So, I’m really loving Wednesdays! And I’m so happy my lovely writing friend Pat Trainum is joining us today!
Pat writes romantic suspense and has been an MBT Frasier Contest finalist as well as winner of the Maggie Award. She’s joining us today to talk about the upcoming MBT Deep Thinkers Retreat. (And yes, it is possible that I’ve spent a teensy-tiny amount of time mourning the fact that I can’t go this year.) But Pat will be there…and if you’re a writer, I highly suggest checking it out.
So I hope you’ll view the video intro, enjoy Pat’s post and join the conversation in the comments about writing retreats!
MBT Deep Thinkers Retreat ~ Register Now!
Good morning from the cold and frigid North.
North Mississippi, that is. Just ducked a snowball from my friends buried in three feet of snow and 10 degree temperatures. But it is cold this year in my area. As I write this post, it’s 22 degrees, which makes me look forward even more to the My Book Therapy (MBT) Deep Thinkers Retreat, held in sunny and warm Destin, Florida.
Actually the weather is probably the last thing I considered in December when I reserved my spot at this awesome writer’s retreat.
What’s that? Did I hear someone ask why I was going again?
Yeah. You went to the first two. What could you learn this year that you didn’t already know?
I thought you’d never ask. The first year I went, I thought I was a pretty good writer. I mean, I’d won the Maggie for unpublished fiction and had a couple of short stories published, but Susie (Susan May Warren) and Rachel (Rachel Hauck) talked about things I’d never heard of. Like LINDY HOP and how to make your hook SHARP, how to use metaphors. I went home in a daze of information, two workbooks and lots of notes.
I studied my notes, the workbooks, and applied what I learned. Tuned in to the chats at My Book Therapy on Monday nights. And grew so much as a writer. When the email arrived in December inviting me to Deep Thinkers again, I was so hungry for more instruction that I knew I had to go.
What I received was equal to a college course. Only this time, I had something to build on. I better understood the foundational writing concepts Susie and Rachel were teaching. My writing went to the next level.
Okay, I’ve read your stuff. Your writing is much better than three years ago. But all that teaching…you’re supposed to go to Florida to sit on the beach. Have fun with your friends.
Oh, believe me, the fun you’ll have with the women you meet will change your life. You will forge incredible bonds and have the best time of your life. And, you will go to Destin’s beautiful beach.
If you want to take your writing to the next level, join me at Deep Thinkers this year. It’ll be an amazing investment in your writing career, and you will come away changed.
Leave a comment and tell me how a writing retreat has changed you and your writing.
Pat Trainum has published short stories and co-authored Rise to Your Dreams, an abstinence curriculum. She is an MBT Frasier Contest finalist as well as a Maggie winner. Her current WIP is a romantic suspense novel.
Connect with Pat:
Twitter: @PTBradley1
Comments 22
I’m from North MS too!
We don’t have any snow at least when I let the dog out earlier this morning we didn’t!
My first writing conference, WFTS in Denver last year changed my writing life. I met my now agent there! I love the people, the knowledge I walk away with and the ability to be a blessing myself.
I’ll be checking out your blog. Love faith and murder. Yes!
Tagg, another great intro of course. Happy Wednesday!
I’ve never been to WFTS, but I’d love to make it some year. (If only I had unlimited writing funds!!) Will you be at ACFW this year?
I don’t know. ACFW is end of September and the Books & Such retreat is 2 weeks later and I don’t have unlimited writer funds either! Waaaah! I’m praying–to do both! ha!
North Mississippi! Jessica, are you anywhere near Corinth? I’d love to get a writing group started.
Isn’t it amazing what we learn when we get together with other writers? We create such wonderful bonds with people who actually get us. lol
Amen on the bonds formed with people who get us, Pat. There is something so awesome about talking life and stories with other writers.
Pat, we have a writers group in Byhalia (ACW)–lots from all over attend. I’m from the Southaven area! At one time, someone was going to start an ACFW chapter in Horn Lake, but I think it fizzled.
I’ve been to Corinth!!
When is your next meeting?
I have only been to one conference but the experience was all I needed to crave more! I plan to attend ACFW this yet for the first time and am so excited. I would love to do a smaller more focused retreat too at some point. This one sounds fun!
So excited to meet you at ACFW, Lindsay! ACFW is definitely one of the highlights of my year. And yeah, I absolutely recommend the MBT retreats…I have met some of the most amazing friends through those retreats. They also changed my writing. And of course, Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck are such a blast!
I second Melissa on the MBT retreats. They literally changed my life, both writing and otherwise! Looking forward to meeting you at ACFW.
Can’t wait to meet you both!
I too am attending Deep Thinkers for the 3rd time! When I debated attending the second one, my husband asked, “Why wouldn’t you go?” He, a non-writer, had seen the benefits for me personally and professionally. So attending this year was a no-brainer. (Pardon the middle-school cliche.)

I can’t wait for the sunshine, the beach, the fellowship — and the chance to talk, talk, talk all things writing.
And, Melissa, you will be greatly missed.
See you soon, Pat! Maybe we’ll get 3-year ribbons or something?
I’m going to need a constant influx of all things caffeinated and chocolatey to get me through that week – knowing you all are there and I am not.
J/K (mostly) – 2013, baby, I’m there!
Melissa, you will be so missed! Yeah, Beth, we should get 3-year ribbons!
Oh! Melissa, I totally forgot to thank you for having me. Senior moment. lol It is such an honor to be on your blog.
You’re welcome and thank YOU! So happy to have you!! The only thing that would be better is if I could see say you next month at DT.
Sadly, I can’t…but see you in Dallas in Sept also has a nice ring to it. 
September does gave a nice ring to it. You will be so missed!
Never had the chance to go to a conference…yet! It excites me and freaks me out all at the same time. I know they are invaluable though, so this fall I’m going to force myself to attend the ACFW conference–Hubby’s attending with me. Just haven’t told him yet.
Great to meet you Pat. Have fun in Destin. My parents are there (6 months out of the year–they’ve put in their time up here in the north shoveling snow), it is the most beautiful place. I think they should hold your classes on the beach:)
Yay, do, do go to the ACFW! So. Awesome.
Actually, in the past, we did have some retreat classes out on the beach! And last year, we took turns meeting with Susie and Rachel out on the beach to talk over our stories. Perfect setting. Oh dear, I’m going into mourn-mode about not being there again this year…must think positive…2013!!
Susan, look forward to meeting you in September! Don’t know how much of the beach I’ll see this time around. Susie keeps us pretty busy! lol
How did I miss this post? Every word is so true, and how I wish I were going. (Maybe, if my next grandchild comes a bit early . . . ?)
Well, whether your next grandchild comes before or after the DT Retreat, Dee, congratulations!