There are encouragers. And then there are people who encourage you so much you start to wonder if they’ve got some kind of superpower. Reba Hoffman is one of those people
I met Reba at the 2009 MBT Storycrafters Retreat. She’s a hoot, and she recently launched her own life coaching business–Magellan Life Coaching.
And…as soon as I picked “adventure” for April’s theme, I knew Reba needed to be included among the month’s guests. I had a feeling she’d had adventures…but I had no idea her post would take us all the way to Guatemala…and include face paint! Enjoy!
The Heart Behind the Paint
I stood outside a cardboard hut on the side of a mountain in Guatemala dipping my hand in white face paint and attempting to spread it evenly over my face with one hand. I held a small, jagged piece of mirror with the other. I sculpted red lips and carefully drew accents then gently placed on my crown, a curly optic yellow wig. It matched exactly half my costume. The other half was hot pink. I slid my feet into 16EE high top Converses and was ready to go to work. Again.
My transportation scooped me up and spit me out in the nearby town market. It was bustling with locals trying to peddle their wares in search of a penny or two. I walked slowly through the crowd, searching for sadness. I’d seen it before in the eyes of those who have no hope of a better life.
One by one, the townspeople looked up from their emptiness, knowing their view would be only of the same despair they knew like a friend. Their eyes suddenly filled with wonder when they locked on this brightly clad clown, a smile erupted from their faces. I smiled and waved at them as I passed. The children laughed as they trailed along behind me. Some ran ahead to tell the others I was coming.
They laughed at my huge shoes, one yellow and one pink. They laughed at my wild yellow hair. They giggled as they reached into my huge pockets and made away with my stash of bubble gum and candy. For one moment in time, I brought smiles to the faces of those devoid of joy.
When the candy was eaten and the bubble gum chewed, I reached into a secret compartment and brought out the most special gift. A gift that would last well beyond today. I handed out pictures of Rebo the Clown with an inscription in their native language that said:
Greetings from Rebo, the clown who brings you laughter and joy from God.
Indeed. I’d brought joy back into their lives. That was wonderful, yet fleeting. But when I brought God into their lives, I knew I’d brought them the God of Love and the hope of a better tomorrow.
When I washed off the paint and slipped out of my gaudy shoes, my heart swelled with the awesome memories that I was able to show them Jesus. I realized on that mountain in Central America that if I make someone smile, I touch them for a moment. But if I introduce them to the God of Joy, I touch them for eternity. And that, I decided as that day’s Rebo washed down the drain into history, clowning around was definitely worth it.
Reba J. Hoffman is the founder of Magellan Life Coaching and New Hope Institute of Counseling. She has an earned Ph.D. in clinical counseling and spends her time encouraging people to find their true north. She is the author of Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal published by My Book Therapy. Her encouraging words also appear in publications such as Running for the Women’s Soul by Road Runner Sports and The Good Fight by Donna Hicken. Connect with Reba at Visit her website and blog at
Thank you so much, Reebs! Now a question for you, readers: When has God used you in an “adventurous” way? Or have you ever touched lives simply by clowning around?
Comments 39
I loved reading more about Reba! I’ve enjoyed reading her words of encouragement on the MBT site and have been thinking I really need to get her book!
I love to clown around and bring a smile to people who rarely do so. I got a new job this past summer and have since been told that I am “a ray of sunshine” in a dreary work environment. If I have to be out in the work force, I want to enjoy my experience. It’s no fun to be a drone with no joy. So I just act like a goofball and let everyone laugh at me. 🙂
Yes, who wants to be around a drone with no joy? I love that you actively choose to be a goofball and make the people around you laugh. 🙂 And yes, definitely read Reba’s book. She rocks!
This was such a great post! I love the picture. I find that clowning around drops barriers people have built up. If they can relax and have a good time, they’re more likely to let some of those rays of sunshine in!
At the WFTS conference Ken Davis was a speaker. He made us and laugh and laugh, had us hanging on every funny word and the he made his beautiful point and it seeped in whether we wanted it to or not. Liz Curtis Higgs is a lot like that too. And I love that.
I love humor! I love how it does exactly what you described – gets people to relax and whether they realize it or not, open up to truth. (I met Liz Curtis Higgs in the ACFW bookstore last year – she talked to me for so long, asked me about myself and my writing and just blessed me her kindness!)
Aw, yay! I’ve loved “getting to know” Reba through the MBT chats and online seminars. She’s seems like a lot of fun, and a genuinely caring person.
Like Jess said, I love how laughter can break down the barriers. It’s so freeing and it brings everyone to a level playing field. Everyone loves to laugh.
You’ll get to meet Reba in person at ACFW, I believe! She’s so wonderful!
“if I make someone smile, I touch them for a moment. But if I introduce them to the God of Joy, I touch them for eternity.”
LOVE THIS! SO true:) And laughter is an amazing way to touch people. Thanks for sharing today, and so great to meet you!
I loved that line from Reba’s post too!
Wow, Reba, I had no idea you were a clown. But your gift for encouragement is unmistakable and inspiring!
I didn’t realize she was a clown either until I read her post! Well, I mean, I knew she was pretty darn good at clowning around, but I had no idea she was a literal clown. 🙂
I love to make someone laugh or smile. 🙂 She sounds amazing, and what a great idea!!! Thanks for sharing, ladies.
One of my absolute favorite writing experiences is writing something I think is funny and then watching someone else laugh at it. I get this happy “mission accomplished” feeling. 🙂
You never fail to amaze me. I am so thankful that I can call you friend. You challenge me to live life out loud.
I truly believe that laughter unites people, that it breaks down barriers.
There’s no one else like you, Reba — and I love the way you make life about others — and about God.
So true that there’s no one else like Reba. Example: the story of how she randomly joined a group of people at a restaurant and even ordered a meal with them before they asked who in the world she was!
To everyone: Get the BOOK! Dare to Dream has encouraged me so much! Just like Reba. I didn’t know the clown story, but it doesn’t surprise me. And I love the quote about touching people with the God of Joy. I’m so glad I stopped by today!
I’m glad you stopped by, too, Pat. 🙂
Awesome story! I think there’s so much truth to humor bringing hope and healing to people.
Amen to that! I love that it seems like lately humor is more and more making its way into Christian writing – both fiction and nonfiction. Not that it wasn’t there before, but it seems to me, more than ever, people are grasping the power of humor.
Loved this story! Reba is awesome!
God uses me in my place of work…my day job. I see many hurting people. I take nudges from Him and see where some light of joy needs to be shined. I take it one person at a time through His guidance.
Great inspirational post today!
That is an awesome way to let God use you at your day job, Loree. One person at a time…spreading joy…love it!
I’ll do anything, including get hilariously outlandishly outside of myself, to help college students find breakthrough, and it’s done amazing things in me, too. I’m sure Reba can say the same.
I’d like to see you “hilariously outlandishly outside” yourself, Delores!!
I’d pay good money to see Delores “hilariosly outlandishly outside” herself. 🙂
From the moment I met Reba in the My Book Therapy Monday Night Chat, I knew she was a person I wanted to have in my life. Her encouragement has helped me grow in all areas of my life. I’m so appreciative of her friendship. And now I’m teary-eyed after reading about her clowing around. Of course, Rebo. Perfect for her personality. God broke the mold after creating her. She’s an original.
My adventure begins every day at 7 am when I open my door and fill my home with Little Darlings. I get paid to play. How fun is that?? And hearing them say, “I wuv you, Wisa.” Sigh. Blessed.
Aww, that’s sweet, Lisa. I bet some of those kids will remember you years down the road!
I think I’ll start calling Reba Rebo from now on. 🙂
Remember Reba and her bike outfit in Florida? LOL!!
Yes, yes, I remember that!! Hilarious!
I am so blessed by all of your comments. Laughter does good like a medicine. You made me laugh out loud. Thank you all for stopping by and Thank YOU MTAGG for laying out the welcome mat!
May you all look up and find a Rebo at the exact moment when you need to brighten your day, for indeed, that is what you are to me!
I’m so happy to have you here today, Reebs. You’re an amazing woman and someone I’m sooo blessed to know.
I’m smiling from ear to ear! I need to meet Reba! Melissa, thank you for having her on your blog today and Reba, thank you for making me smile.
I’m not good at clowing around, but I feel like I live in a circus some days (like yesterday when my two year old twins locked me out of the house)! My four kiddos keep me on my toes and fill my days day with love and laughter and I know that even though I am not a “silly” person at heart, I bring them abundant joy and security in so many other ways. My heartfelt prayer is that my words will bring joy to others as Christ’s Words have brought joy to me.
I’m heading over to check out Reba’s website!!
Yay, I’m so glad you’re checking out Reba’s website! I hope everyone does…I’m excited about the lives she’s going to impact through her new business.
I don’t have kids (yet) but I grew up in a household of four kids…so I can definitely understand the circus feeling! 🙂
Wonderful! I went in clown to the intensive care unit as well as certain patients rooms. My clown never failed to increase heart rates as well as smiles every where I went. Such a powerful ministry! Love Rebo 🙂
Wait, you were a clown, too, Ginger? How did I not know this about you and Reebs? 🙂
Such a heartwarming post, Reebs. Blessings on the new business. You are such a God-filled encourager and super blessing to all of us too.
Thanks bunches for stopping by, Paula!
What an amazing story! To be able to touch lives in the purpose of sharing God’s love and joy is an honor Reba takes very seriously. I am inspired by knowing how God can use a clown and a painted face and silly outfit to bring joy to people halfway around the world.
My blog is read all around the world, and I pray that these people whom I have never met are finding God through the words we share. I also sing for Him, and I think my greatest joy is sharing music with the children during our VBS. I love their energy, and sharing God’s love through our songs brings out a joy that is contagious!
All such fun ways of spreading joy, Colleen. Joy IS contagious! Thanks for stopping by!!
That story was SO cool – thank you for sharing it! It reminds me of how my daughter doesn’t always remember the exact scripture from Kids Church on Sundays, but when I ask her what “funny thing” the leaders did, it helps jog her memory.
Some people have that gift – my humor is so dry most of the time, though, that it doesn’t quite have the same effect!
Could this be the same Reba I worked with back in the early 90’s at AT&T UCS? If so I’d love to catch up with you.