Conference milestones & one big “thank you!”

1231661_615851946709_1133270310_n.pngI recently returned home from ACFW—which, for a writer, is sort of like prom meets a family reunion meets all the college classes you actually wanted to take meets a party with sooo many of your favorite people.

I love ACFW.

I love ACFW like Jack Sparrow likes rum. And thankfully, I don’t have nearly as much trouble finding it. It comes around once a year like clockwork and like clockwork, I’m there.

This year was a milestone sort of conference for me, though. Here’s why:

  • I totally didn’t fall over in four-inch shiny red heels at the Sunday night gala. I tripped a couple times, oh yes. I carried them around more than I wore them, yes. BUT I DIDN’T FALL!
  • I met Frank Peretti. Frank. Peretti!!
  • I went to Starbucks four times in one day. I don’t even want to think of how many times I went there total. Three of those times, the guy behind the counter tried to tell me my coffee was $20. I don’t know if he simply didn’t remember he’d tried the same thing on me already or if he was waiting for a bigger reaction than “cool.”
  • I ate more meat in those few days than I usually do in a month. I feel all strong and hearty and stuff.
  • I got to hang out with both my agent and my editor multiple times. That was a definite highlight.


But probably the biggest milestone:

MADE TO LAST released Sunday!!

And it was so, SO fun to be with so many writer friends on that day…many of whom helped make the book possible.

And I mean that in the most non-cliché, literal way possible. People like Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck who have taught me SO much about crafting (and too, living) a great story. People like Beth Vogt and Lisa Jordan and Reba Hoffman who were at the first writing retreat I went to…and who never cease to amaze me with their grace and giving personalities. Lindsay and Gabe and Alena, the coolest craft group around. My brilliant agent Amanda Luedeke and editor Raela Schoenherr. The MBT leadership team who is like a creative genius think tank of talented people. And beautifully fun online friends…like Jess Patch and Jill Kemerer and Cynthia Herron and Rachel McMillan and the list could go on and on.

It truly was one of the coolest days . Thanks so much to everyone who hugged and congratulated me in person and to everyone who texted, called, emailed, facebooked, etc. I felt beyond blessed and beyond grateful.

YOUR TURN: Do you have an event you look forward to year after year? If you went to ACFW, what was the highlight?

p.s. The winner of last week’s drawing is: Christa Nichols! Christa, I’ll be sure to get your prize to you. 🙂

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    Comments 22

      1. Post
    1. It was sooooo fun to be with you on your big day! And to hang out with you this whole week 🙂

      There were so many highlights for me, personally and professionally. It waas so great just hanging out with like-minded people, and it was really cool to be a finalist in the Genesis. Thanks for sitting with me and supporting me! Love ya lots and lots!

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    2. You know, Rum is pretty easy to find too. These days. 😉
      So excited to spend time with you, sing to you, and congratulate you ON release day! Love your book. Love you more.

      I walked to Panera for coffee. It was better than Starbucks. Oh yeah. I said that. Hugs! And…praise…!!!!!! ha!

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        Oh my goodness, your singing text was one of the best parts of my Tuesday, that’s for sure. I was so glad to get to spend time with you last week. Why don’t you move to Iowa? Pretty please?? Love ya!

    3. How exciting for you to be at ACFW when MADE TO LAST was released. What a thrilling moment that must have been. For writers, I would think that event would be like kids in candy stores. You are in your element, you are among your favorites or those you most admire, and you appreciate and you are appreciated. How wonderful! I would definitely look forward to this year after year. Congratulations to you and keep doing what you are doing!

      1. Post

        Oh yes, it was definitely exciting being at ACFW on release day. Soooo many of the people I wanted to celebrate with were there. And you’re right, a conference like that definitely feels like being a kid in a candy store. Thanks bunches for the congrats!

    4. Melissa, it was fun seeing you on your Release Day! Your smile lit up the room. 🙂

      I think the events I look forward to each year are Deep Thinkers with MBT and ACFW (now that I’ve gone twice!). Love being with writer peeps and learning and laughing.

      The highlight at ACFW for me was being able to pray with friends—both for them and them for me. Reba, especially, was huge encouragement!

      PS I’m not done with your book yet, but I LOVE IT!

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        I have a feeling I didn’t once stop smiling all day on Sunday.

        Oh I love Deep Thinkers too. Soooo wish I could go this year. It’s been a few years and I’m jonesing. It’s that time off work that kills me.

        So glad you had good prayer time at ACFW. And Reba is amazing, isn’t she?!

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    5. I’d heard buzz about your book release, so when I discovered I was sitting behind you in Beth Vogt’s class Sunday, I was excited for you! 🙂 I can only imagine what a big day that was. Congrats! =)

      It was my first writing conference ever. I loved everything about it. It’s that simple. You described it perfectly. My takeaway is that I am definitely on the path the Lord has set before me, whatever that might lead to. And I’m looking forward to the next conference already, hoping I can be there.

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        Oh you were sitting behind me? How fun! Wasn’t Beth’s class awesome? It got my brain pinging as I thought about future books, that’s for sure.

        I am SO glad you loved ACFW. It’s just one of the most fun and fulfilling events I go to every year, that’s for sure. I love that you feel confirmed that you’re on the right path. Hope I see you next year in St. Louis!

    6. Sounds like the trip was a success – yay! So happy for ya’, Melissa. CONGRATS on the release of Made to Last, too. That is an awesome milestone. 🙂

      …and Congrats to the giveaway winner!

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    7. Congrats on your release! How fun that it came out during the conference!

      It was nice to meet you at lunch on Sunday. The entire event was awesome, but as a first-timer, the highlight for me was meeting folks in person who I’ve only known on e-loops/Twitter/blogs. I’m definitely hoping to attend again next year. 🙂

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