We’ve read the posts about making New Year’s Resolutions.
About keeping them.
About breaking them.
We’ve read the posts about picking one word for 2012.
But today? Today I’d like to do mankind a favor. See, we’re over a week into the New Year now and frankly, I’m thinking resolutions are probably being broken all over the place. Many are quite likely floundering in a waterfall of guilt. Folks, I’m about to throw out a life preserver. Several, actually…in the form of excuses.
You heard me right. Below are ten, rock solid excuses, offered free for the taking for anyone looking for a way out from those recklessly made resolutions…*
Top 10 Excuses For Breaking Your New Year’s Resolutions
10. I’m pretty sure I’m 1/456th Chinese. Which means, technically, my new year doesn’t start for several more weeks.
9. I’m only [insert age]. It just wouldn’t be right to hit the peak of perfection this early in life. So I had to let something go.
8. So-and-so had the same resolution as me. That’s sort of like two friends who realize they want to name their baby the same thing. One usually backs down. So I took the high road this time. (But rest assured, I’ll get the baby name I want!)
7. I never Tweeted or Facebooked about my resolution, so it’s not like it was set in stone anyway.
6. I just don’t feel called to keep this resolution. [Best if said with a serious expression in an apologetic tone. This excuse also works well for getting out of teaching Sunday school, volunteering at VBS and helping with fundraisers.]
5. I made this resolution very spontaneously…before I also made the resolution to think before I act and put more thought into my decisions. So…
4. If the President doesn’t do everything he says he’s going to, why should I? Zing! (Speaking generally here, peeps. I have no desire to dip into the realm of political nastiness.)
3. Apparently the Babylonians were the first to make New Years Resolutions. Seen that empire on any maps lately?
2. The noun “resolution” is related to the verb “resolve” and one of the definitions of resolve is “to break up or disintegrate.” Seriously. Proof here. So I’m resolving after all!
And the #1 excuse for breaking your resolution…
1. Because a girl just can’t pass up a four 12-packs for $10 coupon for Diet Coke!
Oh wait, you mean, I’m the only who made a resolution to not drink so much Diet Coke with Lime?
How about you? Any excuses to offer for the less-than-vital resolutions slowly slinking off our New Year’s lists?
*We’re talking the minor resolutions, not the important ones. After all, I wouldn’t want to totally negate Friday’s post about pressing on towards our goals. Hehehe…
Comments 9
Love that Calvin and Hobbes clip – I actually have it:) I’m constantly trying to up the exercise routine but then I figure, Hubby’s an Ironman and the kids really need to see balance.
I cracked up at number 4 & 3, though all are hilarious. I must admit, I hate diet coke in any form! Blech!
My BFF has already broken hers and is so disappointed, I’m breaking mine to make her feel better. Isn’t building relationships and being there for friends more important than a few ideas?
Haha, Susan. Love it…yes, always good for kids to see balance. Hehehe…
And yes, definitely, way to be a good friend, Jess.
ROTFL …Great Post MTagg.
We start every year with a 30 day fast at our church…So I’m still evaluating my new year goals and “Word” of the year. I don’t think I mastered discipline and diligence, which were my words for last year. I have a strong feeling, it means they will repeat in 2012. Oh. My.
Wow, a 30-day fast…that’s intense, Alena! Discipline and diligence…those are great words!!
Ah, M-Tagg …
I am sticking with my word for 2012 (trust), but holding on to this list … just in case.
Hehe, Beth…yes, I think I’ll hold on to my word too. As for that one resolution about making my bed every day…
I probably should’ve clarified that I hope people DO keep the good goals – the important ones – especially the God-inspired ones.
Love this post and I’m claiming all 10…even if I don’t drink diet coke with lime. You’ve certainly found your voice, Melissa!
Thanks, Pat! I like to be helpful…so if I can provide a good excuse for someone, I’ve done my duty. Hehehe…