They could’ve said it…

Things have been a little quiet in Iowa lately. Ever since the presidential candidates bid us adieu after the Iowa Caucus, I’ve felt a little let down politically. We had our day and now it’s on to greener pastures for that scrappy group of White House wannabes.

I hear the group’s thinning a bit today, though. So long, Jon Huntsman.

Still, even though South Carolina and Florida have replaced my home state in the limelight, this Iowa girl feels the need to reflect some on where we’ve been so far in this ridiculouslyather long election cycle. In all the debates and interviews, I can’t help thinking it’s quite possible the best conversations just may have happened off camera…during commercial breaks, mics covered…

Michele: Come on, Jon, let’s just admit we’re running for Veep.
Huntsman: I’m wearing a pink tie, Michele. Do I look like a man who gives up that easily?
Jon: Yay, congratulations, Ron, the media finally recognized you as a viable candidate!
Perry: [mentally] Yeah, have fun with that, dude…Paul: Do you think it’s the eyebrows that finally did it?
Romney: And when my first son, Tagg, was born, he was this big.
Perry: That’s some memory you’ve got, Mitt. Frankly, there’s a reason I only had two kids.

Santorum: Yeah, I own sweater vests in five different shades of gray. So what? You want to make something of it?
Gingrich: Please do. If I have to answer another question on my $1.6 million from Freddie Mac…

Gingrich: Say, after this shindig’s wrapped up, how about we go on back to the dressing room and I’ll give you some tips on proper hair poofing technique? Trump wishes he had my hair.

Santorum: You see this hand? It’s black…black, I say, from my visits to the Pennsylvania steel yards,
the ink used to sign bills during my years in Congress, dust and dirt from my travels across all 99 Iowa Counties.
Mitt: Gosh, why didn’t I think of that? Between Rick’s black hand and Jon’s pink tie and Paul’s crazy eyebrows and Gingrich’s Trump hair, I got nothing…

Mitt: See, guys, only one of us can be the nominee. I think we all know who that’s going to be.
Paul: Dash it all, it’s just not fair.
Mitt: Well, it’s not fair when the media takes quotes out of context, either. But do you see me whining?
Paul: What if they don’t quote you at all?  

I need help on this one! What could Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich possibly be saying/thinking here? 

P.S. Congrats to Kathy Beal, winner of the giveaway for three Susan May Warren books! Kathy, your books are in the mail. 🙂

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    Comments 13

    1. If this was the REAL coverage, I might actually watch it! I know, shameful of me, eh? Oh, I will watch (just not yet), I will study (cram the night before), I will vote(b/c people fought for me to have that right)–but your coverage makes me smile:)

      1. Hehe…yeah, the whole election cycle just gets OLD after awhile. So, I figure, if I can find a reason to laugh, it’ll keep me from getting too cynical. 🙂

        Though, I did get to thinking, maybe one of these days I should mention that I DO respect people who are willing to run for president – even the ones I disagree with. It’s a huge job and I admire their tenacity, even if it does bug me to no end that we spend MILLIONS on elections while MILLIONS are starving around the world. Still, I am grateful to live in a country where I get to have a voice…

      1. TOO funny!! Oh, I love it!

        And I just plain love that photo because of the look on Mitt’s face. He’s the one guy you can depend on to ALWAYS stay pleasant-faced and generally pretty even-keeled during debates…so to see a clownish look on his face makes me happy. 😉

    2. Mitt: And … the camera’s on me! Me!
      Newt: Whew. I can stop thinking now … I mean, smiling. Or both.

      Melissa, so glad I stopped by here today. I feel refreshed and ready to go … You are too, too creative. I do, however, want to see your news articles from your past life as a reporter …

    3. TV producer: Ok. Everyone practice what your face will look like if you win.
      Mitt: How’s this? I’m going for mouth-open-far-enough-a-small-bird-could-fly-in smile.
      TV producer: Mitt, you could tone it back a litte.
      Newt: How about me? I think mine is better. Hello? Is anyone listening? I’m still smiling…

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