Special post: Crazy, awesome, dream-come-true news!

I know it’s not Monday, Wednesday, or Friday…and I know yesterday I said I wouldn’t be posting the rest if the week. BUT as of today I’m able to share something and I can’t wait any longer!

I’ve almost gnawed off my bottom lip in anticipation of sharing this news over the past couple months. But I’m all about being professional (dude, stop laughing), so I waited to share it until the “i’s” were properly dotted, the “t’s” properly crossed.

It’s now official and I can finally share…

I’ve been given a two-book contract with Bethany House Publishing!

Yaaayyyy!! (FYI, I said that out loud as I typed it. I might’ve also almost choked on a Twizzler bite at the same time.)

My first book, tentatively titled From the Ground Up, comes out fall 2013. It’s about a homebuilding TV show host out to save her career while juggling a fake husband, former fiance and nosy reporter…all under the roof of the one house she can’t bring herself to finish building.

My second book comes out in summer 2014 and features one of those three guys I just mentioned from FTGU–the fake husband, former fiance or nosy reporter. I’ll let you guess which.

I’m thrilled to be working with my awesome agent Amanda Luedeke and too-cool Bethany editor Raela Schoenherr. They’re both so savvy and fun and have made this process such a blast so far.

Now, I need to tell you something:

When I was a kid, the first “adult” books I read were Janette Oke’s Love Comes Softly series. And, as you may know, they were published through Bethany House. Thus, I started purposely looking for other Bethany House books at the local library. Seriously, I’d walk through aisles looking for the Bethany logo on the spines of books. And…

I started saying someday I wanted to be published by Bethany.

Now…it’s really happening!!!! I know, I just broke the unwritten never-go-exclamation-mark -crazy writing rule. My ardent apologies…but I’m just so excited!

Sidenote: Did anyone see the video ESPN did after Tim Tebow’s first press conference as a New York Jet? They counted up how many times he said “I’m excited.” Pretty sure I deserve a video of my own since I think I may have beat his record by, oh, approximately three thousand “I’m exciteds” in this past month.

In all seriousness, though, when Amanda called me with the news and offer on July 25, I felt my world tilt a little. Okay, maybe a lot. But hours later, when I finally settled down enough to attempt to sleep, I think God whispered to me…and said:

Melissa, why are you so surprised? Haven’t I been telling you all along I’ve got this? Haven’t I been telling you to trust me?

And I realized, my world hadn’t tilted at all…only my understanding. God was letting me in on the next layer of His plans for my life. But my world? He had it set in place all along.

So, because I know many readers of this blog are also writers and dreamers, I want to encourage you with that same truth. God has your “world” all figured out too. And in his timing, he’s going to peel back the next layer…show you the next step…nudge you around the next bend.

Because He’s awesome like that.

Thanks so much for celebrating with me today!

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    Comments 69


      I just got asked for a proposal and sample chapters…but HOLY COW!!!! A 2 book contract!?!?!?!

      1. Oh, thank you, Jess. Guess what else is exciting…not only do I get to see you tomorrow, I also get to eat those cookies your hubby made. I got hungry just looking at the photo of those cookies!

    2. Yay! Yay! Yay!!!! I’m so excited for and with you, friend. God is so good to us. I’m sure it feels like a loooong time coming, but it feels like just last week we were sitting outside at Blue Ridge talking about these very hopes and dreams. I can’t wait to buy your books!!!

    3. Soooo excited for you! (I’m sure there is some rule about limiting the number of superfluous letters in a word, but whatever.) And how great to get to share your news right before the conference. Can’t wait to read them!

      1. I know, the timing was pretty fun. I’m glad I’m free to talk about it now. It would’ve been a challenge to keep my mouth shut all conference long. Hehehe…and I’m totally cool with superfluous letters. 🙂

    4. I just saw the BIG news! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yes, I know all CAPS is shouting, but that’s what I’m doing. Shouting, whooping, hollering, cheering, and doing a no-holds-barred happy dance for you, Melissa!

    5. This SERIOUSLY makes me want to tear up!!!! Goodness, gracious me on my!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melissa, BETHANY HOUSE???? You just said the magic words in this publishing industry, BH is also my dream publisher, WHAT A GIFT!!!!! I’m going to hug your neck SO HARD tomorrow!!!!

    6. Seriously, my daughter hopped up from her computer and rushed over to me to see why I was crying and gasping. I had to convince her it was extremely happy tears. I’m so excited to find out what all those cute “teaser” remarks finally led to. You so deserve this and I’m so happy for you. Thanks for the ending reminder that God has this! I so needed that, today. Raela S. is currently looking for my first two chapters as the result of a contest win. Hope it is as fruitful. Congrats!!!! I’m so proud of you.

    7. I am both smiling like a madwoman and crying tears of joy for you. Congratulations!! Isn’t God so good to give us those dreams of the heart in His timing? I am so excited for you (and definitely plan to find you tomorrow/Thursday and hug your neck off). Also, thanks for sharing not only for you, but for us as well. That truth is a good reminder this week. A great one.

    8. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! So happy for you, Melissa! I love hearing awesome news like this…your books sound great!!!

      I knew it would happen fast for you – you just have that special something…I saw it right away. Best wishes!!!

    9. CONGRATS, Melissa. 😀

      Your first novel sounds wonderful, humorous, and of course, romantic. 😀 Basically, just… lovely! I will definitely be looking out for it in 2013 from the always wonderful Bethany House.

      Best of luck as an author.

    10. Congratulations once again. So glad you were able to make the announcement this week. God is good!!!! And just so you know, overuse of explanation points is hereditary!!!! 🙂

      1. Oh thank you, Mom!! I should’ve mentioned that you and Dad are and have been the hugest support in my writing journey and my life in general! Love you lots!! And thanks for passing on the exclamation point love!!!!!!!!

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