We have a winner!

Whoa, I’ve been mostly absent from the blogosphere in the past two weeks and so much has happened during my time away!

  • We said goodbye to Twinkies. (I’m just thankful Little Debbie is safe and sound. The world would not be right without oatmeal cream pies.)
  • Larry Hagman died. Seems like most people remember him as a bad guy from Dallas, but he’ll always be Astronaut Tony Nelson to me.
  • Thanksgiving! 
  • Lincoln came to theaters and everybody in the world made a joke about the irony.
  • And I completed my Christmas shopping. Like, I’m done. No, it didn’t make headlines, but it probably should’ve. No mid-December, almost-in-tears mall runs for me this year. (Um, not that I’ve ever done that. Someone might have freaked out in the middle of the mall last year and scared the happy Santa due to completely ridiculously “I-don’t-know-what-to-buy-for-anyone” stress. But, uh, wasn’t me.)

Thank you so much to everybody who stopped by my Facebook page and clicked “like.” I put off creating that page for an awfully long time, but you made the effort worth it. Thanks, too, to everyone who entered the drawing. Time to announce the winner…[insert drum roll]…

Sandra Spaulding!

Sandra, a $10 Amazon.com gift card, $10 Target gift card, $5 Starbucks gift card, a hard copy of My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren, a bag of mint dark chocolate M&Ms aaaand virtual hug will all be hitting your mailbox soon. 🙂

Everybody else, take heart. We’ve got more giveaway fun coming in December. For now, we’re keeping things short and sweet this post-holiday Monday. Just for fun, let’s chat…
What was the best part of your Thanksgiving? My answer’s easy…my nephew Ollie! 


(Sometimes eyes almost get poked out during photos, yes. But we did eventually both smile at the same time. And for the record, Ollie is still the cutest, most wonderful little boy on the planet. Just in case you didn’t already pick that up by my proud smile. 🙂 )

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    Comments 24

    1. Kudos on completing your Christmas shopping, Melissa. Ours is done, too, and the wrapped presents are under the tree. Since our college daughter is one of those who loves Christmas and eagerly awaits her trip home to celebrate, we indulge her by completing the “Christmasification” while she’s here for her Thanksgiving break. Having the decorating, shopping, and wrapping done sure makes for a less-stress Advent season and enables us to focus on the One whose birthday we’re celebrating.

      1. Isn’t it such a great feeling to have the gift-buying done? You’re right…getting it done early helps keep the focus on Christ…in the past, I’ve put it off and ended up stressed out…which is NOT the best way to go into the holiday. 🙂

    2. I missed you, Melissa!
      Thanks for sharing the photos of Ollie. Seeing his smile always puts a smile on my face!!
      Best part of my Thanksgiving: Having a house full of friends and family.

    3. Yay! So happy you had fun with Ollie. Glad you decided to go. Aren’t you? 🙂

      I was uber-productive this weekend! Got like 11 scenes written this week, which isn’t the 14 I’d hoped for, but it’s still pretty good for a weekend when I just wanted to veg out. 😛

      I’ve missed your blog and am glad you’re back!!!!!

      1. Oh yes, I’m definitely happy I went. Thank you for being part of my decision-making process. Hehehe…but yeah, we had so much fun. Shopping with my sister, talking writing and stories with my brother-in-law, giggling with Ollie…good times. 🙂

        Eleven scenes is amazing, my friend!

        Hope you have a splendid birthday!!

      1. Haha, that is sooo not wrong! Something kinda weird about me: I’m really not into any kind of Thanksgiving food. It’s all fine, but nothing really gets me that excited…except green bean casserole. Hehehe…

    4. Oh, those pictures are precious! Thanksgiving was great, most of the family got to be there and even though my hubby had to work, we still had some family time.

      Great job finishing Christmas shopping! I’m usually almost done by now, but we’re making all our gifts this year. Making presents takes WAY longer than just going out to buy them! 🙂

    5. Ooo, Little Debbies! We love the Swiss Cake Rolls here. And just about every other snack cake…

      Such cute pictures! I spent the holiday in Iowa with my sister’s family and my folks. It rocked! Loved it! She even made mulled wine for us to sip outside by the fire. Mmm…

      1. Ahhh, Swiss Cake Rolls. I remember as a kid always trying to peel the top chocolate layer off and then unrolling them… 🙂 Once in London, a British friend’s mom made this “yuletide log” thing that was basically a huge Swiss Cake Roll. It was one of the most amazing eating experiences I’ve ever had.

        Hey, you were in Iowa? We should’ve met up. 🙂 Except, I guess I was in Wichita so that probably wouldn’t have worked. But next time… 🙂

    6. Oh, oh, oh…super excited here…but trying to contain it…just in case…am I the Sandra who won?!! 🙂

      Yee, if I am, you have soooo made my day!
      Btw, so envious that you are done Christmas shopping!

      1. Ohhh, Sandra, I’m sorry…it’s another Sandra who won…one of my friends from back when I lived in Northwest Iowa, Sandra Spaulding. I’m sorry!! But I hope you still have a good day. I’m going to do a giveaway every Wednesday in December (except for the right after Christmas–taking that week off), so if you stop back, who knows…maybe you’ll win one of those times! 🙂

      2. Oh, sorry…the last name is in the centered line in the middle of the post, but yeah, in the last paragraph there’s no last name…but yeah, sorry it wasn’t you…maybe next time!! 🙂

    7. Ollie’s smile NEVER ceases to make me smile! Great photos:) And welcome back – did you catch-up on your writing???

      My favorite thing this Thanksgiving? Family time. Hubby was home, kids were happy, amazing turkey lunch, Macy’s parade, decorating happened, movies watched, cocoa drank, a GREAT start to the Holiday season!

      1. That sounds like the perfect holiday, for sure. 🙂

        I did catch up on writing! It was a wonderful time. I have to admit, I didn’t finish my draft as originally planned, though. About half way through I freaked out and decided my plot needed serious work (AGAIN!), but I’m still pretty much on track. I’ll have the draft done by December 10 and revisions done by January 10…woohoo!!

    8. You’re back!!! Yay!!! Thanksgiving was at our house this year and was a small meal (as far as family meals go around here) with eight adults and four children. Later, other family members came over for games and visiting. The next day we hunted for the perfect tree, then went to my aunt’s for more Thanksgiving fun with the other side of the family. All in all, it’s been a great holiday, but I’m now looking forward to Christmas! 🙂

    9. Oh my word. Cutest. Little. Boy. Ever. Maybe even cuter than mine. 😉 Congrats on finishing Christmas shopping, Melissa! I haven’t started yet, which means I’ll be the one having a meltdown on Dec. 24th.

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