If this photo doesn’t make any sense to you, clearly you don’t watch Sherlock. And that’s okay…if you happen to hate awesomeness!
Sometimes there are important things in the world that I feel, as a conscientious blogger, it’s my duty to write about.
But some of these important things are SO great that I find I can’t even cover them intelligently.
BBC’s Sherlock would be one of those things. I couldn’t even come up with a proper Top Ten list (which is what I often do when I’m not sure how else to tackle a topic) because in my head all the Top Ten list possibilities boiled down to the same ridiculously obvious No. 1…which consists of the words Benedict and Cumberbatch.

That’s Benedict Cumberbatch on the left, if you didn’t know. For the un-BBC-initiated, he also played the super bad guy in the Star Trek movie last year. And that’s Martin Freeman on the right who is possibly the most perfect John Watson ever…and a pretty good hobbit, too.
Not to belittle Martin Freeman (aka Bilbo Baggins for The Hobbit lovers among us). He is also fabulous. I know the classic movie lover in me should get more excited about Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, but I’m sorry…the interplay between Cumberbatch’s Sherlock and Freeman’s John Watson is sooooo perfect.
See all those o’s I added in there? That’s how uneven-keeled I am about this subject. I might as well throw in a bunch of exclamation points, too.
But in an effort to spark lively conversation around these parts today, I was able to at least come up with a fun question related to Sherlock. So here goes:
If you could have either Sherlock or John as a BFF–but only one of them–which one would you choose?
Now I’m talking the BBC versions here–Benedict’s sociopathic, awkward and awesome Sherlock or Freeman’s often staid, sometimes sarcastic and always amusing Watson. But if you haven’t seen Sherlock yet a) I’m so very sorry and b) go ahead and choose a different portrayal if you like. Who do you pick?
(I know, I know, heavy topic today…)
Comments 35
If I had to choose, I’d probably pick John. Because he would probably be a much better BFF than Sherlock. He’s so loyal and he wouldn’t insult people and he doesn’t completely lack all social graces like some other people. =) I do adore Sherlock, too, though. And it would be pretty awesome to be there to watch him figure out things and witness his genius.
I’m so, so excited about season 3 next Sunday night!
Haha, you list very valid reasons for picking John. He would be a darn good best friend, that’s for sure. 🙂
I would pick John Watson. I adore Sherlock but Watson would be a better BFF. He is loyal, kind and keeps Sherlock out of trouble. I would need someone to keep me out of trouble.
Haha, I hear you. Although, as someone who sometimes plays things too safe, in a way I think a Sherlock would be good in my life. Force me to take risks and such. Of course, life with Sherlock would probably be way more dangerous… 🙂
I think I’d pick Sherlock. I tend to need friends who yank me out of my comfort zone and Sherlock would definitely do that!
Seriously, I love this show. I got so excited last night watching the special about the making of it. So fascinating how they’ve created contemporary stories and characters with such an eye to the original ones created over a century ago by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As a literature-lover and a writer, it was just fascinating! Can’t wait for the new season!
Haha, I basically said the same thing as you in my comment to Jennifer above, Anne. Sherlock would pull us out of our comfort zones for sure. Also, I already have quite a few stable, dependable, SANE friends…I don’t have any sociopath friends currently. Haha!
I watched the same show last night (shout out to Clay Morgan who told me about it). I love what they’ve done with the story too. I love that they’ve in so many ways stayed true to the original characters but haven’t been scared to wander for the sake of time period, believability, etc. For instance, when they talked about how the original Sherlock dealt in forensics, which was new at the time, whereas Benedict’s Sherlock has amazing skills in following crazy deductive trails…cool stuff for sure.
Definitely Sherlock just because I’d love to learn from him, and I find him hilarious… and oddly attractive. 🙂
I find him hilarious, too. Which is a great quality in a best friend.
The show rocks! How can you not fall under the spell of it when you see Sherlock and Watson converse?! It’s just awesomeness. I can’t pick between the two – that’s like picking a favorite child!
You’re right…it is totally a spell!
The funny thing is, when I asked the question I wondered if people were going to be able to separate Sherlock and Watson…but I decided it was a fun question to ask because then I could psychoanalyze everyone’s answers. Haha!!
I was three seasons behind on Downton Abbey, so I imagine I’ll be behind on my television series, and Sherlock is no exception. 🙂 I haven’t seen it. I e actually never seen any Sherlock Holmes versions. I know who Sherlock and Watson are, but I don’t have any reference to their character portrayals. But, based on your rave review, I just might have to check it out. 🙂
It’s okay that you’re behind. It’s not like you have four kids and are churning out books or anything… 🙂
Downton Abbey is definitely fun. I really enjoy it. But I have to say, Sherlock is like miles above it in my estimation. It’s smart and fast-paced and the characters are brilliant. D.A. is more of a fun, flighty soap opera…entertaining but not nearly as witty as Sherlock.
But maybe that’s just me.
It’s super easy to catch up on SH, Gabrielle. There are only 6 hour-and-a-half episodes. Each season only consists of three (fabulously produced) shows. 🙂
I don’t know if I can choose between SH and JW!!! One without the other just seems incomplete. I adore the friendship the show has brought to life between them. It’s always there, in every single version it’s made into. Without JW, SH was utterly friendless… but didn’t mind at all, EVER. And without SH, JW was utterly bored with life, not knowing HOW to go on in normalcy. They are perfect for each other, and I think without each other they wouldn’t truly have found their true selves. 🙂
Agreed, Dawn…it makes me sad that the seasons are so short and yet, they’re such high quality that I can handle it.
And yes, the friendship…it’s the best part of the show, to me. I like how the friendship has changed both characters in subtle ways while also helping each person to be his true self. Like even in the beginning when John was stuck in a funk, limping, purposeless…Sherlock saw in John what his therapist didn’t see: his need to get back into action, for excitement…
I’m currently in the middle of Season 2 of Sherlock. It’s pretty good, but doesn’t yank me in like some other shows I watch. 😛
Sherlock would annoy the crap out of me if he was my friend — mostly because he thinks he’s better than everyone else — so I’d pick John. Not saying Sherlock isn’t amusing. He’s kind of like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. Love the character, but wouldn’t want him as a friend! 🙂
Aww, you’re not yanked in?? LINZ!! We are alike in so many ways, but this is a digression… 🙂
See, I think Sherlock would be an amazing friend. He annoys John Watson too, but behind all the craziness, there’s an underlying loyalty, respect and probably even love. Which you’ll see if you make it to the third season…
I don’t watch either show, and therefore in my head, Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the twelve Doctors from Doctor Who. This meme does nothing to change that. In fact, it encourages this wrong mindset of mine.
Thanks, Melissa. Thanks a bunch. *sarcasm*
HA…Okay…I’ve never gotten into Doctor Who. I tried once. I failed.
BUT YOU HAVE TO WATCH SHERLOCK! Seriously, Amanda…it’s so good. So good. And I realize that sometimes I overstate things or get too excited about things that perhaps I shouldn’t. But I’m really not exaggerating on this one…it’s amazing.
I tried it, but the episode was soooooo long. And I’m not a fan of the Sherlock character in general (unless it’s Dr. Gregory House), so that made it even tougher. THEN on top of that you have every woman in my Facebook news feed swooning over Cumberbatch’s Sherlock and I just don’t get it. I mean he’s asexual. How is that appealing??????!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda, I think my new goal in life might be to get you to like Sherlock.
Yes, it’s long. But they’re really more like mini-movies than TV episodes since they’re like 90 minutes long. Sooo…if you think of it as a movie that will help with the length.
As for Benedict Cumberbatch…I can’t speak for all the girls in the world…but for me…it’s like this: Have you heard him TALK? 🙂 Also, I think he’s as witty in real life as he is on the show. Which is always going to win with me.
Haha, Amanda! BC has nothing to do with Doctor Who. There, now you can live happily. 😉 I totally agree with you – there is nothing appealing about BC as a “hottie” but he plays the character SO well you can’t help but love him for it. Melissa, you are so right, first off these are like movies to me, and his voice is just the best to listen to. He is very intelligent and funny in real life too. 🙂
I love reading all the comments here!
Yikes that’s a toughy one! lol And that photo cracked me . But when I do, I don’t. Bahahahaha! I love this show soooooooo much.
I love Sherlock, but I’m already neurotic enough and he’d suck the life out me. So I might go with John. However, I lose things often and Sherlock could be a big help, also he would be useful with my suspense plots. So maybe I’d go with Sherlock. I’m starting to feel like the dude in Princess Bride (Clearly, the poison is in front of you, but you’d know that and…)
I’ll tell ya what…how about Mary? Can I have her as a friend? I adore her. She’s a great addition to the show imho!
Oh gosh, Jess, your comment about Mary made me want to talk about last night’s episode like CRAZY. But I can’t because I don’t want to spoil things for others…but AHH. Was it not amazing? I may or may not have teared up. Twice.
Not sure who I’d pick! Of course, Watson would be a nicer, more compassionate friend whereas Sherlock would bluntly tell the truth no matter if we wanted to hear it or not…!
Cannot wait to see these and from your use of exclamation points, I take it you enjoyed, Melissa. So happy. (Ooo! And I cannot wait to meet Mary :D)
LOL yes…you would likely always get the truth from Sherlock.
Except wait…that’s not entirely true.
But I can’t say anymore because you haven’t seen the third series yet. 🙂 Hope you LOVE it when you do see it!
All right. I remember when this show came out and I was all going to watch it and somehow didn’t. Now I have serious watcher-jealousy from all you fans. I need to have a Sherlockathon!
OOH I want to have a Sherlockathon! That sounds ridiculously fun.
That’s basically what my husband and I have been doing for the last two weeks. 🙂
One of my great regrets is that I’m not as current on this series as I’d like. Because what I’ve seen I LOVE, but there are only so many hours in a day (and there’s that whole if-I-want-to-eat-I-have-to-work situation going on in the middle!) I like John. I have enough crazy in my life that cautious is not necessarily a bad thing!
Haha, I like your reasoning…Sherlock WOULD definitely up the crazy in your everyday life. Hope you get a chance to catch up on the show sometime.
Since I tend to be a bit too overdramatic myself, I’d definitely want a John Watson. Stable, reliable, lay down his life for your stupid whims type guy. Sometimes I get Sherlock’s quirkiness a bit too much, and two peeps TOO alike don’t usually balance. So yeah. John Watson. Colonel Brandon. That type is much more appealing to me than the wandering brooding rogue.
I remind myself of Sherlock… being a little too cut and dry at times. I adore the character and all, but I’m still wondering if that’s a particularly good thing. :-/
Haha! I love that you brought Colonel Brandon into the discussion, Heather. Dawn, as long as you’re not, you know, jumping off buildings and letting your best friend think you’re dead, you’re not creeping too close to Sherlock-ness.
Sherlock. As annoying as he is because of his brilliant mind, he would be someone to have in your corner to give logical advice. Watson would definitely be a supporting friend, but I have great friends like that already. I do have brilliant friends, but Sherlock wouldn’t be concerned with hurting my feelings and being brutally honest. But perhaps he would share something brutally honest and then I would cry and not want to be his friend anymore. But I would definitely want to solve crimes with him. 🙂
Mel, I feel like you’d be really good at solving crimes. You notice details and pick up on things…you’d be a valuable sidekick to Sherlock. Plus you’re just a ton of fun. Come to think of it, I don’t want to share you with Sherlock!