TGIF…and God’s awesomeness.

It’s been one of those Lord, help me weeks.

Nothing horrible. Just a to-do list that got longer faster than celebrities change hair colors.

With each item added to the list, I mentally paper-bagged it. Staved off the hyperventilation. And got to work.

Today, I’m tired. But hope slides in at the thought of tomorrow. Can I get a whoop-whoop for weekends?

But seriously, Thursday morning, right when I was at the height of my never-gonna-get-it-all-done-ness, God interrupted my anxiety.
I love it when he does that! I was on my way to the Psalms when my pages fluttered and my eyes landed on this in Job:

Then Job replied to the Lord: “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” ~Job 42:2

Now, there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to Job. The dude had it r-o-u-g-h. My life, even with its out-of-control to-do list, can in no way compare. (And frankly, I hope it never does.) Still, Job’s confident words to God hit me right where I needed it yesterday. 

When I can’t do all things, God can.

When my plans are thwarted, God’s never is.

And this week, when my to-do list threatened to go all Abominable Snowman on me, Job’s declaration was the sunshine and warmth I needed—melting my worries, fueling my confidence. Reminding me items on a list are nothing when compared to God’s strength and glory and awesomeness.

How was your week? How do you deal with busyness or stress? How does God pop in and remind you of His presence  and help in the midst of busy seasons?

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    Comments 11

    1. Love this: “And this week, when my to-do list threatened to go all Abominable Snowman on me, Job’s declaration was the sunshine and warmth I needed—melting my worries, fueling my confidence. Reminding me items on a list are nothing when compared to God’s strength and glory and awesomeness.”

      Girl, the last few years have been B.U.S.Y. (grad school and working full time…thank goodness that school is done!) There were times I literally thought I might collapse from tiredness. But Isaiah 40:31 reminds me that “Those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength.”

      Remember, sometimes he only gives us enough strength for today. One step at a time.

      Praying you get some much-needed rest this weekend, Melissa!

      1. Wow, your life the past few years does sound crazy busy!! You’re so right – strength for today, one step at a time. This week I’ve just kept saying, “Do what you can do in the time you have and be happy with that.” Yay, for weekends, though!! Hope you get some good rest, too!

    2. Great post. I just finished reading Job in my Chronological Bible and must confess, I never enjoyed reading that book of the Bible before. But this year, God opened up Job and I read it in a new way. God is so awesome!

      One of the things I pray for you is from the Lord’s prayer: ‘this day your daily bread.’ God gives us grace one day at a time. Chill out this weekend, my friend.

      1. Yes, God IS awesome. As for Job…in college speech class, we had to pick one chapter of the Bible and memorize it in its entirety, then recite it to the class. The goal was teach us good memorization skills. I picked Job 1. And in that time of practicing, God just really spoke to me through Job. Gave me a new appreciation for that book of the Bible.

        Thank you for the prayer, Pat. I’m blessed to call you a friend! Hope you get the chance to chill out, too. 🙂

    3. My week got blindsided with the news our old-guy dog, Midas, has cancer. Yuck. So there’s been tears. And more tears. And hugging my 11-year-old while she cries.(Yeah, all those other mentions of tears? Mine.)
      And life goes on, ya know? Even when it hurts.
      But I stumbled across a verse earlier this week: God is for me. And that’s been a keeper all week long.

      1. Oh, Beth, I’m sad about Midas…and sorry for your family. Pets really do become part of the family. Hugs and prayers, friend.

        That’s a great verse, though. Awesome and true.

    4. This has been an emotional week for me to say the very least. But God has used people and of course His Word to remind me, it’s all in my head. LOL

      That’s one of my favorite verses by the way! 🙂 Also, love the way your story opens up…I’d like to read that. Ahem…

      1. Sorry it’s been an emotional week. Those kind of weeks leave me feeling drained. I’m thankful great people and even better GOD came along to encourage you.

        Oh yes, I should send you that MS. Unlike my current WIP, that one’s actually complete…for the moment. I’m sure I’ll always feel the need to go back and revise… 🙂

    5. Sometimes it is very helpful for me to remind myself of the truth that I have enough time for what God has for me today. I tell myself “Being busy is not a badge of honor, Sherrie, you want to be a Mary–Sherrie.” If I get really quiet…I hear Him say….”come sit at my feet awhile….take My yoke upon you for is easy.” Ah yes….”come unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my load is light.” (Jesus)

      1. (Left a comment a minute ago so full of typos and confusion it didn’t make sense – hehe – trying again.) Such a good verse, Mom! 🙂 And such truth…I guess the better prayer than, “God, help me get ALL of this done today,” would be “God, help me done what YOU desire me to get done – if it’s everything, awesome. If not, I know you’ll me with the rest tomorrow.” 🙂

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