Awww, it’s my mom and dad…happy birthday, Dad! |
Today is my dad’s birthday! Happy birthday, Dad!
Now, my dad is the coolest dad in the world. People can argue with me if they want, but I took a class called the Art of Persuasion in college, so I’m pretty sure I’ll come out on top.
Except, wait, perhaps I’m not as persuasive as I like to think since no one seems to be on my side in the whole “Diet Coke with Lime is the best pop in the entire world” argument. Just two days ago, a natural health dude told me I was going to die if I kept drinking aspartame. Okay, he didn’t say that…exactly. But I couldn’t get his voice out of my head when I popped the tab on my can an hour later.
Anyway, I love my dad and count myself amazingly blessed to be his daughter.
Probably many people would call their dad “the best dad ever.”
Others wouldn’t.
Others didn’t know their father growing up. Or had an abusive father. A father present physically, but absent as a parent.
I see many of those hurting men, women and children in the ministry where I work. And it makes me sad. Not only because of how their lives have been negatively impacted, but also how their lack of a loving father figure is affecting their spiritual life.
“God…my Father?” they wonder. “Thanks, but no thanks.” They’ve been there, done that, and have the emotional and/or physical scars to prove it.
Because they haven’t tasted the love of a father on earth, they don’t know how to feast on the love of a Father God.
I think that plays out in other ways, too. In those who’ve never experienced the loyalty of a friend. The comfort and nurturing of a mother. The wise counsel of a mentor. Never been on the receiving end of a sacrificial show of love. Belonged in a family or close-knit community. Experienced forgiveness.
How can they understand these things about God when they’ve had no preview from those around them?
Well, I came across this verse this week:
God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing.
~Psalm 68:6a
And I started thinking…How does God “set the lonely in families?” Downtrodden men who grew up without a father don’t suddenly get dads who model sacrificial love and hard work. Children yanked from place to place while their messed up parent stumbles time and time again don’t always suddenly get a stable, two-parent home. Women who’ve only ever been taught how to use their bodies to get what they want don’t suddenly get mothers who teach them what real love is.
But what can they get?
A family made up of God’s people.
When we step up, we prove there is such a thing as sacrificial love…forgiveness…sincere concern…active faith…freedom.
By fulfilling our calling, we point hurting hearts to truth:
There’s a Father God who is everything theirs wasn’t.
A family ready to fill the gaps.
And a hope beyond what they’ve known.
Have you ever stepped up to fill a role in the life of a lonely or hurting person? How can we, as Christians, reach out to those who don’t understand Christ’s love? Has someone ever “filled the gap” in your life?
Comments 15
Happy Birthday, Tagg’s dad! 🙂
I love this post and the truth it conveys. Have a great weekend, if you celebrate by eating BBQ, don’t take a jacket! LOL
Haaaa! I’m actually wearing a yellow jacket today that is so similar to that pink one. I better be careful around any kind of sauce… 🙂
Like you, I’ve been blessed with such a wonderful dad, so when the Bible calls God “Abba” (Daddy), I get it. My mom passed away when I was 19, but I still got to have one of the best moms on this earth, and I’m so thankful.
I don’t stop and thank the Lord often enough how blessed I was to grow up with the family I did. Or to have the friends I have.
I’m going to do that now. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings I have. Help me to be more attentive to those who don’t have what I have. Help me to come alongside them and love them. Amen.
Have a good weekend, Melissa. Are you working on your novel? I’m headed to the library for some crunch time tomorrow! Woot. 😛
Oh that must’ve been so hard losing your mom at 19. Like you said, I want to thank God continuously for the amazing family I’ve got.
Thank you for sharing your prayer too…working where I work, I see so, so many people desperate for the kind of loving family I all too often take for granted.
Yeah, I’m going to be working on the novel – in between celebrating my dad’s birthday! I’m so close to done!! My February goal is to once and for all finish revisions on this book while plotting the next one. How’s your writing going? Hope your library time is super productive!
I can’t remember. Are you finishing up your second and plotting your third? I’m revising my first and want to start plotting my second. I’m trying to make this first chapter excellent because I want to enter the Frasier and Genesis contests, just to get feedback.
Here’s to great writing time for both of us this weekend!
I’m finishing up my second book and plotting my third. Woohoo! Oh, yay, I’m glad you’re entering the Frasier! The feedback is so wonderful. I’m slightly biased, of course, due to my MBT involvement, but I really do think it’s one of the best contests out there. The Genesis is great, too!
Happy Birthday, Melissa’s Dad! You were blessed to have such a loving and kind father. And I love the verse about God setting the lonely in families. Blessings on your work today!
Thanks, Pat! Yeah, definitely blessed!
Happy Birthday, M-Tagg’s Dad. I know you must love being her dad.
Here’s my story about being someone’s family:
My daughter is dating a wonderful guy. Unfortunately, his mom died when he was 10.
The first time he called me “Mom” I was so . . . touched. So honored.
And so I now call him mom.
Because I love him, yes.
But also because . . . his mom can’t.
And I remind him as often as I can that I know his mom would be proud of him.
That is a sweet, sweet story. I can’t imagine losing a parent that young…or at all, really. He’s blessed to have you in his life!
What a lovely tribute to your dad, Melissa! I hope he has a great time celebrating his birthday.
Thanks, Keli! I love my dad. 🙂
Our dad is the coolest…we win!
Amen, sister. 🙂
Thanks Melissa! (and Nicole too) We love you guys!
Kenny says thank you to everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes and thank you to God for the gift of another year!