The candy I can’t stop talking about.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love candy conversation hearts.

It’s not that they taste all that good. I mean, come one, chew on a piece of chalk and swallow a spoonful of sugar and you’ll get the same effect.

It’s the novelty. Good treats can’t help but make good conversational pieces. Brachs hearts? Yeah, they take that literally.

I once went an entire workday communicating with a coworker solely through conversation hearts. Some may have called such an action flirting. Um, no. I called it a challenge.

My favorite thing about conversation hearts? Their ability to keep up with the times. Last year when I came across “Be My Icon,” I’m pretty sure I choked with glee. Or maybe that was the just the chalkiness of the heart making its way down my throat.

But…I do think Brachs is missing out on a few possibilities. I’m willing to sell the following ideas to Brachs…for a price. (And if they want to pay me with a life-time supply of candy, who am I to complain?)

My ideas:

Pokerface: This is the one you give to the girl who’s playing coy with her affections. Or someone who’s a Lady Gaga fan.

iPray 4 U: Genius if I do say so myself. A combination of Apple awesomeness with Christianity. Perfect for that brother or sister in Christ suffering the effects of Microsoft.

Entail Luv: For the Downton Abbey fanatics. Because we all know, were it not for that entail, Mary never would’ve met Matthew.

Tweet Me: This would obviously replace the “Call Me” heart…which actually may have already been replaced by “Email Me”…which was probably replaced by “Text Me.”

Be My Prez: For the election-weary. Forget Republicans and Democrats. I vote for love. Hehehe…

I Bieberlieve in U: Um, I can’t even think of anything to say about this one.

And on that note, I’d better call it quits before someone gives me a heart that says “Ur Crazy.” 🙂

What’s your stance on conversation hearts? Yummy or nasty? Any ideas for new phrases of your own?

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    Comments 18

    1. I Bieberlieve in U…LOL! That’s amazing.

      And yeah, those things are pretty nasty. They did come out with the sweetart version of conversation hearts, which taste better. I haven’t had any in years, but I like your idea of the challenge of communicating with them all day long. Hmmm…

      1. Hehehe…I was trying to find a play on iPod, iPad, etc, and when iPray came to mind, I knew I’d hit gold. Seriously, Brachs could make a lot of money by coming up with Christian conversation hearts!

    2. Those are hilarious!! I don’t care for them. You nailed the taste perfectly. I think 2 years ago one of my BFFs gave me Twilight candy hearts. We had fun reading those. I think I still have pictures on facebook lol.

      I actually use a conversation heart in one of my novels! My heart just fluttered thinking about it! ha! Happy Valentine’s Day.

      BTW I think they should make writer hearts.

      Be my Crit Partner
      I love My ms! Yah, know stuff like that!

      1. Ooh, writer hearts! That would be hilarious! I might have to steal your idea for a blog post next year come Valentine’s Day. Aww, what a sweet thing to include in your novel…pun totally intended…I actually do like to munch on the hearts even though they are chalky and weird. I like the white ones. The yellow ones have a weird banana-y taste, though…

    3. I love conversation hearts — I love snacking on them (even though my dentist would cringe if he knew) and I love using them for mini-chit-chats.
      While I would never use I Bieberlieve in U, I gotta admit, it’s a winner . . . tween girls would probably fight over finding that in a bag of conversation hearts.
      Trying to be all social media trendy here:
      i digg u
      tmblr 4 u (not quite working …)

      oh, must go write real words …

      1. Ooh, those are good! I was actually trying to think of something using LinkedIn, but I couldn’t quite nail it…love i digg u. Seriously, I want to know whose job it is to come up with the candy phrases!

    4. Reason #452379 why we’re such good friends–I love candy hearts! Maybe it’s the writer in me, or the one who craves adult attention after spending my days with Little Darlings, but there’s something about a quick note on a heart to let someone know how you feel. Love iPray 4 U! 😀

      1. Reason #452380: “Do you want to in and over with of or marche?” Hehehe…sooo, I need to film an intro video for your guest post on Wednesday. Pretty sure that text message may make it into the video!!!

    5. They are chalky, but I eat them just for the tradition of them at Valentine’s Day. I can’t think of any I’d add, but I’m with you on the appeal of them keeping current!

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