Are you a suspense fan? If so, you need to know author Sandra Orchard. Her latest book, Deadly Devotion, released in June from Revell and is the first in her Port Aster series. The plot moves at a quick pace and I especially appreciated her unique characters. Her main character, for instance, is an herbalist in search of treatment for depression…and then later, in search of a killer.
Cue mysterious music. 🙂
I first met Sandra at the ACFW Conference a couple years ago. One of the highlights: A bunch of us crowded into a snug hotel room while Sandra read a scene from fellow author Lisa Jordan’s debut novel. It may or may not have been a kissing scene. I may or may not have about fallen off the bed from laughter.
Enjoy her guest post today and be sure to check out the giveaway she’s got going on!
Hi Melissa,
Thank you so much for inviting me to be your guest. I like to give my newsletter subscribers a special Christmas gift, so I’ve spent the last couple of weeks writing a mini-novella Christmas romance just for them, and wow, did it ever get me into the Christmas spirit!
In BW years (before writing), I would start working on Christmas gifts (cross-stitch, knitting, painting and sewing projects) months in advance and look forward to Christmas with eager anticipation. I was devoted to giving my family and friends unique, special gifts that cost me more than a few hours at the shopping mall and a few dollars out of my pocket.
Of course… when my children were young, they preferred Lego to the cute painted book holders I pored over for hours. But now, the Lego is stashed in bins in the closet and the book holders still sit in a place of honor on their bedroom shelves. But I digress.
Thinking about how my gift-giving habits have changed over the years, got me thinking about how we show our devotion. Now that much of my time is consumed writing, oftentimes my devotion to my family is expressed by actually stopping long enough to cook them a nice supper! And if I do the dishes, bonus!!
Of course, I love it when they show their devotion to me by doing them. 😉
Now that the cooler weather is settling in here in Canada, my hubby shows his devotion to me by taking a few extra minutes to get the woodstove going before he leaves for work. Since we keep our thermostat set at 65F, I really appreciate his thoughtfulness!
Deadly Devotion is the first book in a three-book mystery series in which a romance arcs the series, along with an underlying suspense plot. In book one, the heroine shows her devotion to her mentor by endeavoring to prove that the woman didn’t commit suicide.
With a potential less-than-eager-to-be caught murderer on the loose, you can imagine the risk she’s taking. (If not, read the book <wink>)
Few of us would need to go to such great lengths to show our devotion. But most mothers would tell you they’d die for their child. Our pastor’s wife just gave her kidney to her eldest son. That’s devotion!
Many believers face persecution on a daily basis and continue to show their devotion to their faith at great cost, whereas here in North America, we can easily neglect opportunities to show our own devotion for fear of looking weird or radical or not having time for other things or… fill in the blank.
I’d like to challenge you this holiday season to think about who and what you are most devoted to and how you might express that devotion in a tangible way.
If you’d like an opportunity win a copy of Deadly Devotion for yourself or as a gift for a friend. Please check out the Rafflecopter below.
If you’d like to read my Christmas story, please click here to subscribe to my newsletter. You will receive a link to my 2011 Christmas story within the next day or two, so please check your spam folder if you don’t see it. The new story will arrive in your inbox in December.
Your Turn: What drives you forward in life? What are you devoted to? What are some ways you express or show that devotion?
Sandra Orchard is a multi award-winning author of inspirational romantic suspense with Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense imprint, and Revell Publishing. She is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America and The Word Guild (Canada). A mother of three grown children, she lives in Niagara, Canada with her real-life-hero husband and now writes full time…when not doting on her young grandchildren. You can learn more about Sandra’s books and bonus features at or connect at
Comments 11
LOL, Melissa, that was such a fun night! thanks so much for having me on your blog. 🙂
You’re welcome–so happy to have you here. And yes, that was a hilarious night. Somewhere I still have the video of it… 🙂
Oh, so you’re the one I’ve heard so much about…reading that kissing scene. 😉
I’m devoted to my husband, to my faith, and to my dream of being a published author. I’m discovering every day, in every way, that God’s dreams are often bigger than the dreams we dream up for ourselves. Case in point: I just had my 7th wedding anniversary with a man who is even more than I ever dreamed up.
(Hi, Mel!! Hope you’re having a good Hump Day.) 🙂
Yup, I’m the one. 🙂 Immortalized on video. Have you seen it? 😉
Congratulations on your seventh wedding anniversary!!! Does a romance writer’s heart good to read about people’s happily ever afters. 🙂
HI back, Linz. And yes, Sandra is the one you’ve heard about. It’s so weird to think I had an ACFW existence before knowing you!
Hi Sandra! Waving at you and Melissa this morning!
Fun post! (And I’m with you… Does the family really neeeeed supper? And do those dishes really neeeeed washed? Last night, it was cashew chicken over our way. On paper plates. 🙂 )
God and family drive me in life. (I was just kidding about my family “needing supper.” Of course they do! LOL) All joking aside though, God’s my be-all-end-all. Without Him, I couldn’t do this crazy thing called “writing” day in, day out, especially when motivation and energy sometimes tend to lag. He spurs me on by delivering those encouraging nudges that come by way of friends’ blog comments, e-mails, just-on-time phone calls,
and countless other “God things” throughout the day.
I try to show my devotion by committed one-on-one time with my Heavenly Father through prayer and Bible study. And really, where family’s concerned, I’d do just about anything. Like live in and out of hospitals for years because “life” took a backseat when one of our children became devastatingly ill. (I completely understand your pastor’s wife’s devotion to her son and I applaud her a thousand times over!)
Finally…another thing… Sandra, you cannot possibly have grandchildren! You’re far too young! Isn’t marrying at 13 illegal in Canada? 😉
Oh… and just one more thing… (Your kissing read-a-thon is infamous!) LOL
Oh, Cynthia, paper plates–ingenious!!! Got to put that on my shopping list! 🙂 Then if I could start cooking in disposable pans, we’d really be set.
Love your sense of humor…and poor eyesight, but you can be sure I’m going to tell my hubby he was a cradle robber. 🙂
I love what you had to say about devotion and so sorry at your child’s suffering. God bless you.
Cynthia, your comment about basically living in and out of a hospital for years reminds me of my sister and brother-in-law and Ollie…well, and our whole family really. So many trips down to the hospital in Kansas City. Lots of devotion to little Ollie in our family, that’s for sure. 🙂
I read Deadly Devotion and am waiting for the next to come out to see where the characters go! I’d heard about the kissing-scene read mentioned above, but did not know you were involved:) Great to meet you!
Oh, wow, that story really got around! Delighted to meet you Susan and hope you like where I take the characters next. 🙂
I think the next one in the series comes out next June, if I’m remembering right!