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On Monday I asked the random question, “If you could spend one week either in the past or in the future, which would you choose?”
I loved the answers, and the consensus seemed to be the past. As for me, I’m pretty sure I’d choose the past as well…for a somewhat silly reason. I’ve always wondered what kind of woman I’d be back when women were pretty much relegated to the kitchen. Would I have been content there, not questioning my position?
Or would I have been a sister suffragette type? Which of course makes me think of this…
Oh, how I love the trippy-ness of Mary Poppins.
Anyway, I mentioned on Monday that when I pondered this question last weekend, my thoughts eventually turned a spiritual direction. I was driving an Iowa back road at the time, dodging tractors headed to the coop, actually arguing with myself as to whether I’d visit the past or the future. (Clearly I’m firmly in the camp of people who think talking to yourself is a perfectly healthy activity…)
And it hit me: the only person truly capable of time travel doesn’t take himself up on the option.
Obviously by “only person” I mean God. (Sorry, Marty McFly. You don’t count.)
God could do it, couldn’t He? He exists outside time. So if He wanted to, He could–with all of us in tow, if He wished–zip backwards or forwards, no problem.
But He doesn’t.
Even in the Bible, when God seems to be at one of His greatest points of frustration with humanity–I’m talking Noah times–He acts in the present. No irritated backtracks or hurried spurts forward.
Which makes me think now is pretty important to God. I have a feeling He’s not nostalgically thinking back to pre-apple Eden days or wishing the year 2022 would hurry up and get here.
Sure, He sees the future and understands the past and how it all fits together in ways we never will. He’s a big picture God.
But still…He’s at work in hearts and lives, in big ways and small ways now. Which lends a lot of significance to today, doesn’t it?
Makes me think of that verse in Esther: “…for such a time as this.” There’s reason and meaning and purpose in today.
How does that truth impact your view of right now?
Comments 33
Wow, Melissa! This is a powerful post. You just gave me an entirely new perspective on God and His view of the here and now. I totally love this! In fact, I’m going to share the link to this post with our awesome youth pastor, who is into exploring Scripture outside the box, so-to-speak.
Oh thanks for sharing, Keli! Glad it gave you a new perspective. Scripture outside the box…I like that! 🙂
Now is always ringing in my ears. And anytime we’re talking (me and God), He might tell me it’s okay to let go of the past and it’s ok to look toward the future will He’s planned for me, but when He gives me action…it’s here. It’s now. Present.
A big ole love on this post, Tagg!! 🙂
Yes! Here, now, present… 🙂
What a great insight, Melissa! I’d never thought of it this way. As one who often wishes she lived in the past–thank you!
You’ve given me more respect for the right now. 🙂
I don’t think you’re alone in sometimes wishing you lived in the past. 🙂
I love this. And I needed the reminder that the now is important as we head into a special but busy weekend (senior homecoming with our youngest child) where I’m already kind of wishing it over. So thank you for this perspective today. God chooses to be in the now. And I want to be with God!
Haha, I can remember back to my own senior year in high school. Definitely a busy time. I love your last couple lines–God chooses to be in the now, and I want to be with God, sooo…I want to be in the here and now, too. 🙂
This is a terrific topic–really makes me think. Thanks!
You’re welcome. 🙂 Happy Friday, Jill!
Sometimes when we hold tightly to the past, we don’t have a free hand to hold the present God gives us. I love that He is a Now kind of God. I love how He has plans for my future. Love your insight into this…and yes, talking to yourself is a perfectly healthy activity.
Hehe, glad you agree talking to myself is a legit activity…’cause I do it a lot! 🙂
There’s a cool clock pin on Pinterest that lists all the hours as NOW. I think about that throughout the day. Not only who am I living for, but when…When am I living?
Love these thoughts!
~ Wendy
Ooh, sweet clock. I might need that. It’d be especially good hanging in an office during the day…when I sometimes get a little too eager to be off work and deep into my “other” life. 🙂
Yep. “For such a time as this” runs through my mind often. If I truly believe God has a plan for my life – which I DO! – then I know that I was ordained for this time, today, now to accomplish that which he created me for. I can’t change my past, I can’t reach my future any faster, but I can be obedient with my today and do all He’s called me to do:)
Blessed weekend, Melissa!!
Yes and amen to everything you said, Susan. 🙂
I love this Melissa – this is the way my own brain thinks. I love when God gives us a spiritual truth in the midst of a random bunny trail thought – and this one is pretty powerful. God is a God of the here and now – and, yet, we try to live in the past and the future for so much of our lives. Maybe the enemy of our souls understands this and that’s why it’s such a battle to live in the present – because if we really lived in the prsent, where God wants us to live, we’d be more powerful and mighty for the Kingdom of God. Mmm, mmm, mmm – this is going to be a tasty thought to chew on today! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Gotta love those bunny trail thoughts and where they lead. There’s something about driving back roads in Iowa that always brings out the thinker in me.
I love your thoughts, too, Gabe. I too often forget there is, as you say, an enemy of our souls whose sole purpose is to distract and detract from our faith. By choosing to live in the now, I’m fighting back. Love it.
Living/being in the moment is something I’ve practiced more of in the last few years. Thank you, Melissa–this was awesome!
You’re welcome, Cindy. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Love the way you make me thing, M-Tagg! You are so right–God is the here and now. And that scripture from Esther…I just said that to someone this week.
It’s such a good Scripture. Sometimes I get pouty about that verse and think, well, it’s one thing for that to be said about Esther. She became a queen, helped save her people…do my “times” and “this’s” matter at all compared to hers? But they do! We’re born for this time, for our own nows, our own “this’s.”
Great thoughts to ponder, Melissa! Even though, as writers, we tend to look forward much of the time to the next project, story, or study to write, living in the the NOW makes those things possible. When we stop living in the now, we don’t have the stuff that makes the stories good later. If we miss out on living and surrending today, tomorrow is less rich and more gray. Nothing like living completely IN today to rest peacefully IN Him — and that’s where the vibrant colors blow our wigs right off. 🙂
LOL, I love that last line, Donna!
Oh, I like this! Sometimes it’s easy to think how small we are in the grand scheme of things, but then we remember God’s presence, we see it and feel it, and (at least for me), it makes us feel big and special and like right now is a very important thing.
Yeah! I think one of the coolest things about God is that he has a “grand scheme” for all of us…an individual, personal plan…and each of our personal journeys fit into His bigger scheme of redeeming us, drawing us to him…very cool…and very in-the-now.
Great thoughts, Melissa. I just love long rides – I always get a load of thinking done.
We can’t go back, but we have memories within our lifetime – We just can’t live in them – I know so many people who do and it usually has to do with unforgiveness or hurt. I believe God wants us to live in today and move forward as He walks with us. It’s okay to look back, happy or sad, but we need to experience today.
Exactly. When we get stuck in looking back or forward ALL the time, we miss the cool things about right now!
Love, love, love! (And dodging cows…really?!)
I have often thought that God is waaaay more interested in the journey than the destination. He wants us to grow, but that takes time. He isn’t in a hurry. He’s in this for the long haul. I’m so guilty of wanting to rush forward or get stuck in being nostalgic. But I can’t live in the past–it will never change–and the only way to truly change my future for the better is to live right…right now.
Hehehe, dodging tractors, my friend! Dodging cows would be…slightly disconcerting…and yet possibly very entertaining.
I did a whiplash head nod to your line about God not being in a hurry. Very true. I heard someone say once that God is never late to act…but he sure isn’t early either. 🙂
Hehe, whew. Tractors is better. Not sure where the cows came in. Maybe that’s what I think of when I think of Iowa? Cows and corn…can’t wait to come visit someday and see for myself!
You’ve got my wheels turning! I often love and appreciate the “now” but do I truly use my “now’s” how I should? Do I take advantage of every “now” God gives me?? Hmmm???
Good questions, Lacie. Good questions!