Doing NaNoWriMo write…er, right.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is not for the faint of heart.
Or, necessarily, the sane of mind.
But every year thousands of writers take the annual challenge to write 50,000 words during the month of November. Though I’m not joining the fray this year–I’m revising instead–I’m there in spirit with friends and fellow writers.
And I can’t help but offer a tiny word of advice. Scratch that, make it a shouting suggestion:

Get yourself a My Book Therapy (MBT) Book Buddy. Seriously, folks.

NaNoWriMo is an awesome way to jump start your next novel. But I have a feeling for some, it can turn into a rather aimless journey. Why not go into it with a good feel for your characters, a hook that’ll knock the socks of some agent or editor someday, a plot that moves with purpose…?
Whether you’re a seat-of-the-pantser or a plot-til-you-drop writer, the MBT Book Buddy, written by award-winning author Susan May Warren, is truly the perfect resource to help you plan and complete your manuscript. It combines the insights, lessons and charts from Susie’s first two workbooks–From the Inside Out and Deep and Wide (both awesome tools)–and walks you through your WIP.
If this sounds like a commercial, well, it kind of is. (Complete with visuals. See video below.)
But truly, I don’t think I’ll ever write another book without working through the MBT Book Buddy first. I also highly recommend checking out MBT’s WriMo Challenge. Lots of prizes, incentives and daily encouragement to get you through the month. Join the fun!
Two last NaNo tips:
-Stock up on snacks and caffeine (unless you’re, you know, like, healthy).
-Remember, December 1 will come. Eventually. 🙂
Have a great NaNoWriMo!

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    Comments 2

    1. Ok so, I’m in between pants and plots…scared ya a second didn’t I? I bought the book buddy and decided to use it for a new story just to see and you know what? LOVED it! I didn’t use it on the subplot because I couldn’t figure it out (thus my pantser in me) but it helped me so much with my main characters and brainstorming that I’m not scared to write the synopsis and it helped me create a hook/pitch way quicker than with my other novels. So I guess I’m advertising too. Your videos crack me up!

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