Two years ago, nearly to the day, I attended the first-ever My Book Therapy Storycrafters Retreat. That retreat re-charted the course of my writing journey. And it’s also where I met some of my closest writing buddies…including the fabulous Lisa Jordan. Since then I’ve attended several other MBT retreats with her, roomed with Lisa at the 2010 ACFW conference and served on the MBT Voices e-zine under Lisa’s leadership. Oh, and also laughed…and laughed…and laughed…
1) I’ve heard you call this “the story of your heart.” Can you tell us a little about that? What inspired the story?
Lakeside Reunion is the story of my heart because my husband gave up his dream of becoming a police officer for me because I was too afraid fo what could happen to him. I’ve always regretted that, especially since he is so supportive of my dream of being a published writer. Granted my job is a lot safer–unless I’m Richard Castle. Paper cuts aren’t life threatening. But still, that regret hung in a corner of my soul. Lakeside Reunion is a story of forgiveness and trust–trusting God with our fears and our loved ones.
2) Can you describe your journey to publication? And also, why Love Inspired? I know there’s a specific reason you dreamed of this particular publisher…
My journey began when I was 16 and read Danielle Steele’s The Promise. Upon reading the end, I knew I wanted to be a writer to give my readers that same heart-sighing promise of hope and happily ever after. Twenty-six years later, I’m fulfilling that dream.
In February 1998, I rededicated my life to Christ. I loved reading and prayed for Christian fiction that would uplift, yet still have those happily ever afters my romantic side craved. That September, the Love Inspired line debuted. I believe that was my concrete answer to prayer. God did that for me…really! I still have the original novels when the line debuted. I surrendered my writing to God and told Him my first novel had to be published by Love Inspired. Again, He answered my prayer. Full Circle.
3) I appreciated how you incorporated your character’s spiritual journeys. It wasn’t heavy-handed, nor was it so subtle we missed it. How did you handle that?
A family member miscarried a couple of years ago. I tried to console her. She said, “I don’t want meaningless platitudes. I’m hurting. I’m angry. Let me get that out. Then tell me it will be okay. Because right now, it’s not.” I will never forget her tears or her words. Life is messy. It hurts. And it won’t always be okay. But God is the constant in that pain. I wanted to show how God is with us always, even if we turn away from him. My characters were put in real-life situations. I wanted to portray their reactions as realistically as possible. I didn’t want a tidy Christian message because there are times when we need to work through our pain to find solace in Jesus.
4) A silly question: Any writing quirks? (For instance, when I’m settling in for a long day of writing, I have to have both a cup of coffee and a Diet Coke with Lime at my desk…’cause I need choices. And if I’m feeling really healthy that day, I might even have a bottle of water.)
When I write, I must have be sitting in my comfy leather chair in the corner of the living room, my lavender fleece blanket, my Mac (affectionately named Belle), a bottle of water (by choice. ), lip balm and Pandora playing. I choose stations based on the tone of the scene I’m writing.
5) You are way involved in My Book Therapy! How did MBT help you toward your dream of publication?
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Lisa (center) and I, along with Reba Hoffman at the 2011 Deep Thinkers Retreat in Florida. Hence, my ridiculous sunburn. |
I’m the poster girl for getting published through MBT. I started Lakeside Reunion over 10 years ago, but it never felt right. I brainstormed with Susie [Susan May Warren] and Rachel [Rachel Hauck], who helped straighten my story spine. And the rest is history. The book finaled in the 2009 Genesis, caught the attention of an editor and my dream agent, and was sold in January 2011. None of that would have happened if Rachel hadn’t taught me to constantly ask “Why?” and Susie hadn’t taught me to learn about my character’s lie and dark past moment.
6) I know there’s more in store for the Lakeside series. Can you give us a sneak peek about what’s coming up?
Well, I just signed the contract for my second novel, Lakeside Family, which is due to be released in August 2012. It features Josie Peretti and Nick Brennan— He’s the last man she ever wanted to see, but the only one who could save her daughter’s life.
7) Any author faves or TBR list books?
Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck, Ronie Kendig, Jenny B. Jones are favorite authors off the top of my head. My TBR list is wayyy tooo long—Nightengale, Heiress, Softly and Tenderly, Just Between You and Me are sitting by my bed. [All awesome books, by the way!] My Kindle has about 200 books waiting to be read. I have one shelf on my bookcase of TBR books.
8) You are a legit superwoman! Between being a mom, daughter, sister, aunt, business owner, MBT Core Team member and now published author, how do you do it all? Advice for aspiring authors struggling to balance everything?
Prayer, sacrifice, desire—you have to want it badly enough, family support. I spend 9 hours of my day working with children. My evenings are quiet, so I do a lot of writing in the evenings, but I’m planning to make a change. I want to start getting up early to write before my day begins so I can spend the evenings doing marketing or knitting instead of trying to cram everything between the hours of 5-10 pm. Writers simply have to assess their schedules, see what they can give up or delegate and find a system that works for them.
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Lisa and I with copies of her book at the 2011 ACFW conference. |
9) And I just have to ask: Any chance you’ll uproot your family and move to Iowa anytime soon so you can hang out with your friend Melissa?
As much as I love my friend Melissa, I’d have to say not a chance.
[Pause. Wiping Tears. Okay, onward…]
Thanks so much, Lisa! Lisa is holding a scavenger hunt and lakeside photo contest to promote her Lakeside Reunion release. So be sure to visit her Lakeside Reunion Contest page for more information.
More about Lisa…Heart, home and faith have always been important to Lisa Jordan, so writing stories that feature both comes naturally to her. She has been writing contemporary Christian romance for more than a decade. Her debut novel, Lakeside Reunion, will be released in November by Love Inspired. Her second novel, Lakeside Family, will be released in August 2012 by Love Inspired. Happily married for over twenty years, Lisa and her husband have two young adult sons. When she isn’t writing or caring for children in her in-home childcare business, Lisa enjoys family time, romantic comedies, good books, crafting with friends and feeding her NCIS addiction. Visit her at to learn more about her writing.
More about Lakeside Reunion…Bed-and-breakfast owner Lindsey Porter prays she won’t run into Stephen Chase when she returns to Shelby Lake. Five years ago, the cop jilted her to marry another woman, and Lindsey fled town. But no sooner does she hit city limits than Stephen pulls her over for a broken taillight. Despite the past, he’s still able to stir up Lindsey’s old feelings for him. Now a widower and single dad, Stephen recognizes a second chance when he sees one. And he’ll do anything to make Lindsey trust in God and take a risk for love—again. Read an excerpt of Lakeside Reunion.
I am so thankful for writing buddies like Lisa! How do writing friends–or if you’re not a writer, friends and family in general!–encourage you toward your dreams?
Comments 11
This was a fabulous interview. I enjoyed reading your answers, Lisa, and am so thrilled your book is out. I’m letting my book club know tonight at our monthly chat/discussion.
I tell ya, I can’t sit in my overstuffed comfy chair anymore to write. It kills my neck and shoulders. Sigh.
I hope your book club jumps on Lakeside Reunion1
Lisa has such a way with words. I was blown away by the imagery and word painting in her book.
p.s. It’s Coldplay album release day!!!
I get a load of encouragement from writer friends who stop by my blog with a comment, post to my FB page or send me a tweet, and otherwise warm my heart with support. It’s good to know they’re there.
So true, Patricia. It’s amazing what a little note can do to perk a person up! Thanks for stopping by…and now, I’m going to go check out your blog.
I would be sitting on the side of the writing road without my writing friends. They believe in me when I don’t. They brainstorm me out of funks and celebrate my successes. They make this whole journey all the sweeter. And when I count my writing friends, you, Melissa & Lisa, are right at the top of the list!
Jessica, I’m so thrilled you’re sharing my book with your book club. Send them to my site so they can participate in my contests.
I woke up Sunday morning with a horrible headache that kept me home from church. I believe it was from sitting in my comfy chair all day on Saturday and doing revisions. Now I need to do most of my computer work at my desk.
Patricia, I totally agree!!
Beth, you are at the top of my list too!! I’m a better writer because of you!
Aww, Beth, I love you!
And you, too, Lisa.
And everyone. I’m pretty much Barney the dinosaur today. (And no, it has absolutely nothing to do with the awesomeness of Coldplay’s new tunes…) But seriously, I love you guys!
Oh, for a moment, I’m thinking you were purple and green!! Then I got the I love you, you love me reference.
Thanks for hosting me today, Melissa! I look forward to doing the same with you!
Great interview, Melissa and Lisa! I love Lakeside Reunion and can’t wait for Lakeside Family! You are all such encouragers.
And I can’t wait to read your book someday, Pat!!