Ordinary passionate people…part I

Hey, congrats, Evangeline Denmark! You won the drawing for a copy of Tracey Bateman‘s upcoming release, The Widow of Saunders Creek. Tracey has generously offered to send you a copy of the book, so if you can shoot me your mailing address at melissatagg[at]yahoo[dot]com, I’ll pass it on to her. Congrats!

So, if you were around Tag(g)lines last Friday, I mentioned that I’ve been reading Darlene Zschech’s Extravagant Worship. Darlene Zschech is the writer of hundreds of the most well-known worship songs. 

Before I say anything else, I should probably quell some fears…No, I am not suddenly dropping my writing dream to pursue life as a vocal performer. That dream died the day I realized I will never conquer high heels. (Think about it…have you ever seen a female superstar not strut on stage in heels?)

But I am loving this book. In yesterday’s chapter, I read the coolest few sentences, and I wonder if they get your heart singing like they did mine?

Jesus grabs ordinary people, people committed to Him, committed to His plan and His purpose, and He uses them…Don’t feel like you are going to miss out. Be faithful, follow after the things of God, be genuine, be passionate in your pursuit, and trust God. (p.180)

Wow. Just…wow.

I’m pondering, and I plan to unpack those sentences next week. But for this week, I wondered if we could just chat?

Do you ever feel ordinary? Ever feel like you’re going to miss out? How do you stay committed, faithful? I’m especially looking forward to talking about being both genuine and passionate…your thoughts?

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    Comments 40

    1. It’s funny you should post this, because in our staff meeting this week at church our Pastor was talking about God giving extraordinary dreams to ordinary people. Our Creative Arts Pastor mentioned that Darlene had been like, a church secretary (which is what I do) writing songs before she started leading them. He then looked at me and said, “But no pressure!”

      It’s hard sometimes to be passionate if you’re like me and soooo many things you’ve tried your hand at in the past have failed – for one reason or another. It makes it seem like it isn’t worth it to even try and step out! Thanks for the encouragement to give it another go.

      1. Haha, that’s funny about your church meeting. Hey, if you get into writing songs and leading worship, I totally recommend Darlene’s book! 🙂

        I’m glad you found this encouraging!

    2. Interesting question. I am most passionate when I encounter injustice or those needing/deserving defending. That makes me rise to the occasion, forget my own lacks, and more than get involved, often with enough sheer steam engine power to make a difference.

      1. I love your answer, Delores. It’s cool to hear what makes others passionate – and injustice or those in need of defense is definitely a big one. Sidenote: I have a sister who is 10 years younger than me. Once some kids who lived down the street were being mean to her in our yard. So I kicked them out of our yard and told them they could never come back…slightly forgetting in that moment that their mom was my teacher. Yeah, I’m pretty sure she didn’t care me so much after that. 🙂 But I couldn’t stand someone being mean to my little sister. 🙂

    3. Ordinary…ohhh yeah! It is a recurring theme in my life:) But God’s shown me over and over and over again (told you it was REcurring) how He uses ordinary people. I’ve had to learn to keep my eyes focused solely on HIM, because when I look around the comparisons begin and I always find ways for myself to fall short. That quote you put up there is incredibly true, I totally would have highlighted it.

      AND – Congrats on SEMI FINALS:)

      1. Comparison is such a struggle for me, too, Susan. Never a good idea to look around us and start comparing…and yet, I still do it. I love how you say you’ve learned to key focused solely on Him.

        Thanks for the congrats!

    4. Most days I feel less than ordinary. I don’t necessarily think I’ll miss out because I try to stay in tune with God and chat daily with Him, but I always feel overwhelmed that He would want to use me for something bigger than me. Sometimes my head knowledge takes a back seat to the way I feel about myself and I forget, well ignore, how God sees me.

      I’m looking forward to the next few weeks while you unpack these sentences! 🙂

      1. Ooh, ooh, another favorite quote from this book I’m reading is something along the lines of, “If your dream feels too big for you, that’s when you know it’s from God.” So the very fact that you’re feeling He wants to use you for something bigger than you is just awesome…if a little overwhelming. 🙂

    5. I love that quote from the book. I’ve been struggling with knowing whether or not I’m doing all of this for Him or doing it to prove something for myself. This is a great reminder just to “follow after the things of God,” and He’ll take care of the rest.

      1. Oh Julie…I so hear you on the trying to prove something to yourself. But it’s amazingly calming to remember and truly believe, like you said, He’ll take care of the rest!

    6. I always feel ordinary. Doesn’t everybody have people talking in their head? 🙂 When it comes to my writing, what spurs me on when everything seems to be conspiring against it, is recognizing the situation as a battle. That is to say, I believe God has given me a ministry in writing (even long before I was published, he was using my pursuits to open doors) so… what if these sudden and myriad of roadblocks tumbling into my path are Satan’s way of trying to get me to turn back or trip me up?! I sure don’t want to let him win!! So I press on and as you quoted, “trust God” … and get prepared to duck for a fresh onslaught as I admit that aloud. 🙁

      1. I hate how the devil does that…throws roadblocks at us. And yet, like people always say, that’s generally a sign we’re moving the right direction. I love that you press on…that you recognize attacks and fight through them. Awesome!

    7. OK, this is me being real. It’s hard for me to be real about this because it may come off like me sounding arrogant. I really, really don’t mean it that way.

      I fear not achieving great things, yes. But I’ve always “stood out.” I sing at church, so people know me. My husband teases me that I’m the local church celebrity. People wave and say hi, and come up to me and tell me how much they love it when I sing. Several years ago, I battled pride over that. Now, I just thank God that He’s used me to bless others.

      Same thing with my “smarts”. I was always the smart girl. Valedictorian in high school. So I stood out that way.

      So I guess I’ve always felt like God had great things for me, and has blessed me with talents that made me stand out. But I am so, so afraid I’ll fail. And often, I feel like an impostor. Like, who am I to be up here in front of others? I’m passionate about singing, so I sing. And God uses it. But it’s Him, not me. And I want people to see Him, not me.

      I just really don’t want to get in the way, with my pride, my sin, whatever.

      I’m not sure if that answers your question, but that’s where my thoughts took me. Again, I really hope this doesn’t come off as being arrogant. It’s just where I’m at.

      I love how God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

      1. Oh, Lindsay…

        I smiled so much as I read your post. I don’t think you sound arrogant. Not at all. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve thought, said, written the question: “Is it wrong or prideful that I seem to think God has something big for me? Is it like I think I’m special or something?” I don’t want to be prideful…God is pretty clear about not liking pride…

        And yet…sometimes I honestly do feel like…I don’t know, I’m meant for something big. And I know that’s crazy and like you said, it can come off sounding arrogant when truly, I don’t feel arrogant…I feel…curious.

        But I think maybe God wants us to feel that way. We’re His children! We ARE meant for great things. And “great” can mean so many different things…for you, singing is a big piece of that. For me…um…still figuring that out.

        I don’t know if this is even making sense. But I do know when I read your comment, it really resonated with me. 🙂

      2. Oh good, I’m glad it made sense. Your reply made sense and resonated with me too. That’s exactly how I’ve felt.

        I guess it’s OK to expect great things, isn’t it? As long as we remember it’s all Him; we’re just the vessel He’s using. The second we start trying to chart our own course, I think the “greatness” fades. Our message (whether singing or writing or whatever) would profoundly affected, because people would see right through us.

        Lots to think about here! Love ya, girl.

      3. Oh yeah, me charting me own course…not pretty. And yet, how often do I try to hog the steering wheel? Ugh. I make myself mad sometimes. 🙂

        “It’s all Him.” I should tattoo that to my arm.

        Thanks for thinking with me. 🙂 Love ya back!

    8. How do I stay faithful? The simple answer is to take one step at a time and thank God with great fervor for the gifts of my two daughters and husband, without whom, life would be dreary.

      The more complex answer to how I stay faithful while drowning in a sea of problems is by taking pen to paper. I am in the midst of creating blog posts which are being turned into a book, “A Slice of Faith.”

      Go here and search for “Socci” to preview: http://mountvernon.patch.com

      Amanda Socci, Alexandria, VA

    9. I feel extraordinarily ordinary at times. I look at all the amazing things that have happened in my life the past few years, and wonder, “Why me, Lord? What did I do to deserve the blessings you’re showering on me? I’m nothing special.”

      And then I’m reminded of His love for me and how He views me. I see the flaws. He sees His work of heart, or as an artist friend of mine would say, He/art. He loves me and wants good things for me. Yes, me. A frumpy fifty-something woman with an expanding collection of wrinkles and age spots–and a serious lack of self-confidence.

      But that stuff doesn’t matter to Him. He loves me, flaws and all, because to Him I’m anything but ordinary. I’m one of His creations, one of those for whom He gave His life, which makes me feel mighty special.

      1. He/art. I love that! And I’ve seen photos of you on your blog – you’re so NOT frumpy! 🙂

        And yeah, I love how God loves us, flaws and all. You’re right – the very fact that we’re HIS creation means we’re special.

    10. First – a huge congrats to you! Well done, Melissa!!!

      Ordinary is good. I think when I was much younger, I thought I would miss out on things. Now that I’m older, I see how far I’ve come – all in God’s time and plan.

      1. Thank you for the congrats, Loree! 🙂

        Yeah, that feeling of missing out…or worrying about missing out…I get that a lot. But I love the reminders God puts in my path (like this book!) that I will NEVER miss out if I’m following Him…

    11. I think we all feel like impostors sometimes, Lindsay. I know I do. When people think and say something about me being this super spiritual person, I cringe and want to say, “If you really knew me.” I have to depend on God minute by minute. To do the right things. To say the right things. To love my neighbor as myself. Without Him, I can do nothing.

      1. Oh, that “if you really knew me” comment made me laugh, Pat. Because I think that to myself so often. I love what you said about depending on God minute by minute. 🙂

    12. Okay, first I have to laugh at your high heel comment. I am a worship leader and the ONLY time I wear high heels is when I lead worship. Just thought that was funny.

      Yes, I love that God uses the ordinary and makes is extraordinary. We seem surprised that He does that but the truth is He has been doing it since the beginning. Maybe instead of being surprised we should just come to expect it.

    13. I can relate with Lindsay, at the risk of sounding arrogant, but I can explain. I am from a smallish town of about 10,000 people. My mom is the mayor and has been for years, I grew up on the “estate” of the weathliest person in our town, an heir to a lumber baron’s fortune, because my father was the caretaker for many years. I married a surgeon’s son, whom everyone knows and I worked for ten years at the Charles A. Lindbergh Home, meeting many “famous” people, being interviewed for numerous documentaries (national and international), guiding thousands of people through the house and hearing time and time again how wonderful I was. Add to that, I’ve been the featured contributor in a regional magazine on and off for eight years now, the MOPS Coordinator for one of our local MOPS groups, and I’ve served on every committee and organization you can imagine. People know who I am.

      Five years ago I hit a big, solid, brick wall. God allowed me to come crashing down and since then He’s been re-building me into His image and not my own. I went from being confident and outgoing to being very insecure in “who” I was. At the time it was the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. I was devastated. My very foundation was shaken. But little by little, as I’ve sought God’s heart, He’s rebuilt me into a woman of faith that He can finally use. I no longer feel confident in my ability, but in His. So, to answer your question, I am an ordinary person who is extrordinarily in love with my Creator and willing to let Him use me for His purposes and not my own.

      1. I just got chills as I read this. Chills, I tell you!

        “I am an ordinary person who is extrordinarily in love with my Creator and willing to let Him use me for His purposes and not my own.”

        THIS is my goal.

        His glory. Not mine.

      2. I’m with Lindsay! That last line…awesome. So cool how you’ve seen Him rebuild you into the woman you were always meant to be. Awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your story!!

      3. And thank you for listening to my story! I’ve always felt the way both of you feel (regarding comments above) – I’ve felt a call to something bigger in my life, something great and I do believe it’s because we are children of the Host of Heaven! We are heirs to the Kingdom of God – we should believe we are born for greatness, His greatness for His purpose! Now I’m getting chills. 🙂 I look at the rebuilding in my life as something that will continue on into eternity, because I am desiring to be more and more like Christ every day and it will take an eternity to accomplish that. If I don’t reflect His glory I won’t be able to shine into anyone’s life and that’s my desire, to shine His light into the lives of others through my words.

    14. Wow, that is a powerful quote. I’ve found that trials in my life have pushed me to not waste a moment. If the Lord lays a passion on my heart, why would I wait until tomorrow to pursue it if He’s telling me to move today?

      1. Oh, I love your response, too, Sarah. (Everybody is making me think so much today!!) Not wasting a moment…you’re right. If he’s given us a passion, why would we linger in non-action?

    15. I read that book several years ago and I remember feeling so awed by it. It had so many profound statements that sank deep within me and stirred up longings for God in ways that I hadn’t had in a long time. I highly recommend it!

      And yeah, I definitely feel ordinary. I used to think I was meant for great things, but after a several years of humbling, I have learned to try to be content in whatever situation I am in. I stay close to God, follow Him, and pray that I can step into the path He is leading me on.

      1. Yeah, I have a feeling I’ll be reading this book over and over. Just read the last chapter today. 🙂

        Content in whatever situation…that’s pretty much the best and most peaceful way to go through life!

    16. Your post and the comments have been such a compelling read for me today,Melissa.
      I’ve had your post up on my computer since Friday. I kept thinking,”I am going to read this” because I hate to miss your blog.
      And then to have the chance to glimpse the wisdom of these other women … inspiring. Provoking.
      As for me, at times I’ve felt insignificant. Almost invisible. And at times God has allowed me to stand front and center stage (literally.)
      What I’ve wrestled with the most, what I’ve longed for the most, is to have a certain, restful knowledge that I am His. That He loves me.
      And for that to be enough.

      1. Love your comment, Beth. You know, sometimes it’s that “enough” thing that gets me the most. Is it enough that God loves me? Is it enough that I’m his? In those moments where I find myself even asking those questions, that’s when I’m reminded I need and want to know Him more…because the more I know Him, the more I let the reality of Him and His love consume me, the more I’ll know more than anything else I could possibly “know,” that He is completely and totally enough.

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