Joy vs. Happiness (Or, maybe I was cooler in high school.)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace 

Comments 22

  1. I learned happiness comes and goes with circumstances, joy resides in all of them. I choose joy!

    I also think it’s cool you still have journals from that long ago…not that you’re old. LOL

    1. Haha, it’s okay. You can call me old. And I will confess to throwing out some old journals and journal entries. I would be mortified–even up in heaven–if someone read them after I died. Haha…

    1. Yeah, it’s funny…I think we can work so hard on things sometimes, when it’s just a matter of, like you said, living in it. Letting God do the work in us…love it. 🙂

  2. Totally love this! I think I have a lot of journal entries about the difference between joy and happiness. My 18-year-old self was dealing with a mom who was dying and a world that didn’t make sense. Except, when I looked at it from the perspective of God not wanting to make us happy, but holy. More like Jesus.

    Like Sarah said, those times of trial are what often draw us closer to Him. And when we hang out with Him a lot, we tend to take on His perspective. In my instance, I had to. It was either take on the deep abiding joy He was offering or embrace the emotional death of always searching for happiness.

    Love you wisdom, friend!

    1. Wow, Linds, sometimes I forget what you went through at such a young age. It makes the awesomeness of who you are today even more awesome to me. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and I’m blessed to know you!

      p.s. Everyone should head over to Jess Patch’s blog today for a hilariously fun tropical convo with Jess and Linds!

  3. How awesome to go back and read that!

    Joy is the word I chose for 2012. In everyday life, we experience that sheer joy in fleeting moments. I want it more and more.

    If I haven’t told you, Melissa, I loved Darlene’s book – I wept through two-thirds of it…okay, most of it. The book touched something in me. Thanks again for Extravagant Worship!

  4. Wish I had been that wise at 18 years old. I love this post and the distinct differences you point out between joy and happiness. I feel that deep abiding joy when I teach and when I write and that connection to God is the source of it all.

    P. S. You cracked me up on the “I really was in high school” line.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha, yes, there were a few lines that needed to come out to protect the innocent (that would be me) from incessant teasing… 🙂 God may have been working in my heart on the happiness vs. joy thing, but I was *still* slightly, ahem, teenage girlish.

  5. Definitely choosing JOY – I tell my kids that nearly every day, typically right on the heels of me having to tell them “NO” about something…Hmmm, does that mean I say NO too often?:)

    Loved you sharing. I still have my old journals but I”m not so sure I have passages I could share! You have made me want to dig them out though! Have a great weekend:)

    1. Haha, yes, I definitely understand not wanting to share passages. Yeah. If only you had an inkling of the entries I didn’t share. 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend, too!

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