Possibly the best discussion ever about possibly the best movie ever: What’s Up, Doc?

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It is possible that every once in awhile on super rare occasions I tend toward hyperbole.

Such was the case last week when I might have told Clay Morgan I know everything about a 1972 piece of cinematic awesomeness called What’s Up, Doc? The truth is, I probably don’t know everything.

But I do love it. So much so that I find it a little hard to handle when people tell me they haven’t watched it. Or worse, don’t like it. And I have a horrible poker face, so I can’t even hide my horror in those cases.

What’s Up, Doc? was inspired by Howard Hawks’s Bringing Up Baby and was directed by Peter Bogdanovich. It stars Ryan O’Neal and Barbra Streisand in Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn’s updated roles. Say what you will about Streisand’s politics or personal life, her endless string of farewell tours or the missing “a” in her first name…but the lady can act. She’s hilarious. As are O’Neal and Madeline Kahn (in her breakout role!) and Kenneth Mars and Austin Pendleton and all the rest of the brilliant cast.

The whole movie is amazing. But I’ll stop gushing now so you can watch the actual Gush Believe me, it’s a good use of 24 minutes—I think we might’ve had more fun on this vlog than any of the others to date…

Now here’s the part where I get brave and ask what you think:

Have you seen What’s Up, Doc? Did you like it? (Yes, honesty is encouraged here, but there’s really only one right answer to that.) If you haven’t watched it yet, did we convince you to give it a try?

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    Comments 24

    1. Okay, I grew up in the 80s, but I’ve never seen What’s Up Doc? I did listen to your entire Vlog–and I’ll have to watch this with my husband and son. I think they’ll love it. 🙂

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        Nooooo…Lindsay, you are one of my best friends but I suddenly feel as if I’ve failed you. Okay…okay…whenever I come to Phoenix next year, we must watch What’s Up Doc. We just have to. Preferably while eating blizzards. 🙂

    2. Yes, I’ve seen What’s Up Doc and I liked it. 🙂 (And I’m with you–her personal life and political tendencies leave me a tad disconcerted, but she sure can act!) Have you seen Yentyl–from the 80’s, I think. She gave an outstanding performance in what was a thought-provocative and different role for her then, and I loved the movie.

      Oh–and FYI–I thought about you yesterday when The Enchanted Cottage with Robert Young and Dorothy Maguire came on TCM yesterday. Did you watch? 🙂

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        Ummm I tried to watch Yentyl once but I didn’t make it through. I blame my narcoleptic tendencies. I probably tried to watch it too late at night. Haha! I’ll have to give it a second try.

        Nope, didn’t see The Enchanted Cottage, but it’s on my radar now.

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        Barbra Streisand does have such an incredible voice, doesn’t she. When I was younger, I was slightly obsessed with Hello Dolly (I think I just really loved Cornelius and Barnaby in it!) and man, her singing is amazing in that. It’s almost comical, her amazing voice contrasted with Walter Matthau’s, uh, not so amazing voice. He does a great job in the movie and is hilarious, but he’s sure no singer. 🙂

      LOVE IT.
      LOVE IT.
      LOVE IT.

      It is my go-to movie when I’m all “What shall I watch?”
      And yes, when Casey Herringshaw was here in October, I made sure she watched it!

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    4. Melissa, it’s been a very long time since I last saw it but it’s an all time classic. Might have to watch it again sometime soon.

      Thanks for reminding me about it.

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    5. So after watching this video I immediately found a place to watch it online and started in. I was already planning to watch something while crocheting so it was perfect! I liked it so much more than I expected! I really don’t like Barbara Streisand at all but she was actually pretty good in this one! I laughed out loud so many times especially during the crazy hotel room scene, the car chase, and the courtroom scene! (My sis who I share a room with thought I was laughing too much-like that is possible!) Those were my three favorite scenes and I especially loved the judge’s reaction to the craziness! Thanks for making this sound so good that I had to watch it! I don’t think I would have otherwise! Now to share with my fam!

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    6. I’ve only recently begun watching Barbra Streisand movies again, (for many years after she became such an outspoken diva, I just couldn’t do it!) and you’ve reminded me of all the great things I loved when I first saw What’s Up Doc? in the theater!

      I was 11 or so then & didn’t get all the allusions & great sight gags. I re-watched later & enjoyed it even more. Then the sad boycott-Barbra years came. However, since I recently re-watched Funny Girl & made it through, I’m sure it’s time to dig out What’s Up Doc? . . .

      There, I just added it to my Netflix queue. Your work here is done.

      BTW, you two are really fun to listen to. Have a great day 🙂

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        YAY for it being in your Netflix clue! You know, I bet once you’re into the movie you’ll forget it’s Barbra Streisand. 🙂 I have to say, I’m kind of jealous that you got to see it in a theater originally. I always think about how fun it’d be to see my favorite classics in a theater.

        I enjoy Funny Girl. Some musicals are a little hit and miss with me and I remember the first time I watched Funny Girl, I wasn’t sure I’d make it through. But eventually I got sucked into Fanny Brice’s life. Have you watched the sequel?

    7. Melissa, in the first 10 minutes of this movie, when you forced me to watch it with you many years ago, I was thinking “What the crap? This movie is ridiculous.” Then you started to giggle, which made me start to giggle, then I started to enjoy the movie. So I think if anyone hasn’t seen it before, you must watch it with a Doc lover otherwise the cynical brain will start to question why on earth they are spending their time watching this movie. This is a movie to be enjoyed together. It doesn’t come close to “Bringing Up Baby” because that’s like comparing a brownie with an apple. I have grown to love “What’s Up Doc” only because of you, Melissa. It is just like when my husband forced me to watch “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” when we were in high school and it made me question why was I dating this man. But then I watched it again with him and started to see why he loved it. So I’m so glad I didn’t dump him after Monty Python, and I’m glad I didn’t unfriend you after watching this movie with you, because I would have missed out on some truly awesome best friends. 🙂

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        Haha, I’m so glad I started giggling which made you start giggling which resulted in you enjoying What’s Up Doc. 🙂 Now I know what a true friend you really are—that you stuck with the movie for my sake. I’m also glad you stuck with Tyler through Monty Python because a) it’s pretty hilarious and b) if you hadn’t married Tyler than I may never have met you. So good job sticking with that movie as well.

        But of course you couldn’t love What’s Up Doc as much as you love Bringing Up Baby…there are no dinosaurs in What’s Up Doc! 🙂 Total sidenote: I was telling a friend the other day about the cup I got you for your bday and she didn’t believe that you honestly liked it. I was like, “No, you don’t understand, she really loves dinosaurs.”

        Lastly, I miss you!!!!

    8. What’s Up Doc? was one of the “musts” on my parents 50th wedding anniversary trip this summer! It was just the “adults” (even though several grandchildren are adults now!) and since our family loved this movie growing up, we felt it was worth another watch altogether. As usual, it didn’t disappoint. We all laughed until we cried. (The Pink Panther movies do that to us, too.) Although now our kids claim they haven’t seen What’s Up Doc?!. (They have, they just don’t remember.) So I’m thinking we might have to pull it out when they are all home over Christmas.

      I loved all the new stuff I learned about this movie from y’all, though. The biggest shocker: Boss Hogg! In all those times watching it, I never made that connection. (And I was a huge Bo Duke fan, of course!) Knowing all the little inside jokes and other tidbits will make another watch even more fun. Thanks, y’all!

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        I think we must’ve chatted on Facebook about you watching What’s Up Doc during your parents’ anniversary trip because I remember you saying that…and I had the same reaction then that I do now: awesome. Sounds like something our family would do–my siblings and I have some different tastes movie-wise, but I think this is one our entire family agrees on. And I hope you do watch it with your kids at Christmas…everyone needs to experience the greatness of this one. Everyone. And now you can impress them with all the stuff you know about it. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the vlog!

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