Down Syndrome Awareness Month & Ollie :)

If you’ve been around my website for any amount of time—or around me, for that matter—then you know I’m pretty crazy about my nephew Ollie. He is the coolest kid ever.

And if you’ve heard me gush about Ollie in the past, then you know he was born a few years ago with multiple heart defects and Down syndrome. Since October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I thought it might be nice to give a little Ollie update. Or, okay, fine, maybe I just wanted an excuse to post this adorable photo!!


Ollie is doing great these days! He had a minor surgery in September to fix a problem in his throat related to his trach. Hopefully sometime next year his trach will be removed–woohoo! And he’s as cute as ever…obviously.

But in all seriousness, Down syndrome is something I’ve learned much more about ever since Ollie was born–and it’s become a cause, if cause is the right lingo, special to my heart. (I included an adult with Down syndrome in my book which releases next May, actually.)


Ollie with his parents, Amy and Chip, at the recent “Buddy Walk” in Wichita in support of the National Down Syndrome Society.

And goodness, there’s so much I could say about Ollie and his amazing parents or Down syndrome in general…particularly about some of the heart-breaking things I’ve read about how individuals with Down syndrome were viewed and treated in much earlier generations, how they are sometimes still treated today, or choices some parents make when they receive a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis…

But really, when I see adorable photos of Ollie—even better when I get the fun of hanging out with him in person—all the stats and data and stories just sort of fade away. I don’t see a diagnosis or developmental challenge when I look at him. What I see is one of the greatest sources of joy I think our whole family has ever experienced. I see an honest-to-goodness miracle. And I see evidence of God’s love in the flesh.

And now that I’m typing this, I’m thinking to myself, wow, how easy is it in general to look at the people around us and see…just a label? Maybe something we associate with that person based on appearance or skill or job or whatever.

And how amazing would it be to look at every person around me…the way I look at Ollie? 

As someone so intricately created that no label could ever capture the sum of his identity…and his awesomeness. Beyond special. Incredibly loved. And so, so valued by his creator.

I think it changes everything when we look at the people around us through that same lens.

Which is, frankly, just one of about a thousand ways Ollie has inspired me.

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    Comments 24

    1. What an adorable picture!! And a great post! I have known two kids who have down syndrome the first was a little girl at our church and at the time I was too young to fully understand but I do remember playing with her. The second is Aaron Shust’s son Michael. Aaron is the worship leader at our church and Michael is one of the cutest kids ever. I honestly can’t look at him without smiling. His mom brought him to prayer meeting one night and let him crawl around, the entire room could not stop grinning the whole time. It breaks my heart when I think of kids with Down Syndrome not being wanted or being treated badly because of it-they are some of the sweetest kids ever!
      Thank you for this reminder to continue to pray for those with DS!

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        I’m with you, Abbi—the thought of someone being mistreated or not even given a chance at life due to DS makes me want to cry. It’s crazy to me how overflowing with purpose Ollie’s life is already…and he’s only three. 🙂

    2. So precious, Melissa. You’re right; it’s amazing how easily we see labels rather than individuals–uniquely fashioned individuals at that! I’m a HUGE proponent of viewing ourselves through the lens of the Father’s heart. So, thanks for such a tender example of that reminder. And, from one aunt to another, I think we have the coolest role ever. Just sayin’ 🙂

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    3. “and how amazing would it be…” GREAT question, Melissa. Lord, open my eyes so I can see people that same way!

      I have always been in love with Ollie’s smile. It’s infectious and every time you post his picture, his joy is all I see:)

      1. Post

        You know, I love that you turned the challenge in this post into a prayer. I think to myself fairly often, actually, why am I not better at seeing people the way God sees them? And it’s like, come on, Melissa…pray about it. God can totally shift and transform our perspective when we ask for it.

        And I so agree…Ollie has the best smile in the world!

    4. Great post! It brought tears to my eyes. As Ollie’s mom, I’m constantly inspired by his joy and great determination and strength as he works so hard to grow and develop. I’ve never known anyone with such infectious happiness and the ability to handle whatever comes his way as my son. He teaches me every day to count our blessings, see everyone’s amazing potential, and to approach life with a smile. Thanks for sharing about him!

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        And your comment brought tears to MY eyes. You have the coolest son ever, Amy, and you are beyond amazing as a mom…and a sister, for that matter! Also, we should try to live in the same state someday. 🙂 Miss you!

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    5. Aw, Mel!!! I just love how much you love Ollie. He’s a special kid. I was so glad to be able to meet Amy last month. 🙂 Your family is awesome and I can’t wait to meet Ollie someday. I know my world will be brighter for it!

      1. Post

        Yeah, I love Ollie so much that sometimes I worry about having my own kids…like, will I love my own kids as much as I love Ollie…?? Haha!

        So glad you got to meet Amy and so much of my family too. I won’t ever forget her walking in the door that night and my, “WHAT?!” That was such a perfect surprise!

    6. What inspiring thoughts today, Melissa! Ollie is so precious and it’s obvious he’s a joy!

      I’ve always despised labels. When our nieces came from China, our family saw them as sweet lovelies that God hand-picked just for my sis and my brother-in-law. They are no different. Love is love, and thank God, He sees us all the same way! 🙂

      1. Post

        Yeah, labels are not my favorite thing ever, either. Thus…one of the main themes in my book…identity and how it’s so much more than the labels we or others give ourselves. Love how your family reacted to your nieces from China…that’s what love looks like!

    7. Post

      Teary-eyed is a-ok. I will admit, I’m not always a huge crier (except for some movies that get me EVERY time!) but Ollie is always my sure-bet cry-inducer. Seriously…sometimes when I go down to visit my sister and brother-in-law, when I first see Ollie I tear up…and then laugh at myself. He’s just that amazing to me…

    8. I love your Ollie posts. I love young kids, they kind of exemplify this unconditional love. They so often, do not see disability or skin color. I want to walk in this way. Thanks for that sweet reminder.

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    9. Lovely tribute to your little buddy, Melissa. Always amazes me how the Lord brings people into our lives to help open our hearts to more of His wonder.

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        Thanks, Ian…and I love that line about God bringing people into our lives to open our hearts to more of His wonder. So true. I can think of quite a few people who just by being who they are constantly remind me of how awesome God is.

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    10. Such lovely words, Melissa! I’m honored to have met Ollie’s mom (though I wish I could have met Ollie!), as well as your other family members. I can see the love you all have for Ollie, and the abundant joy he has brought to your lives. Ollie, and Amy & Chip, are living testimony’s to God’s love and faithfulness. Thank you for sharing a fun picture of him!! 🙂

      1. Post

        Thanks, Gabe! I’m so glad you (and Linz and Alena, too) got to meet Amy…and so many of my family members. I feel like it makes friendships that much richer when we get to see each other interacting with our families. And yes, Ollie has brought SO much joy…I get to see him in a week and two days!!

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