Welcome Mat Wednesday: Keli Gwyn

Yay, today we have the lovely Keli Gwyn as a guest here at Tag(g)lines!

As I mention in the video intro, I haven’t met Keli in person, but I’m so glad to have found her blog. I feel like I’ve gotten to know her through her fun online presence!

And I can’t wait for her debut novel, which releases on July 1–A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California. It’s currently available for pre-order, so you should probably visit Amazon as soon as you’re done reading. 🙂  Keli’s carrying on our April theme of adventure today. Enjoy!!

Reluctant Adventurer
Adventurous? Who me? Not so much. I’m happiest at home and consider attending a writers conference a stretch.
The Lord is in the business of stretching people, though, and He took me on the biggest adventure of my life soon after I married. My new hubby had shared his dream of teaching the dependents of U.S. military personnel stationed in Germany with me, but I figured the chances of him getting a position were slim and didn’t worry overmuch about the possibility.
Imagine my surprise when a call came shortly before our first anniversary in December 1988 offering Gwynly a teaching position in Germany. We had two months to wrap up our lives stateside and prepare to move overseas.
I could have responded in fear, which is my usual reaction to venturing outside my comfort zone, but I chose to embrace the experience. And I’m glad I did.
When I sat in German class during my high school days, I never imagined I’d be living in Germany putting my limited knowledge of the language to use on a daily basis. Gwynly and I ended up spending four and a half years in Fürth while he taught at the Nürnberg American High School.
Those years were some of my best. Gwynly and I added lots of stamps to our passports as we visited other countries during his vacations. We witnessed history in the making as the Cold War came to an end and Germany was reunified. Our daughter was born during our time there—in a German hospital, since we were civilians.
I have many wonderful memories of our Germany days. I was stretched, and I grew.

Like me, my characters are rousted from their comfort zones and thrust into situations that challenge them to be more—and do more—than they believed possible. I endeavor to use my experience living abroad to enrich my stories.
These days when I get a case of pre-conference jitters, I remind myself that traveling to a conference is nothing. After all, if I could live in Europe and thrive, I can visit a U.S. city and survive. I choose to embrace the adventure and see what wonders await me.
Keli’s Questions for You
Do you embrace adventure, or are you more of a reluctant adventurer like I am?
Have you ever lived abroad? If so, where and when? If not, would you like to?

Keli Gwyn writes stories that transport readers to the 1800s, where she brings historic towns to life, peoples them with colorful characters, and adds a hint of humor. A California native, she lives in a Gold Rush-era town at the foot of the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains. When she emerges from her fictional world, she enjoys strolling past the stately Victorian houses in her hometown, drooling her way through the Coach factory outlet store, and fueling her creativity with frequent trips to Taco Bell.

Connect with Keli here:
Keli Gwyn’s Blog – http://keligwyn.wordpress.com/
Facebook Timeline – http://www.facebook.com/KeliGwyn

Keli’s book is available for preorder
AmazonBarnes & Noble
Books-a-Millionand Christianbook.

Here’s a blurb about Keli’s debut novel, A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California, which releases on July 1.

Widow Elenora Watkins is determined to provide for herself and her daughter without relying on anyone else. Can she run a successful business after falling for the competition? Miles Rutledge finds himself willing to do anything to keep Elenora in town. But can he win her heart while putting her out of business?

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    Comments 47

    1. Post me firmly in the “non-adventurous” camp. Every time I’m forced to step out of my comfort zone, it’s exactly that: forced! Keli, that must have been a phenomenal time to have been living in that region. What a blessing!

      1. Thanks for having me here at your way cool cyber home, Melissa. I’m honored. I’ve long admired your vlog intros, and now I’m featured in one! I feel like a celebrity. Wow!

        I just love your sense of humor. I can see myself sitting in pitch sessions at the ACFW conference and telling editors I write hi-fi, just to watch their reactions. I’d be sure and tell them that’s the happening new term, coined by my clever writer friend Melissa Tagg, who is someone they really need to meet. 🙂

        Non-adventurous, huh? I’d have pegged you as a fearless person. Seriously. I could imagine you jumping out of an airplane, parasailing, or riding a zip line over a canyon. Isn’t it interesting how the impressions we form of people can miss the mark? The neat thing is, we can make our characters do what we don’t have the nerve to attempt.

      2. Keli, thanks so much for being on the blog today! I’m loving having you here! By the way, the Melissa who posted the comment above is a different Melissa… 🙂

        I’m glad you liked the video…every week I fight a little sense of “is this totally dumb?” when I make the videos. So it’s fun to hear when people like them. Yeah, hi-fi! We should totally make it the norm.

        I do think I’ve got an adventurous streak…I like routine, but if I’m in the same routine for too long, I get all kinds of restless and have to do something crazy. I REALLY want to go parasailing sometime!!!

      3. OK, call me clueless. I didn’t realize the first commenter was a different Melissa. Since I was up and responding to comments at–what was it?–5:57 a.m., I’m using the early hour the excuse for my embarrassing oversight.

        My apologies, Melissa. Thanks so much for your comment. I can totally relate to needing to be forced out of my comfort zone. Don’t laugh too loudly, but I feel like I’ve grown when I force myself to turn left at a busy intersection instead of going out of my way to avoid it. =)

        M Tagg – So I was right about you and adventure after all. I can totally see you parasailing. Can’t wait for the vlog about that adventure. =)

      4. Haha – guess this is like most of my classes in school, and we have so many “Melissas” that we need to start using last initials!

        About those intersections – my dad told me when he was teaching me to drive that I was in control of the car and it would only go where I told it to. If only our lives were that simple to manage!

      1. Julie, I think it’s great that your hubby s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s you at times. My Gwynly continues to stretch me to this day, and I appreciate him for it–once I get over my grumble fests, that is. LOL

    2. Love your picture, Keli! So beautiful. I suppose it depends on the adventure. When we went to Thailand on a missions trip, I was ecstatic. When God asked me to lead the Women’s Ministry, I bucked like a wild bull. Terrified me. Those adventures, like you said, that stretch us I’m reluctant to, but after having my fit, I obey. 🙂

      Tagg, so glad you had Keli!

      1. Thanks for the compliment on the pic, Jess. The credit goes to my awesome photographer. She did a great job. And yes, she worked a bit of Photoshop magic. If only I had makeup capable of doing the same thing. =)

        Your mission trip to Thailand sounds like quite an adventure. Much more so than the summer short term mission Gwynly and I served in Germany the year before he received that job offer. Do you think you’ll write a story using that experience?

      2. I love your photo, too, Keli!! 🙂

        Jess, I think it’s hilarious and yet totally understandable that a trip to Thailand would get you excited, but leading women’s ministry scare you. I think I’m the same way. 🙂

    3. I like adventure that I take on, but when God calls me out of my comfort zone? Oh, my immediate response is not always the best, but I am learning! Each time I’ve grown and each new time I go a little easier:) Your book sounds great – he wants her AND he wants to put her out of business, that’s conflict! Great to meet you, Keli.

      1. Susan, the Lord has a way of taking us out of our comfort zones, doesn’t He? The nice thing is that He equips us to do what He calls us to do. I try to remember that when I’m tempted to balk.

        Thanks for the kind words about my story. My hero, Miles, does have quite a dilemma, doesn’t he? =)

      2. You know what I love about God, Susan? It’s that He sees past that first response. I mean, yeah, I want to get better at responding better from the start…but I love that God sees past that first “You want me to do WHAT?”

    4. Yay, I love Keli! She’s so warm and encouraging.

      Part of me would love to live in another country for awhile…but I’d miss my friends and family so much…so in that way, I’m not very adventurous. I tend to be a homebody, though I love to travel for short periods of time. So in that way, I guess I AM adventurous…

      Adventure comes in all forms, I suppose. 🙂

      Have a great day, ladies!

      1. Love you right back, Lindsay!

        Being so far away from our relatives was difficult. My respect for the military families who face that situation repeatedly really grew. What’s cool is the sense of community we experienced. We formed many wonderful friendships during our days in Germany–with Americans and with Germans–that remain intact to this day.

      1. Wendy, you sure know how to make a person’s day. =)

        The feelings are mutual. You entice me to leave my comfort zone all the time with your out-of-the-envelope approach to life. I’m a better person for knowing you.

    5. Hi Keli ~ I tend to be a reluctant traveler. I don’t like to fly, but once I get to my destination, I’m usually fine. I, too, stretch myself otherwise I fear I’d miss out on great adventures. 🙂

      1. Alison, you touched on one of my many fears: flying. I do it because I have to if I want to get places, but I don’t like it. I learned the best way to deal with my reluctance to fly last year. A dear friend and I, Lacie Nezbeth, shared a flight to the ACFW conference. We talked writing the whole way to St. Louis and the whole way back. Worked wonders. The only downside? Getting shushed by the flight attendant, who told us passengers were complaining that we were too loud. I’ve never been shushed like that before. Made me giggle a bit–quietly of course. =)

      2. Alison, sadly I won’t be able to attend Nationals this year, even though it’s being held here in California. My advance has gone on my professional photo shoot, my website redesign, my launch party, and many other expenses, leaving little for conferences. I’m bummed, since I’ll miss seeing my RWA buddies, including my awesome CP, Anne Barton.

    6. What fun getting to know you a little better. I’m not much of an adventurer, I talked my daughter into going to my first local writing conference with me and my son to my second. But…then I got brave and decided to fly–alone!!–to an ACFW conference and I’ve never looked back. 🙂

      1. I’m glad you started flying, Sandra, and could come to ACFW…otherwise I never would’ve met you…or had the opportunity to hear you read that scene from Lisa’s novel…oh the memories! 🙂

      2. Sandra, look how far you’ve come in the past years! You’ve taken on the world and are experiencing success on many fronts. Way to go! I look forward to seeing you in Dallas come September.

    7. I’ve never lived overseas, but I think I would love to see Italy. So pretty from what I’ve seen!

      I’m a homebody too, I don’t often like traveling outside of my comfort zone, even attending that dance an hour from my home was a bit of a stretch for me. But once I’m there, I always have a great time. It’s just getting past the initial, “oh I think I’d have a better time tonight with my books.” 😉

      1. Casey, I did get to Italy once. I was serving as a chaperone on a youth trip. Talk about going outside my comfort zone!

        I climbed partway up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What you can’t see in the pictures is that there are no protective railings at those openings. Scary! I clung to the inside wall and forced the others to pass me on the outside–before I turned around and booked it to the bottom.

        We took a rushed bus tour to Rome. That’s one crowded city. And the traffic? Yikes! It was the worst I’ve ever seen–and I’ve been to LA and NYC. The Romans turn four-lane roads in to six lanes or more. There were literally about 2-3 inches between our tour bus and the other vehicles around us.

        I’d hoped to go inside St. Peter’s Basilica, but the teens in my group didn’t want to go, so they wore shorts and tank tops, which weren’t allowed. Why did they do that? So they could find the shop selling Hard Rock Cafe Roma t-shirts instead. What were they thinking?

        I did get to stand at the Coliseum for about ten minutes. Impressive! I saw the place where Paul served his time under house arrest. That was so cool it gave me goosebumps.

        You might be a homebody, Case, but I recall a tale of a gal and her dad driving cross country to reach St. Louis and taking in many cool sights along the way. So, who knows? Italy could be in your future. =)

      1. Jessie, you are adventurous! I recall a number of trips you took with your extreme sports fisherman hubby to exciting destinations like Costa Rica. That’s Adventure with a capital A. =)

    8. Definitely a reluctant adventurer too! 🙂 But I’m realizing that some of my greatest adventures (traveling in England, being a parent, writing) are some of my greatest learning experiences and have shaped who I am.

      1. Stacy, isn’t England a great place? A bit on the expensive side, but well worth it. Gwynly and I didn’t get to spend much time there, but I have fond memories of London, Cambridge, and the white cliffs of Dover.

        I hear you on writing being an adventure. We never know what each new day will hold.

        And parenting? It’s an adventure a minute. Some awesome, and some a bit scary at times–at least in my experience. =)

    9. Melissa, love the “hi fi”
      Keli, love your picture!

      I’ve been abroad, but never lived there. It must have been an exciting time in your life. I’m an adventure person, always have been. So nice to get to know you better, Keli.

    10. First of all, can I just say how much I love Keli Gwyn? I’m going to help her overcome her fear of conferences this fall, just you watch, Miss Keli. 🙂

      I think it’s so neat that you experienced another culture like you did. And to see the end of the Cold War…how powerful.

      1. Sarah, you’ve already done a great deal to help me overcome my conference jitters. I remember fondly standing in line with you at the Starbucks in St. Louis and spending some quality time afterward. That time with you was one of my conference highlights. I just remind myself more wonderful times like that await me in Dallas, and it helps.

    11. I’m a big Keli fan, too! I especially love your Friday Fun Victorian Style posts. 🙂 The Victorian era is my favorite. Keli, you were one of the first bloggers I came across when I discovered this whole blogging world in February and I’m so thankful I did. I am counting down the days until I can read your debut novel.

      I am a little bit adventurer and a little bit of the home body. My husband teases me that we never go on “vacations” we go on adventures. I tell him if he wants to sit and relax he should stay home! 🙂 I love traveling and seeing this amazing planet, but I love coming home at the end of an adventure to my family and friends and the beautiful Mississippi.

      Melissa, I love your vlog intros – it’s fun seeing and hearing a person – it makes your blog very personal and fun to visit!

      1. Gabrielle, I’ve seen your name, but I didn’t realize you were a newbie to the blogosphere. I remember discovering it back in 2008. I was both excited and a bit overwhelmed at first. I hope we’ve given you a warm welcome and made you feel at home.

        Sounds like you have a nice balance of adventurer and homebody in you. I hear you about liking to get back home after a trip. My hubby tells people I don’t like going somewhere; I like having been somewhere. That about sums it up. =)

      2. You’ve all be very welcoming! And you’re right, it is exciting and overwhelming. Just getting to know all the amazing ladies out there and trying to keep them all straight is hard work! It’s like any relationship, it takes time and effort to connect and get to know one another. I’m humbled by their attention to my blog and daily I’m encouraged when I visit their blogs. Even though I wasn’t ready to start pursing my writing career until now (because of my four kiddos), I wish I would have at least started blogging – I could have been ahead of the game then. That would be one piece of advice I’d give to an aspiring author – start blogging and building your connections early on, even if you’re not ready to pursue publication.

        Thanks for “liking” by Facebook page today! It was a great birthday present. 🙂

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