another book baby and to Nicole for her great lettering!
      Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

    13. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. I live in the beautiful mountains of VA–always gorgeous–breathtaking in the Fall. With a tapestry of colors from nature’s palette, and painted by a master hand, the scenery is stunning. The deep, rustic reds are my favorites. The scents of Autumn are equally appealing. The smell of the leaves–especially those in the piles my grandfather would rake up and I would jump in and demolish. Apple pies, cinnamon rolls, and molasses cookies from my grandmother’s kitchen. Candles, fireplaces, and campfires with marshmallows toasting on sticks. School supplies–oh, how I loved the smell of fresh pencils, notebooks, crayons, and chalk, and new school books. Pumpkins everywhere!!! I love Autumn.

    14. Happy book birthday!!! My most favorite thing about fall is smell of spice everywhere! But wearing scarfs and oversized sweaters and boots is right up there too!

    15. I am super ecstatic about this book! What a great message! I’m also super excited about this series. Love the cover soo much.

      After my 3rd book launched in March I felt drained and discouraged for a lot of reasons in writing and personally. I was in between day jobs and the future of the next school year looked very uncertain. Then God provided in many ways. Also I wrote another book in 2 months which has never happened before lol. That was definitely a God thing. I feel drained again as I often do after fast paced writing over a short time but what I have learned through all of this in the last six months is the importance of patience and God’s timing is not mine. I agree that little steps are important here. I’m slowly planning 2 more book series little by little. Making small changes toward my writing goals instead of huge leaps.

      If I rush ahead I get overwhelmed. It’s ok to wait and more importantly to wait in the Lord for guidance.

      Easier said than done but I am trying. Happy birthday and release day! All the best to you!

    16. I’m headed to Maine this week, so this book was perfect to get me excited (more excited, if that’s possible, I’m already bursting!)
      Fall is my FAVORITE – the smells, the colors, the tastes, the weather! What’s not to love?

    17. My favorite thing about Fall is SEC college football (Florida Gators), Pumpkin Spice anything, cooler weather, wearing comfy clothes and a good book.

    18. Happiest of Birthdays to you! September is the BEST month for a birthday! I might be a bit biased since mine was on the 23rd ;), but I swear it just is perfect! Fall arrives the day before my birthday (on my brother’s birthday) and it ushers in sweatshirt and short weather which ultimately ushers in my favorite holiday: Christmas!

    19. I was fortunate to read this book early because NetGalley excepted my request for it. I loved this book and this morning I review it on two big book retailers plus a smaller one. Thanks for using the gift God gave you. Great book!

    20. Happy birthday and release day! Cannot wait to read this one 😁

      Favorite things about fall are amazing candles, cozy sweaters, and preparing for Christmas.

    21. “A little change.” This resonates. Plodding out of a long, hard season, I came across a quote last February that reframed “plodding” and gave me new perspective. “Little by little, one travels far.” I haven’t the capacity for sweeping changes right now, but little by little means everyday can be a win propelling me forward in hope.

      And, happy birthday! Your book just dropped into my kindle. Looking forward to unwrapping the mystery. I’m already inspired, knowing that you fought through your little by littles to bring it to life. Your stories have been a safe place of solace, laughter, and happy endings. Thank you for persevering in all the big and little things that keep you growing as a woman and an author. Thank you for not quitting.

    22. Thank you for the chance to win! I was delighted to find your latest release on my Kindle this morning.

      Favorite thing about fall…the weather!

      Happy 40 th!

    23. Happy birthday, Melissa! My favorite thing about fall is that I’m actually getting one this year. In north Texas, sometimes autumn is about two days. But we’ve already gotten two WEEKS worth of the warm-days-and-cool-nights combination. I also love the color change in the leaves of the trees in my yard.

    24. Happy Birthday! I can’t wait to read your book! I have to say there are so many things that I love about fall that it’s hard to choose just one. I love going to the pumpkin patch, bonfires, baking, and fall candles. Plus, sweater weather! Congrats on your release day!

    25. Fall I love as I am battling a disease called RSD and with the heat it makes my pain uncontollable . I love fall here in Iowa as the trees turn and the deer are running with their babies one time we saw 9 deer at once also one was albino. We also live in eastern Dubuque so we can go to Wisconsin and Illinois for a road trip for apple picking and seeing those leaves. Many people come out to our rural area to see the leaves as the river is about 1/3 mile down the road. Fall also there are a lot less bugs unless you are canning like us and the flies are all over the rotten tomatoes we put in a box and get rid of at the end of the day. Ca was so much different but we are travelling there in a few weeks to visit all my family and my girlfriend who passed her daughter we are taking out so that should be fun and a person is living in our house as we have 2 dogs and 2 cats . Thank you for the chance !

    26. Happy Release Day! I’m so looking forward to reading this book. Thank you for writing and for sharing your stories with us. My favorite thing about fall is the trees changing colors and the crunching of the leaves underfoot.

    27. It IS the little changes, isn’t it? A week or so ago, I noticed something in the air. It was the way the light hit just a LITTLE bit differently. The air was just a LITTLE bit less humid (and in KY, that’s sayin’ something!). Now, the days are just a LITTLE bit shorter. It’s that fall feeling, making way for changes – but a LITTLE at a time. Thank you for sharing your heart. It will make this book even MORE special than usual! 🙂

    28. I love the colors of the season. Autumn brings such an inner peace to me, being able to drive through the beautiful countryside admiring the spectacular landscape. And then I reach Apple Hill and the smells of apples. Then I go home and can lots and lots of apples.

    29. “A little change.
      A little new thing.
      A little moment of trust.”

      I’m going to types these up and print them out and tape them to my wall above my desk. Thank you so much for writing what was in your heart to share. I really needed to hear this!

    30. My favorite things about Fall: cozy but robust fall dinners, Thanksgiving, the gorgeous colors of the leaves, crisp sunny days.

    31. Happy Birthday, Melissa! 🎉 Hope you have a great day!

      My favorite thing about fall is all of the pumpkin recipes + the cooler weather.

    32. Happiest of Birthdays Melissa! Congratulations! I can’t wait to read your new release! When I saw the cover I just wanted to dive in headfirst & live in this romantic setting & charming house!
      Have an amazing week! 😉

    33. I love that it’s a time when we start to slow down. After all the events, trips and family gatherings, it’s nice to slow down and enjoy being at home where we can see the fall colors as they arrive, cooler temperatures show up and gives us a breather before all the holiday activities start.

    34. My favorite thing about Fall is the changing colors of leaves, except that I live in Texas so I don’t see many trees changing until closer to December. I grew up in Minnesota, and it was a joy to see layers of colors all around me in September.

    35. Happy birthday Melissa and congratulations on you’re second book of autumn by the sea blessings dear sister!! 📖💜🥳🎂

    36. My favorite thing about fall is the fall smells!! I love the smell of pumpkin goodies baking in my kitchen or fall scented candles burning in my house. I just found an Apple Cider Donur c=scented candle at Target and WOW! It smells heavenly!!

    37. I’m so excited to read this, Melissa! Congrats on another fabulous release (because I don’t even need to read it to know how good it’s gonna be). <3

    38. Also, fav thing about fall… everything? The coziness. The sweaters. The boots. The crispness of the air and the turning of the leaves. Just yes.

    39. Happy Birthday!

      I love the cooler days, all the pumpkin drinks and goodies, and the color.

      I got the book and can’t wait to dig in. I love the sea and I love reading a story with a Scot in it, so this was right up my alley! Oh, and add a mystery and I’m in.

    40. Happy Birthday! Melissa. I love the colors of fall! Pumpkins and mums, apples ready to pick, the fields of beans and corn being harvested.

    41. Happy Birthday and Book Birthday Melissa! I am really looking forward to this one. My favorite thing about fall is family hikes and soccer games! Blessings to you. 🙂

    42. I LOVE everything about fall! The beautiful leaves on the trees and when they fall and blanket the ground, I love pumpkins, the bigger the better, I really love the cooler weather and the smell of apples with cinnamon and spice baking in the oven. I love lighting candles and sitting down on the couch in the evening with my husband and reading a good book! Happy Birthday Melissa. I’m looking forward to reading your new book, Autumn By The Sea!

    43. Happy birthday! One of the many reasons I love fall is it’s birthday season at our house, too. Living in the south, I’ll air is hard to come by so when get some crisp, fall days, it feels glorious. Best wishes with this book! Once I heard it alludes to Christy I was all in!

    44. I love the fresh crisp air, the leaves turning all different colors, and the cooler temps making me want to cook all kinds of comfort foods. 🙂

    45. Fall is my favorite season! I love everything about it. The cooler weather, the leaves changing, and of course…pumpkin spice everything!

    46. Thanks for sharing your heart, Melissa. This is a great message. ❤️️

      I had something big come to an end this weekend, so little moments of trust have definitely been on my mind this past couple days. As I sat with my students in chapel today, I cried when the speaker spoke of God being our loving Good Shepherd. Because it’s so true, even when He leads us down paths where our hearts are hurting.

      I loved Autumn By The Sea and my reviews are up everywhere. 🙂


    47. Happy birthday!
      This book sounds so good! I think it might be the perfect addition to our church library. That’s where I’ll put it if I win. And if I don’t win, I’ll just have to buy the paperback!
      Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway. And thanks for writing!

    48. I love it when the humidity drops, it’s a big deal here to have that relief for a few months. Thanks for the great prize, Congrats!!

    49. My favorite thing about fall is the food! 😀 lol. I used to think of autumn as my 3rd favorite season, but it has inched out summer to be just barely below my favorite of spring. I love the cooler temps after the heat of summer, the beautiful fall leaves, the fall clothes of sweaters and boots, and the muted palettes. But my favorite is the urge to start baking again, firing up the oven after a summer of a kitchen too hot to use it much.

    50. I love the cooler weather, the beautiful fall colors, and pumpkin bread/pie/cookies, etc.

      I loved your book and will post reviews all over–hopefully, today!

    51. Happy Birthday Melissa!! ✨
      I love everything about fall. I know it’s a generic answer, but I just can’t pick what my favourite aspect is! I was made for autumn days and falling leaves and cozy sweater weather. 🙂

    52. My favorite thing about fall is the changing leaves but I get weary cleaning them up when they fall. Happy and Blessed Birthday 🎂🎉🎈🎁

    53. Florida doesn’t participate in Fall, so I used to always go visit extended family in NW Georgia so I could see the leaves change color and get some cooler temps. Now, that’s my busiest time of year for my job, so I don’t get to up then.

    54. Happy Birthday sweet lady!!! Wishing you all God’s blessings today and always!!

      My fave thing about fall is the changing colors and temps. Love the cooler weather, jeans and sweatshirts, apple cider and many things pumpkin.

      I can’t wait to read this new book! It came in today to the library and I’m first on the list! 😉 And who doesn’t love a Scottish hero? All romances should have one! Enjoy your day, Melissa!!

    55. My favorite things about fall are apples, apple cider, last campfires, flannel, hoodies/sweatpants, and the cool weather is a reason to read a book with a blanket.

    56. Ahh, Melissa. This book sounds sooooo good! I am excited to read it. I think my favorite thing(s) about fall is the changing of the leaves that make me sigh in wonder. And then, there are the cooling temperatures that hint at a time of slowing down and nestling in with family. Oh, and pumpkin spice lattés. 🙂 Congrats on your book release!

    57. The thing I like best about Fall is that the weather is a little cooler. We don’t have four distinct Seasons where I live so there are not too many differences except in the weather.

    58. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the post on joy. I love the fall colors, apple cider (drink and donuts), and pumpkin spice everything.

    59. I enjoy celebrating the Fall feasts (Rosh HaShana and Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles). The cooler weather is also nice after a toasty Texas summer.

    60. Today is a great day for a birthday! And a release day! And it’s my husband and my wedding anniversary!!! I’m currently re-reading the Walker family series and recommended it to a friend and I purchased your book released today and I will tell her to read it too! Happy birthday and happy release day!

    61. I love how it begins to get cooler in the Fall, but not Winter cold. And Pumpkin Spice Pancakes….Yummy! Happy Book Birthday!

    62. Um, everything! I love pulling out my sweaters and warm socks, drinking tea or hot cocoa, burning all the candles in my house ;), bonfires, hayrides, the crisp feel to the air, throwing the windows open and letting the house air out after a hot summer…

    63. There’s so much to love about fall! Love the beautiful, rich colors as the leaves change and temperatures that make being outside enjoyable. And just the feel of the air in the fall. There’s just some indescribable distinctly fall feel to it. 🙂

    64. What an incredible way to celebrate a birthday…by releasing a new book “baby” into the world!! May you be blessed the whole week through!!! 🥳🎂🍨🎁🎶📚🥂 Apple dumplings, corn mazes, color galore, and crisp/cooler air are a few of my favorite things about fall.

    65. Happy Birthday! Many Blessings in the coming year!

      I used to love walking in the woods with fallen leaves kicking them as we hiked. Unfortunately I live in CA now and we don’t have trails like that here. Also apple pie.

    66. I love everything about Fall: my birthday, college football, cooler weather, crisp apples, colors of leaves, boots and sweaters, and so much more.

    67. What I love most about fall is that my spirit comes alive with the crisp air, beautifully colored leaves and dear family memories we make together at the pumpkin patch! Happy Birthday and book release day!

    68. My favorite thing about Fall is the changing of the leaves to crimson, burnt umber and amber. Jumping in a pile of leaves or kicking them is fun, too.

    69. I love the cooler temperatures and the lower humidity! I love the smell of the air and the crunch of the leaves! It is my favorite season!

    70. I’ve been melting all summer (in the high desert of Southern CA), pining for the cooler temperatures of fall. Finally, our nights are getting cooler and even the afternoons aren’t as warm.

    71. Windy, blustery days are why I love fall, with the added bonus that October is my birthday month and I celebrate all month long!

    72. Favorite thing about fall

      I like to visit a local apple orchard to pick our own bag of MacIntosh apples. I enjoy making apple pie along with apple coffee cakes.

      Also love football and fall color. I take a lot of country walks in central Wisconsin.

    73. My favorite thing about fall is the’s so beautiful no matter where you look.All thanks to our good & gracious God.🤍🙏🏼

    74. I love Fall season the most for the change of colors, the smell of a yummy something in the oven, which permeates the house and love wearing sweaters! Happy Birthday, Melissa!

    75. I love the trees changing colors, the nip of coolness in the air, the crunch of leaves underfoot and the excuse to make soups and enjoy all things pumpkin!

    76. I love making all the comfort foods that say fall to me – chowders and stews, chili and soup – foods we don’t eat much during the warm summer months.

    77. Sounds like a wonderful read. Happy Birthday 🎉 My favorite thing about fall is the chance to visit my local farm for pumpkin picking and apple cider donuts

    78. I love absolutely everything about fall…I can’t choose just one thing! It’s my favorite season 🙂

      (Thanks for the chance to win!)

    79. When fall comes, I love being able to bike or ride outside as the days are cooler, the nights even cooler and the beautiful leaves on the trees.

    80. Happy birthday!! I hope your book does great! I requested my library to order it and hopefully they will!! I love candles and we really enjoy burning them when we are feeling a little down 😉 It’s a great pick me up.

    81. Picking the best thing about fall is like asking me to pick a favorite kid! 🤣 I love everything about this time of year. I love the cooler weather and the dead bugs, the colorful leaves and the beautiful harvest decorations, the warm sweaters and the cute boots… This is just my happy time!

    82. Happy birthday! I enjoy watching the leaves turn wonderful colors. It is so nice to drive through raining leaves as they fall from the trees. It is also wonderful to cover up with a blanket and enjoy a wonderful book. Thank you for the opportunity.

    83. My favorite thing about fall is the whole cozy vibe of it. I love the beautifully colored leaves, watching the wind wipe them around, the crisp coolness of the air and the enjoyment of warm blankets, warm drinks & food, the warm glow of a candle, and a heart warming book to read. Thank you Melissa for the opportunity to win this generous bundle of goodies. I’m so looking forward to reading Autumn By The Sea!

    84. I love everything about fall but especially the cool weather. i hate when its too hot or too cold and fall is perfect.

    85. I love so many things about fall – it’s my favorite season! We finally get a break from the heat with crisp, cool air, the leaves in the trees change colors, all the pumpkin treats come out and I can wear sweaters and scarves and boots! The season doesn’t last long in Utah, so I have to take advantage of the beautiful weather while it’s here. And then I get to read your book about autumn somewhere else. Even better!

    86. Sorry, I know I’m late, but Happy birthday!!
      I know I’ve messaged you before about saying my writing voice is like yours, but today I wondered what enneagram you were, so I googled it.
      A 4?? Me too!
      I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who is so much just like me. My go-to fictional character like me is Anne of Green Gables (a 4, dreamy, red hair, my middle name is Ann…my childhood best friend was even a lot like Diana,)
      That said, I also don;t think I’ve ever read a post or anything by you without going…yep, me too (within reason, I haven’t decorated my house for fall becuase I live in Australia and it’s spring).
      Anyway, I don’t want to come on all creepy, but I definitely want to meet you one day, because i know we could definitely be friends – even if all we ever talk about is Gilmore Girls and writing!

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