Caucus time…with a Muppet flair.

Iowa caucuses are this week. You know, just in case you’re living under the proverbial rock…like those guys in the Geico commercial.

Last time the caucuses rolled around, I was still reporting…which meant I got a front seat to all things town hall-ish. Fun stuff. I could’ve also won an award for political schizophrenia with all the candidate paraphernalia I ended up with.

This election cycle, since my Lois Lane days are over, things haven’t been as up close and personal. But I did sit down to watch the last debate. And I did…

…find that each candidate reminded me of a Muppet.
Hehe, and you thought I was going to say decide who to vote for. No, nothing nearly as important. This is Monday Funday, remember. So, without further ado, here are my candidate-Muppet comparisons. Who knows, maybe it will help with the decision…

I need help! I couldn’t come up with a Muppet for Jon Huntsman. Suggestions?

Also, be sure to stop back on Wednesday for our first Welcome Mat Wednesday of the new year. Kicking things off is…*drum roll*…Susan May Warren, award-winning author and lead coach at My Book Therapy! I’m doing a book giveaway on Wednesday, too, so don’t miss out!

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    Comments 17

    1. Apparently I’ve been living under a rock, or in a basement rather. Is it really time for Iowa? It feels like this election cycle should be done already, it started in 2009.

    2. Melissa,

      My daughter, son-in-law, and I laughed so hard at this. For John Huntsman’s Muppet Twin they suggest Captain Link Hogthrob, the intrepid leader on Pigs in Space. Also, my son-in-law says he went to school with your brother and was in choir with your sister and remembers meeting you.

      Small world,

    3. Thanks, LJ! You rock! Also, I dreamt about you last night…we were at ACFW and couldn’t remember whether we were supposed to be in the same room or not. Hilarious!

      Ash, yes, it’s true…Iowa is this week. And you’re right…the election cycle is way too long. We could feed a lot of hungry people with the money spent on elections…

    4. Jolene, I had to Google Captain Link Hogthrob…your daughter and son-in-law are sooo right!! Speaking of which, yeah, I think I saw a photo of your son-in-law once at your house and realized I’d met him at NWC. Small world, indeed!

      Haha, Jess, sorry about the stomach ache but happy about the laughs. I had a darn good time picking out the photos!

    5. It definitely must be the Diet Coke with Lime, Beth! Hehehe…It’s also possible the burst of joy my morning coffee brings spurs on the silliness now and then. 🙂

      Thanks, Dee. Though I tend to enjoy a good political discussion now and then, it can definitely get depressing…so laughter is a good, good thing. 🙂

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