It’s been awhile since we’ve talked politics here at Tag(g)lines. Last time I dared to play Political Polly (when I picked a Muppet match for each candidate), we had a quite a few hats in the ring.
Now, I think we all can agree it’s more than likely Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. (That is, unless Ron Paul busts out some delegate magic or Newt Gingrich starts his moon colony early.)
The only big news now? The potential veep spot.
So I think it’s only appropriate I join the guessing game and throw out a few possibilities.
But since actual political pundits have covered the obvious folks, let me offer a few left-field choices. Mitt, I think you and your team should totally considering vetting any of the following for VP…
Because I’ll take any excuse to include Jack Sparrow in a blog post. |
Kermit! Because he’d totally capture the environmental vote. |
My final choice for vice president? I thought long and hard about this one, and I hope Mitt’s paying attention, because I’m pretty sure I’ve found the perfect person…
Who would you pick as vice president? (Or does our ever elongated election season have you in a political malaise?)
p.s. As always, I feel compelled to add the disclaimer that I DO know politics matter and it’s not just one big game and I am privileged to live in a country where I have a say. There. I feel better. And just to prove my ability to be serious once in awhile, if I could pick anybody to run alongside Mitt, I’d pick Condoleeza Rice. 🙂
Comments 31
Tee hee, you crack me up!! I admit that I don’t pay as much attention as I should to all the political stuff. I hate all the mud slinging that goes along with it.
Hmmm…not sure you could trust Jack Sparrow as a candidate. Just when you’d think he was right on track, he’d somehow fool the entire American populace, steal everyone’s money, and go in search of the Black Pearl. Just sayin’. 😀
Haha, good insight on Jack Sparrow. You’re right…he’s not entirely dependable. And frankly, the rest of the world might lose what respect they’ve currently got for us if our VP goes around asking where the rum is at international meetings…
LOL, Melissa. Not being American, I don’t get a say, but how could you go wrong with Kermie? I can hear him serenading the nation now. 🙂
Yes! He’d probably sing Rainbow Connection…and we’d all hold hands and sing. Happy nation. Sorry I don’t have enough international savvy to say anything intelligent about Canadian politics! 🙂
How timely and fun. Frankly, there’s so MUCH political hype, I gradually tune out, but Condoleeza would be excellent. And I’ll hope Tim Tebow meets you 🙂
I know, I think Condoleeza is awesome! She’s been around the political scene plenty long. She’s strong. She’s a concert pianist. And she was once considered for the position of NFL commissioner. (I don’t even like football and I consider that way cool!) She would rock.
Perhaps if I ever get tired of pursuing the writing dream, I’ll pursue Tim Tebow instead. 🙂
These are hilarious and I’d have to go with the Countess! Brilliant!!!! 🙂
I would have to go back to being a reporter if the Countess was elected (and if she was a real person) because I would never get tired of quoting her!
I’m all for the Dowager Countess…except she’s English which may put her out of the running. In that case, I vote for Professor Snape – AKA Alan Rickman who is a US citizen – because there’s more to him than meets the eye.
Yeah, the whole English thing is kind of a problem. Though, perhaps, not as big of a problem as the fact that she’s fictional. 🙂 Love her!!
Hahahaha! How about Flo from the Progressive commercials? She’s upbeat. Everyone likes her, and she could help the economy with her little price gun.
Flo! That’s a genius suggestion!
Oh, Melissa, I love all of your suggestions … all of them. And I do think Tim Tebow could play football and be VP because really, they don’t let the VP do much except show up stand by the President and say, “What he said” every once and a while.
Hehe, yeah, seriously, what does the VP do all day anyway?!
Oh, I think Jason Isaacs (Tavington in The Patriot) would be perfect! Except I googled him and he’s British. 🙁 Just kidding. Like Flo, too. Guess, I’ll settle on Tebow. He’d be perfect in anything. And like Dee, I hope you meet him soon.
Darn these awesome Brits and their non-U.S.-citizen status. Don’t they know our government needs them?!
LOLOLOL! Funny post, Melissa!
Glad you got a laugh out of it. 🙂
You make politics interesting…thank you:) And I’m totally voting Batman if we get the “pow”s.
Yeah! I love the Pows! Of course, then one has to contemplate the question of whether it’s appropriate to have a national leader in tights and underwear outside his clothing… 🙂
LOL…you are soooo cracking me up. I think Kermit might be a great vp! 🙂
Yep. Just think how harmonious the U.S. would be!
I would vote for Tim Tebow any day of the week! He’s done more to unite the American Public than any other figure in recent history…case in point, Sundays in the average American home are now a place of peace and contentment (instead of discord and stress) as thousands of women join their husbands on the sofa to watch Tebow, erhemm, football.
LOL!!! That’s the best justification I’ve heard yet for a veep candidate! Surely he’ll make the shortlist…surely…
Oohhh, Tim Tebow gets my vote! (followed by Kermit, of course)
Hehe, yeah, you hear both sides all the time talking about vying for the women’s vote. Hello, the answer is so obvious! Tebow!
Oh my word, I love this post! 🙂 I’m definitely behind a Lady Violet veep choice. I have no doubt she wouldn’t put up with any tom-foolery from Iran or North Korea. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer! You’re so right…Lady Violet would be like today’s Margaret Thatcher…only funnier!
You know I have to go with Batman! The Adam West version fits with Mitt…oddly enough.
Oh yes, it just wouldn’t be right for you to pick anyone else! Remember when you gave Amy and I those Batman pictures in college? Do you think he’d add a batcave to the White House? And say things like, “Hey Mitt, see you tomorrow. Same bat time. Same bat channel.”