Welcome Mat Wednesday: Susan May Warren

Happy New Year, ya’ll! I am several gazillion miles past excited to welcome Susan May Warren as 2012’s first Welcome Mat Wednesday guest! 

Susie is an award-winning author as well as founder and lead coach at My Book Therapy. Susie has made a huge impact in my life, helping me grow not only as a writer, but as a follower of Christ. I thank God all the time for placing me in her path. So check out the video intro and…

In addition to Susie’s encouraging post on taking Leaps of Faith, today I’m also doing a three-book giveaway! One lucky commenter will receive The Great Christmas Bowl, Heiress, and The Shadow of Your Smile…all awesome books by Susie! Leave a comment to enter. Tweet or Facebook about the contest and I’ll enter you into the drawing twice!

Leap of Faith

Remember that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indy is about to step out into, well, thin air, and he presses his hand to his chest, breathes in and steps out? 

Yeah, I was scared to death.  I thought – dude, you’re so going into that abyss.  But of course he didn’t. In fact, it only looked like he might be going down.  The screen changed and we saw from a difference perspective — a bridge hiding there all along.

Indy calls it a Leap of Faith.

Yup.  That’s exactly what it feels like.  You stare into a chasm and you think/hope/desperately want to believe that God will hold you up.  And then you take that first step. And another. Then another and soon you see with a new perspective that He’s had your steps all mapped out. 

No falling after all.

That’s how it feels to start a book.  Or a business, for that matter.  (Or buy a home, start a job, get married, go to college, have a baby…) You sort of see where you want to go, take a deep breath, press your hand to your chest and take that first step….

It’s terrifying. 

As I’ve built my writing career and My Book Therapy over the past few years, it’s occurred to me that God designed it exactly that way.  A Leap of Faith should be wrought with a sense of being overwhelmed, of an insurmountable task, of no way out.  It should require us to take a deep breath, press our hand to our beating hearts, even sweat a little as we push our foot to the edge and then step out.

Most of all, a Leap of Faith should remind us that we don’t rescue ourselves, but that God had our rescue planned all along. It pleases Him for us to need Him, to be overwhelmed, to  stand at the edge, tasting our desperation and then lean out knowing He is there. 

Hebrews 11: 6 says, ‘And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.’

Rewards those who sincerely seek him. 

Like…a hidden land bridge over a chasm?  (cue triumphant music!)  It’s funny, too, how AFTER we’ve taken the steps, we see God’s hand working all along.  He is all about being our rescuer.

I’m taking a few Leaps of  Faith this year that seem too big for me. Like starting an online Storycrafter’s course for aspiring writers.  And adding an advanced membership to My BookTherapy.  In my writing life, I’m working on a brand new series idea – something I hope will expand my readership, something that changes lives.  All goals that have my hand to my beating heart, sweating.  Here’s some ways I’ve learned to take those leaps:

1.     Pray.  Prayer builds my relationship with God and speaks truth into my heart.

2.     Ask God for practical help – and then accept it.  So much of the time we feel we have to take these steps alone.  God often answers our prayers through the body of believers.

3.     Read a Psalm a day.  Seriously.  (I might add, read it as a prayer! It’ll change the way you see the Psalms!) The Psalms are all about God as our Rescuer.

4.     Document your steps along the way – including God sightings.  You’ll love reading through the journey and it will build your faith for the Next Indiana Jones moment. 🙂

(As I was searching for the Indiana Jones clip, I came across this inspiring video…enjoy! http://youtu.be/r_ORj8gRjzk).

May you find yourself in over your head and facing a chasm that only faith can bridge in 2012.  And may it bring you joy as you leap out in faith and watch God rescue you. 

Susie May

What chasm are you facing this year that has you with your hand to your chest, holding back your heart?   

Susan May Warren is the RITA award-winning author of over 30 novels with Tyndale, Barbour, Steeple Hill and Summerside Press. A four-time Christy award finalist and two-time RITA finalist, she’s also a multi-winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice Award and the ACFW Carol. She’s also the founder of My Book Therapy, a 1,000+ member craft and coaching community for writers. Connect with Susie at www.susanmaywarren.com and on Facebook and Twitter.

Remember to leave a comment to enter today’s three-book drawing. Contest ends Tuesday, January 10, at 5 p.m. Facebook or Tweet about the contest to be entered twice. 

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    Comments 26

    1. I chose faith to be my word for 2012, so this is such a timely post for me. Sometimes fear prevents me from taking those leaps of faith. As I dissect that fear, I realize the core reason is my lack of trust. Yes, sometimes I don’t trust God. But His faithfulness continues in spite of my lack of trust and fear.

      This year I’m challenging myself to write 4 books. That means one book start to finish in three months. *Gulp* I can’t do it by my own power, but I can take that leap of faith and succeed by God’s power.

    2. “AFTER we’ve taken the steps, we see God’s hand working all along.”

      This is such a true statement! I’ve experienced it time and again. I’m stepping into this year with my agent and with that comes the exhilaration of coming closer to publication, but also a huge fear of the unknown along side. I’m taking deep breaths now! But I trust God not to drop the ball or leave me hanging b/c He never has. 🙂

      Tagg, do you EVER have a bad hair day? I mean really.

    3. Wow, Lisa, that’s an awesome goal for 2012. Saying a prayer right now for determination and completion of those four books. Partially this is a selfish prayer because I love the thought of reading four new books by Lisa Jordan. 🙂

    4. Jess, I loved that line in Susie’s post, too. It’s soooo true.

      I’m excited that you’re moving forward with your agent and getting closer to publication. Yay!!!

      As for the bad hair day…OH YES! See, it’s all about lighting that hides the frizz…or wearing hats…or just keeping it looking nice for the 1 minute and 30 seconds it takes to film. heheh…but thanks!

    5. Okay…this was EXACTLY what I needed to read today. Funny how God does that–I just LOVE that! Personally, I feel like many areas of my life require a leap of faith right now and it’s a bit scary. But as Lisa said in her comment, it is about trusting Him.

      Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.-Psalm 3:5-6

    6. Love this:) Steps of faith are what God’s been working on me over the past year and has recently intensified that call-or maybe it’s a push. I was just over at Jess’s blog before here and I’m starting to think my word this year might be “fearless”…if I can just get the guts to take it on:) Blessings today!

    7. Melissa,
      I nodded my head (Uh-huh, Uh-huh) the whole time I watched your vlog.)
      Susie and My Book Therapy have influenced me greatly as a writer. Yes, I’ve learned about craft. But even more, as I’ve watched her (and Rachel Hauck too), I’ve learned how to walk out this writer’s life as a believer. As Susie said:
      “It pleases Him for us to need Him, to be overwhelmed, to stand at the edge, tasting our desperation and then lean out knowing He is there.”
      I’m learning this lesson over and over again … and discovering it’s the best place to be — needing God daily, trusting He’s there.

    8. I thought the same thing when I first read Susie’s post, Heidi – such good encouragement and for me, very timely.

      I’m sooo glad to know you, Heidi. I love reading your writing and I LOVE the fun we have brainstorming together as a group. Such a blast…

      Also, people, you need to check out Jenuinely Pure – it’s a business started by a gal in Ames, Iowa, and they sell all-natural face, skin, even cleaning products. Heidi is part of the business. I’m addicted to the lip balm. http://www.jenuinelypure.com/

    9. Susan, I read Jess’s post, too…sooo encouraging to me, as well. Fearless. That’s an awesome word for 2012!

      Thanks for stopping by, Casey!! I’m so pumped I got the opportunity to meet you at ACFW…and that we’re going to be seeing more of you very soon here at Tag(g)lines…wink wink…

    10. Pat, yes, Susie opens her mouth, we learn. I’m so blessed by her willingness to share not only her writing skills, but her heart.

      I so agree, Beth. Susie and Rachel have taught me about writing, yes, but the lives they live for Christ impact me even more. And you’re right – being in that place of needing Christ and even relishing that need, that’s the best place to be.

    11. Susie’s well-deserved, hard-earned writing success is built on these solid spiritual principles and is similar to America’s meteoric accomplishments into the space age.

    12. Hey all – thanks M-Tagg for having me today. (And I love that bookshelf!! 🙂 I so appreciate everyone’s kind words. Your encouragement fills my heart and blesses me! XO!

    13. My leap of faith this year is marketing – because my first book releases this spring and yes . . . terrified is how I feel some days. I know there’s so much to learn and I’m afraid I’ll have to take the first blind step before I learn everything. I kinda like to study first, then take the test. 🙂 LIfe somehow doesn’t always follow the pattern, though. Great post from Susie, much appreciated! I think I’m gonna try the Psalm/day. Practical Placement of myself in God’s Promises.

    14. And when we leap, and God delivers…our story testifies of God’s amazing grace and kindness to us who are made-of-dust. Susie is a comfort and joy to this dusty fledgling writer. I prayed for a mentor for a looong time…and God delivered through Susie’s leaping. I pray that as I leap, and climb, and gasp for grace, that God will show Himself not just to me, but to many others. That is certainly true of Susie. Thanks to those of you leaping – we are following in your leap-steps! 🙂

    15. Your visual words give me such encouragement. I am going through those same feelings as I expand my writing journey to include other routes of writing I have not explored before. Rewriting and revising stirs up those same feelings. Thanks for sharing the encouragement that God is in control.

    16. Maybe your next Susan May Warren give away should include giving away Rafe (after turning him into a real person). I would feel a little weird about winning a person from a drawing, but I would still accept 🙂

      ps- I really liked the post too!

    17. Jennifer, I pray the marketing efforts go well. Marketing’s a beast, but with God’s help you can tame it, for sure! I loved Susie’s Psalm-a-day idea, too.

      Kathy, thanks so much for stopping by! I loved what you said about our stories of leaping testifying to God’s grace and kindness. So, so true.

      Jubileewriter, I’m glad you were encouraged by Susie’s words…I definitely was, too.

      Laura, ahhhh, Rafe. Gotta love him. But I have to say – if I could turn him into a real person, I might have to keep him for myself. Hehehe…

    18. A chasm my husband and I faced this year was accepting a call to pastor at a church plant. Leaving our thriving youth ministry, comfortable house, and dear friends to go to a church that was 6 months old, live in a rental house (half the size of our previous house with an addition child), and trust that He is working everything for His purpose and glory. To date, we have seen His hand in each step we take. We can’t see everything in front of us, but that’s where faith comes in.

    19. You definitely took leap(s) of faith in the past year, Mel! It’s been so cool to see how God paved the way for so many new things for you and Ty. The only thing cooler would’ve been if that path led to Des Moines… 😉 Just kidding (mostly), ’cause you’re right where He wants you… 🙂

    20. Thank you for the push towards sending a leap of faith e-mail that could possibly impact 2012 greatly, depending on whether the Lord opens or closes doors. We will see what God does. Thanks again Susie Mae & Melissa. I think. (Funny Monday’s aren’t near as unsettling! Ha!)
      Good luck to everyone on the drawing. I will decline due to family ties. The winner will certainly experience the blessing, for sure and for certain. (wait, that’s Beverly Lewis….ok, lets just say that you will feel like a heiress, your smile will be more than shadow, and your post Christmas will be great whether you bowl or not!!) Susan Mae Warren that was for you…thank you for the blessing you have been in Melissa’s life.

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