What defines you?

Don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life. ~1 Corinthians 7:17 (MSG)

So I read the above verses earlier this week and forty thoughts ran through my mind at the same time. These were the top three:

  1. Whoa. Sweet. (Even girls who grow up in land-locked states have surfer-speak moments.)
  2. Do I let my marital status define me? 
  3. Pretty sure I want to write a blog on this.
Here I am, attempting to write said blog…and still marveling in the awesomeness of this truth:
Where we are, what we’re doing, who we’re with today, in this moment, is God’s plan and place. Oh yeah, it could change tomorrow. But right now, rather than waste mental energy pulling a Jiminy Cricket wishing fest, I want to do exactly as Paul says–live, obey, love, believe.
And then that next part: Paul is talking all about marriage in this section in 1 Corinthians. Should we, shouldn’t we? And he has good stuff to say. But I love this line most of all:
God, not your marital status, defines you.
Here’s the thing: We all slip into letting the wrong things define us. I can’t be alone here…
Marital Status
Anytime we let something other than God define us, we’re going to struggle with that whole living and obeying and loving and believing thing. Because we’ll never quite feel…complete. 
But in His definition, we’re wanted and cherished and fought for. We’re affirmed and forgiven and loved unconditionally–regardless of marital status or accomplishments or all those other things trying to play dictionary with our identities.
God’s definition of Melissa Tagg is the real thing. God’s definition of you is the full picture.

And when we’re content in that definition, we won’t struggle with wishing away where we are today.

Do you ever struggle with wishing you were someplace else or with someone else? What are you tempted to let define you? Another way to think of it is to rewrite the verse: “God, not your _______, defines you.”
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    Comments 30

    1. When my oldest son graduated high school and moved away to college, I struggled to let go because I felt defined by motherhood. I spent the last 22 years caring for my children. My life and my schedule revolved around caring for them and meeting their needs. Then I realized I won’t stop being their mom when they move away….God destined great things for me outside the realm of motherhood. Right now I’m embracing upcoming empty nest because God and I have a plan…He’ll lead me into my future and I’ll follow with anticipation.

    2. I love this post, Tagg! I’ve struggled with what or who defines me. The more time I spend with God the more I realize where my identity rests.

      And yes, I’ve wished I was other places but like Dorothy of Oz, there’s no place like home! 🙂

    3. Wow, perfect timing here. In fact, this has been pulling at me a lot lately…that God alone must satisfy me. I’ve been reading, writing, and praying over it…so I smiled when I saw your post title. Yet another way God’s speaking to me this week…thanks for sharing it, Melissa. And have a great weekend!

    4. I don’t normally read the Message translation, but wow. I love the way it puts that verse.

      Well, you know what it reads for me: God, not my ACCOMPLISHMENTS, defines me.

      I struggle with this a lot. I’ve always tried to be the best, especially when I was in school. And now, it’s carried over to my writing life. Except, here, it’s not about being the best. It’s about following God’s calling, waiting patiently for him, and realizing that whether or not I ever become a published author, I have self-worth. Because I’m His.

      Still trying to apply this here and in my whole life.

      Love you! Love that we are sooo on the same page with so much of this.

      1. I don’t normally read The Message, either, so once in awhile when I do, it’s so cool to see the freshness of verses I’ve read over and over in other translations.

        Yep, with me it’s accomplishment, too. I love that we have that kind of thing in common…not that we both struggle with it, haha, but that it’s a way we can connect and pray for each other. Love ya, too! I’m getting excited for you for your cruise. 🙂

    5. I’ve walked through different stages of my life when I allowed things – or lack of things – to define me. God has brought me to places of humility and trust I never dreamed of going and He has shown me Who and What defines me. Sometimes I still struggle with what defines me, to some degree, but it always come after my first definition, which is Child of God. I’m a sinner saved by Grace. A wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin and a voice. But above all that I am the full expression of God’s creation and love. It isn’t easy to keep this definition in mind as the world screams at me, but I cling to it with everything I have.

      Your posts always inspire me, Melissa!!

    6. God is enough. How I wish that I didn’t let myself ever get distracted from that truth. Sadly, I do. But I’m so thankful that in His mercy, God’s left reminders for us in his word. Thank you for sharing that verse and your heart.

    7. Yes! Yes! Love this! I’ve struggled with this.

      Long, long ago…When I was newly married. I was just “Eric’s wife” – I’m not sure anyone on his side of the family or his friends really knew my name, only defined by Eric. Then I became, “Shannon’s, Hannah’s, and/or Grant’s” mom. Once again, no name – defined by my kids. I have worn several hat’s in my life time – “Go see that “accountant” over there” or “That “pharm tech” will help you” – again, no name, just defined by my job. For a long time, I felt like I was someTHING but not someBODY. Okay, okay, this seemed to parallel with mid-life…lol.

      It took time to realize that I am the real thing in God’s eyes. I’m simply Loree, and happy to be.

      Great post, Melissa.

    8. Love this post! Your thoughts on the verse really resonate with me. I HAVE struggled with wanting to be somewhere else before, and it really wastes a lot of mental (and emotional) time and energy. People always talk about living for the moment or enjoying the moment, and one of the best ways to do it is by accepting we are where we are meant to be, and living each day that way.

      1. I so hear you, Cindy. I DEFINITELY struggle with wanting to be somewhere else at times…a coworker and I were just talking about contentment yesterday…and how it’s easy to be content when everything is perfect. But real, mature, even sacrificial contentment, is choosing to believe and be cool with the fact that we are where we are meant to be at this moment in time.

      1. Reba, you are one of my favorite persons in the world. (I never know whether to use persons or people.) And I agree, that the message is so important–I think society is wiring kids from such a young age to find their worth and identity in so many of the wrong things. I’m thankful for parents who taught me otherwise and for a God who continually reminds me my real identity is in Him.

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