Welcome Mat Wednesday: Edie Melson

In a week and a half, I’ll take off for my first Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. I’m so excited…not only to attend, but to see wonderful friends like today’s guest, Edie Melson.

Now, Edie isn’t just any ol’ face at Blue Ridge–she’s actually the conference co-director. Which I’m assuming means she’ll be able to sneak me a private meeting with all the agents and editors of my choice. Hehehe…just kidding.

Edie, who is also an editor, best-selling author and popular conference faculty member, is keeping up with our May theme of friendship. She’s writing  about friendships formed at conferences. (p.s. And once again we have some fun friends joining us for the intro video!)

The Bonds of Friendship, Forged in the Conference Furnace

I’ve been attending writing conferences for more than a decade, and I know first-hand the terror of facing crowds of unfamiliar faces.

I’ve also found almost all my closest friends there.

In 2001, I attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference for the first time. The setting is magnificent, nestled among the wooded slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s also one of the largest Christian conferences in the nation (hence the terror part).

Back then, everyone’s name badge included where they were from, and it was interesting to meet other writers and have the context of how far they’d traveled. I was also hoping (and praying) to find someone who lived close to me.

I hailed from Simpsonville, a small suburb outside of Greenville, South Carolina and hadn’t connected with anyone in my area who was interested in writing. So imagine my surprise when, during the five-day conference, people kept commenting on my name tag. “Simpsonville? You must be with Vonda Skelton . She’s from Simpsonville, too.”

I kept trying to find this mysterious lady who lived in my town—and was a writer—but never could arrange a meeting. Finally, the last morning of the conference, I ran into a petite woman at the coffee station. She looked at my tag, and I looked at hers.

“You’re Vonda!”

“You’re Edie!”

We both laughed and hugged, feeling like we’d met a long-lost friend.

We spent the few remaining hours together, getting acquainted, swapping phone numbers and discovering we lived less than three miles apart. We made plans to meet that very next week. Meet we did, and we’ve been writing partners ever since. We started a local writers group, which has grown to over 100 members and has just become a Word Weavers Chapter.

We’ve encouraged, commiserated, and occasionally scolded each other onto publishing success. She’s closer than a sister and I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without her friendship and support.

It seems that every year I can point to more writing friendships which have formed from attending a conference. And now that I’m the co-director of Blue Ridge we try to encourage these friendships to blossom and grow. We provide a Yahoo email group for those who want to connect with other attendees and we keep the group active all year long. We also have a Facebook page to help even the shyest of writers find connections and friendships.

The success I found at Blue Ridge gave me the courage to attend the ACFW conference in Denver in 2008 and there I found even more wonderful friends through My Book Therapy . I know the relationships I’ve formed at conferences have been the foundation of my success and my tenacity in this industry. Being a professional writer is lonely work and without friends like these, I’d have quickly become discouraged and quit.

Edie Melson is a freelance writer and editor with years of experience in the publishing industry. She’s a prolific writer, and has a popular writing blog, The Write Conversation. She’s the co-director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, as well as a popular faculty member at numerous others. She currently has two books available, the best selling eBook, Social Media Marketing for Writers, and her latest project, a devotional for those with family members in the military, Fighting Fear: Winning the War at Home When Your Soldier Leaves for Battle. Married 30 years to her high school sweetheart, Kirk, they have raised three sons.

Edie, I’m so glad you didn’t quit…because otherwise I wouldn’t know you! Readers, how have friends encouraged you in your writing journey? (Or, if you’re not a writer, how have friends pushed you toward your dreams?)

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    Comments 39

    1. Love the story of how you met Vonda! How cool.

      I’ve only been to a small conference so far and met a few people there. I’m attending ACFW this year and hoping that will help solidify and deepen many of the friendships I’ve made online (including both of you, Edie and Mel!).

      1. I dream about going to ACFW, but we won’t be able to swing it this year. 🙁 However, to look for something good about not being able to go (in reference to Beth’s blog today!) I am going to use this time to get my manuscript polished, work on my pitch and connect more online so that when I do go in 2013, I’ll be ready – and maybe someone will be there with a hug waiting for me, too! 😉

      2. Yaaay, can’t wait to see you at ACFW, Lindsay!! Yay yay yay!

        Gabrielle, that’s a great plan…using this time to get ready. It is definitely an expense…something I have to save for throughout the year. But I think you’re so smart to use this time to get ready for next year. And we’ll ALL be waiting with a hug for you!!

    2. Thanks for the introduction, Melissa! I’m a relational type person and I love having friends who have similar interests and dreams as me. Finding this amazing group of women writers online has been a God send in my journey. 🙂 Thank you for putting out the welcome mat for people to meet and connect!!

      1. I have had sooo much fun getting to know various writers online, too, Gabrielle. There’s something so cool about talking with other people who have similar dreams and understand!

    3. FUN video intro. and great to read of your writing journey, Edie! Well-done and I know writing momentum is gaining speed for you, Melissa, and some other neat writing friends!

    4. Great story! I orginally met the ladies in my critique group through a conference we all attended. That was four years ago last month! They’ve helped me so much.

    5. I’ve made a-ma-zing friends through writers conferences. It’s one of the best reasons to attend conferences like the My Book Therapy (MBT) retreats and ACFW and BRMCWC — where I’ll be next week! See you there, Edie and Melissa!

    6. And I’m so excited to say I’m friends with Edie AND Melissa. And I met them both at writer’s conferences. They are two incredible women and my life is enriched by their friendship.

    7. That happened to me several times last year at ACFW and it was so fantastic. And I can’t wait for it to happen again this year. And Melissa…if you’re going, I really want to actually sit down for you this year and visit! 😀

    8. Okay, this is perfect to help me gain excitement for ACFW…meeting people is not my strong suit:) Love to hear about the friendships formed and how sweet people are–not that I expect them to be ogres, but we’re talking about leaping out of my comfort zone here so hearing other encouraging stories is wonderful!

      1. I think it’s awesome that you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone, Susan. I’ve been to two ACFWs and both times, people were so amazingly welcoming, encouraging and even comforting in those “Whoa, I’m overwhelmed!” moments. 🙂 I’ve never been to Blue Ridge, but I hear it’s also an incredibly welcoming atmosphere – can’t wait!

      1. I’m with you, Michelle. I’ve wanted to be a writer for a long time and I always used to envision the coolness of one day publishing a book, seeing it in a bookstore, etc, etc. But never did I guess pursuing this dream would mean meeting mentored by soooo many wonderful people. If you had asked me three years ago today if I ever would’ve thought people like Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck would not only encourage me, but actually invest in my life, I may not have believed you.

        Excited to see you again in Sept, friend!

    9. Color me green! I’ve been to Blue Ridge once and always wished to go back. Maybe next year…except this is the year you all will be there! Yes, retreats are wonderful ways to make new friends and connect with old friends. Great post, Melissa and Edie!

      1. I have a feeling once I go this year, Pat, I’ll want to go every year. If only I had an endless budget!! 🙂 Will you be at ACFW? If so, can’t wait to see you in September!!

    10. I’m going to go ahead and name names – because she totally deserves it – but Jessica Patch has been the most encouraging person I’ve met, maybe ever! In a little more than a year, I’ve gained self confidence to try things I never had before – like writing a devotional blog or leading a Bible study. I tell her this all the time, but she totally rocks!

      (And no, she isn’t paying me a penny for this endorsement!)

      1. Amen to that! Jessica Patch is one of the first people I “met” online who I didn’t already know in person. I was so amazed at how she continued to come back and read my blog and encourage me. I totally agree…she totally rocks! 🙂

    11. Thanks for sharing the cute video and Edie’s post. I never get tired of hearing the story of how we met! (And so excited to be teaching at Blue Ridge again this year!)

      Can’t wait to see all of you!

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