Erica has a wonderful post for us today with tips for anyone going to the upcoming ACFW Conference–or any big writing conference, really. And if you’re not a writer, well, frankly, I think these tips work at all kinds of gatherings. 🙂
Enjoy! Oh, and be sure to check out both of Erica’s upcoming books!
How To Have A Great Conference Experience
In just a few weeks, I’ll be heading out the door to my sixthACFW Conference. Hard to believe I’ve been to that many! I can’t wait to see friends and meet new people and soak up the writer-ly atmosphere.
1. Make a plan
- Check out the workshops and see which ones will suit where you are in your writing journey. If you aren’t sure what your level of expertise is, ask your crit partners or consult the ACFW website for a definition of the levels.
- If you’re going to make appointments to see agents or editors there are a few things to consider.
- Are you ready? Do you have a complete manuscript? Have you let anyone besides your mom read it?
- Have you done any research into who you want to pitch to? Make sure you choose appointments with agents or editors who represent what you write.
2. Be willing to wad up the plan and toss it in the trash
- Be flexible. Plans are great, but if you hang your entire conference experience on getting to meet a certain editor or getting to sit at a certain agent’s table at a meal and that plan doesn’t come off, you can find yourself up in your room crying your eyeballs out because your lovely agenda didn’t fall into place.
- Sometimes God has other plans. A couple of years ago none of my conference plans worked out. I missed workshops because of book-signing times, interview times, a meeting with my agent, etc. In spite of everything, I had one of the best conferences of my life. Be willing to go with the flow, and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised.
3. Listen more than talk – but DO talk some.
- Often we’re so excited, we find ourselves babbling on non-stop. Remember at the conference you’re surrounded by writers, and everyone has a story to tell. Be sensitive to others, especially when you’re sharing an editor or agent’s time at a meal table. Give everyone a chance to share.
- But don’t be silent! This is a big one, and one I’m guilty of. Often at a conference, when I’m with people I don’t know, or especially with industry professionals, I find myself retreating into the background. Someone asks “What do you write?” and I go, “Um, fiction?” Yeah. Not good. So practice what you want to say in response to that question. Have a few stock answers in the bag. If you can’t think of anything to say, turn to a fellow author and ask them what they write and/or where they’re from. You might make a conference friend who will turn into a lifelong friend. 🙂
If I could summarize everything into a nutshell, I’d say: Make it about the people, not the agenda.
You’re going to come across writers delirious with good news or heartbroken after not-so-good news. You’re going to worship in a way that is perhaps like nothing you’ve done before, hear testimonies and stories that will blow your mind, and have chance after chance to show grace to others. You’ll be a different person, not because of knowledge you’ve gained, but because of the people you’ve met and learned from, been encouraged by, and commiserated with.
By all means, make a plan, rehearse your pitch, pray for guidance, schedule your workshops and appointments, prepare your one-sheets and proposals, buy your tickets, and get your wardrobe together, but never forget:
When it comes to the ACFW Conference, it’s not about your agenda, it’s about the people God is preparing for you to encounter…and the you God is preparing other people to encounter.
P.S. Melissa here! I’ve got a post up at the ACFW blog today. I hope you’ll stop by!
Comments 29
Erica, these were fabulous tips! Thanks for sharing!
I can’t wait to see you! S’gonna be awesome! 😀
Love the point about it being about the people God is preparing you to encounter…this rings true in all of life.
~ Wendy
That is so true, and something I need reminded of many times.
This was great! I can be one of those babblers, so I make a conscious effort to ask everyone I meet what they write. Then I really listen. It’s a great ice breaker.
Isn’t it? I’ve met some of the most wonderful people by asking that one question. And it’s soooo cool to learn at a later date that the book they were so excited about is now published. 🙂
Melissa! thank you so much for having me here at Tag(g)lines! I love your video introduction. 🙂
I also enjoyed your post on the ACFW blog today. Well done! Such good advice.
You are welcome–and thank YOU for being here. You’re tips are so good. I had to smile at make a plan…but then be ready to toss aside the plan. That seems to be the story of my life sometimes. And your last point is just awesome!
Thanks for reading the ACFW post,too. That was my first time on the ACFW blog…fun!
Great tips, Erica. ACFW will be my first big conference. I’m trying to go in with minimal expectations so God has room to work His magic. I’m mostly looking forward to meeting all of the awesome people in person who I’ve met online!
Like meeee! 🙂 Hehehe…Can’t wait to meet you in person!!
Meeting people is the best part of the conference. I look forward to it every year. I always meet up with old friends, and I always find some new friends, too. I hope to see you there!
It’ going to be a last minute call for me, but I’m still hoping to go to the conference. This will be my first ACFW conference. Great post, Erica. You gave some really awesome tips, especially about it not being about my agenda…I will go with the flow.
Ohh, I hope you get to come, too, Loree!
Oh, I hope you can go. It seriously will expand your perspective on publishing in the CBA.
Erica, thank you for the tips! This will be my first writer’s conference and I need all the help I can get. I debated whether or not to meet with an agent & editor (my manuscript will be written, but not polished by then), but I decided against it and will be meeting with mentors, instead. I feel good about that decision. Hopefully I get a chance to meet with some of my dream agents & editors at other times and not have the pressure of trying to “sell” myself to them, but start the conversation and relationships. I’m excited to meet you in person!! 🙂
That’s an excellent approach to take. The mentor appointments are a great idea. And be sure to track me down! I want to meet you!!!
Fabulous advice! I love the being flexible one and also remembering to listen as much as you talk.
Hi, Stacy, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I need a constant reminder to listen carefully. I tend to wander around in my head a lot, which is good for writing fiction but not so great for hearing what people are saying. 😀
I’ve read wonderful things about Erica’s books! I’m really looking forward to reading them soon. : )
Have a great day!
Hi, Michelle! A little secret… has the best prices on my books right now. 😀 Or you can request them at your local library.
Love the whole “make a plan, but be willing to toss the plan” wisdom, Erica! Thanks so much for visiting Melissa’s blog today! I came away more prepared for ACFW.
I think I might’ve said this above, but I love that same thing, Beth. I feel like it’s applicable for oh so much of life. Hehehe… 🙂
Experience is a great teacher, Beth. 🙂 every time I’ve gone to ACFW with a grand plan, God has scrapped it on about the first day and told me to just roll with it and let Him do His thing. 🙂
In a post full of great tips, the most practical one for me is to be prepared to tell people what I write. I know the answer, but tend to get tongue-tied.
I appreciate this wisdom even more: “You’ll be a different person, not because of knowledge you’ve gained, but because of the people you’ve met and learned from, been encouraged by, and commiserated with.”
Thanks so much. Hope to meet you all in Dallas!
I hope to see you in Dallas as well! Maybe we can practice answering that question together. 🙂
Melissa and Erica – these tips are great LIFE tips, too, aren’t they? Make a plan, be willing to toss it, and listen more than talk. Good stuff.
Thank you for sharing today!
They are good life tips, Becky. I wish I followed it more often and with less fussing. :S
Erica, thanks for the great tips. I am bummed that I can’t make the ACFW conference, but I know that sometimes God’s plan involves the frustrating word, “wait”. He knows what we need so I am trusting HIm with that, too.
🙁 I’m sorry that you can’t make this year’s ACFW conference, Marney, but you’re so wise to put your trust in God’s plans. His are always best, even when he asks us to wait. (Said by someone who LOATHES waiting. :S )