The difference between simple & easy.

I’m hanging out with the coolest kid ever today. He goes by the name of Ollie. And if you’ve never heard me talk about him before, then we probably need to schedule a four-hour phone call.
So I’m a little short on time due to my auntie fun, but I did think it’d be fun to get a discussion going on something I heard this week.
During a staff meeting, the president/CEO of the ministry for which I work presented our goals for the upcoming fiscal year. (You know you’re a grown-up when you start using words like “fiscal.” Someday I’ll really blow myself out of the water and find a reason to say “fiduciary.”)
In his presentation, the president made a distinction I’ve never really thought about before. He said our vision for the future is simple…but it’s not easy.
Got my mind percolating.
And I realized that so much of life and faith and how I want to live out both is really pretty simple…and not at all easy.
I don’t know about you, but I get tempted at times to complicate life and my purpose. Which is funny because I’m about as philosophical as a snap pea. (Mm, love those.) But I do…and there’s no need. Because my purpose can be summed up so simply:
Honor Christ.
Love others.
Live passionately.
And always, always…trust God.
Simple to say but, at least on some days, pretty much the opposite of easy, yeah?
What do you think? Is there something you’d call simple, but definitely not easy? Does the distinction get you thinking at all, like it did me? And…just for fun: What words make you feel like an adult? 🙂
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    Comments 23

    1. Give Ollie a big hug!

      Honor, Love, Live, and Trust…4 simply easy words. 4 very complicated words to always live by – but we try, and that’s what counts.

      Love snaps! I’ll buy a bag, clean them, and munch all day.

    2. I second the trusting God. The other one for me is loving unconditionally. Oh so simple to say but definitely not easy all the time.

      Have a great weekend with Ollie!

    3. Waiting…should be simple. Nope. Just…nope.

      And trusting totally goes along with that too. We’ve talked. You know. 🙂

      Mmmm, snap peas. But only with a dip. Can’t eat them alone.

      And you stole my word: percolate. haha. And I love saying fiduciary. It, like, rolls off the tongue. So fun!

      Have fun playing auntie! I’ll miss you this week. Muah!

    4. Ha! My husband thinks it’s funny when I say behoove – I guess it sounds grown up and kind of silly 🙂 I love the message of this post. I dealt with something this morning that was simple and straightforward but my silly little mind tried to make it all complicated. And it’s not an easy situation but the answer is simple enough. I just need to trust God and stick with it. Thanks!

    5. Hhhhm, I would have to say “just write”. For me that is not always easy. I have trouble just letting go and writing for the sheer joy. I know too many rules now!!!

      Can I just say, I love the name Ollie? He is such a cutie-pie! Have fun!

    6. This post reminded me of this verse. “But I am afraid, lest as the sepent deceived Eve by His craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” Gets me thinking….who makes things hard? Lets pray for eachother, that our minds stay focused on the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Complete in Christ. Reason to celebrate today. Amen?
      What words makes me feel adult? Empty nest. Five Zero.

    7. This reminds me so much of a saying a friend has framed over her door. “Faith makes things possible, not easy.”

      I tried to find a copy of it, but the store no longer had it. So last year for my birthday, my friend’s daughter painted one for me. Even more special. It’s in my kitchen, so I make sure to see it every day.

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