Memorial Day Remembrance

I’m back! Can I just say the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference is a must-attend from now on? Beautiful setting, awesome people, loads of fun and learning.
Now, I had a totally brilliant random post all prepared for today, complete with references to Martin Luther King, Jr., Tim Tebow and mysterious men in elevators.
But yesterday I remembered today is Memorial Day…a day which deserves more than my usual Monday randomness. So the fellas mentioned above are benched until next week.
Instead, I’d like to ask a simple question: Who are you remembering today?
Honestly, I haven’t had much experience with loss in my life. But I’ve had friends face tragedy. I’ve interviewed families dealing with incredible loss. I’ve attended a military funeral…and once interviewed a widow and family on the one-year anniversary of a Marine’s death.
It seems to me perhaps the hardest part of loss is facing everyday life in the aftermath.
Last week I attended author and speaker Jim Rubart’s class on marketing during the Blue Ridge conference. (Sidenote: he rocks! If you ever get the chance to take one of his classes, do it!) And in class he spoke about one of his novels, Book of Days. He said the idea for the book came to him when he realized life is really the sum of our memories… 
I like that! Memories…
Today is a day for remembering. For being thankful for the sacrifices made by service men and women. For giving life to the memories we treasure of loved ones lost.

Who are you remembering?
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    Comments 9

    1. You’ve sold me on the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference (but it didn’t take much convincing!). I’d love to go one day.

      Today I’m remembering two very important soldiers in my life – both of my grandpas. I blogged about them a little today. Both served in active duty and were able to return home and become husbands and fathers. Both have since passed on, but their memory still lives in their (combined) nineteen children, and thirty some grandchildren. It’s an honor to be decended from such great American soldiers.

    2. Aw, yay, I’ve missed you! I’m not really blogging today but wanted to stop by and say hi!

      You’re right; it’s important to remember. I don’t really have experience with loss due to freedom fighting…my grandpas both served in the military, but one is still alive and one died from another cause. Still, it’s good to stop and thank all of those brave men and women who daily have faced and do face the possibility of death.

      I’m thankful that freedom was and is worth it to them.

      1. Aww, I’ve missed you, too. It’s crazy how just one week away from the blogging community left me feeling almost disconnected. I’m excited to get back at it. Except to start CPing too. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    3. I am remembering Kristoffer Domeij, who was killed in Afghanistan last October. He is the firstborn son of one of my dearest friends, Scoti — also a writer. He leaves behind his wife & two young daughters, as well as his brother, Kyle.

    4. Blue Ridge Christian Writer’s Conference is so awesome! I went a couple of years ago and would love to go again.
      Today I’m remembering these three:
      William Priddy
      Charles Stegall
      Bobby Singleton
      All of them died in ‘Nam. I knew a lot of guys who served over there, but these three didn’t make it back.

    5. This is a good inspirational blog post Memorial Day Remembrance .You put actually very supportive knowledge I am pretty much happy with your brilliant work. Keep it up. Keep blogging. Looking to reading your next blog post.

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