The joy of playing auntie.

I’m pretty convinced being an aunt is one of the best roles in the world. It gives you a seriously good excuse to…

a) Spoil your amazingly adorable nephew like crazy
b) Play paparazzi like Lady Gaga wouldn’t believe
c) Fill your Monday morning blog with cuteness!

I hung out in Wichita this past weekend with Ollie and yep, I went a little camera happy. Ollie turned two years old a couple weeks ago and what a couple years it’s been!

For any Tag(g)lines newbies, Ollie was born in June 2010 with multiple heart defects and Down Syndrome. Quite a few operations later, including three open heart surgeries, he’s doing wonderfully!
There are still some challenges, but we’ve already seen God’s healing power at work so clearly in Ollie’s life. Thanks so much to everyone who prayed and is praying still.

Ollie (okay, I) wanted to show you how happy he is these days…and what a great dancer he is!

P.S. Since Wednesday is the Fourth of July, I’ll be taking a blogging break that day and probably playing with sparklers somewhere. Yes, local fire departments will be on standby.

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    Comments 22

    1. Okay, waaay too cute! I’m at my mom’s this week catching up on play time with my GREAT niece! She’s turning 1 on Saturday. Seems like I was just here, spending the night with mama and baby in the hospital. Time flies. Cliche, but true.

      Ollie is such a cutie pie!

    2. Awwww, he is adorable! So full of light and laughter! I love it!

      My nieces and nephews are all grown up, but they are still some of my favorite people in the world.

    3. My two year old son, Asher, just came into the room when he heard the video and when Ollie fell backwards he said: “Baby, oh no!” 🙂 Children are such an incredible blessing from the Lord! Thanks for sharing!

      1. Oh funny! Actually there’s a story to the “falling backwards” thing. Ollie plays “Timber” with his dad–Chip says timber and Ollie falls backward. Well, shortly before this video, for some reason, Ollie fell backward without the pillow behind him and konked his head. So he was a little hesitant to do the timber thing this time. 🙂

    4. I’m a huge Ollie fan…he always puts the biggest smile on my face:) And he dances better than me!

      Have a great week, Melissa! Don’t light anyone on fire.

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