Today I’m sugar-high happy to welcome Jessica Patch to Tag(g)lines! Jesse and I are online friends destined, I’m sure, to one day meet in person and probably discover we’re kindred spirits. (I say this because on her website, she notes she likes the smell of gasoline and is terrified of cats. See? We’re practically twins!) Speaking of her blog, be sure to stop by…it’s a blast! But today, Jesse is going to tell us about a new devotional facebook community formed by six writers. If their daily devotions are anywhere as uplifting as Jesse’s blog, expect to be blessed. So without further ado…here’s Jessica…
What does living by grace mean to you? For me, it means walking each day knowing I am weak, but He is strong. I get tired, He never does. I stumble, He holds me up. I make mistakes, He’s perfect.
So many things pour into me every day. Responsibilities of being a wife, mother, employee, a writer, a woman (if you’re a woman you know what I’m saying). I wear many hats. I love each one. I love each responsibility, but they can all wear me out.

Can anyone relate?
And because I’m a woman, I like to share. Women love to share, don’t they? My husband is amazed at some of the things I’m willing to divulge to my girlfriends. I love it when a bunch of us get together and talk about life and most importantly the foundation of life. Jesus Christ.
It renews me, encourages me, revs me up, and gives me hope. We bond through friendship and faith. We care for each other, pray for each other, laugh together. It’s a wonderful experience, especially when coffee and chocolate are involved!
“…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12
Doesn’t this sense of belonging, renewal, and friendship sound wonderful? Wish you could have it on a daily basis?
You can.
I’m honored to be partnering with some incredible women of faith who want to live by grace, together. We want a sense of community and camaraderie with other women. On September 12, we’ll be launching a devotional facebook community: Living By Grace.
We want to invite you to come by and let your souls be quenched, your minds and hearts challenged. Each day an amazing woman will bring the word through a devotional and feel free to mingle, chat, ask questions, and just have a good time.
We’re building bonds of sisterhood through faith and facebook! Come and join us.
Thanks, Jessica. And yay, I’m excited about this new facebook community! I know I’ll be stopping by. Who couldn’t use a daily dose of renewal? Click here to check out the Living By Grace facebook page.
(Oh, one more note: I blogged today at the MBT Ponderers. Check it out here.)
Comments 10
LOL! It’s so nice to have someone who thinks fluffy cats are really out to enslave all of us people! ha! Shivers.
Thanks for having me, Tagg. 🙂 Have a great weekend and I’ll be seein ya at Living by Grace and hopefully in person some day soon!
“…a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 is such a powerful verse. I think it was written specifically with women in mind!
I’ll definitely be stopping by your on-line devotional.
If you ever meet my cat Mazie, you know cats are out to enslave us. lol Remember–dogs have masters, cats have staff.
Happy to have you guest-posting today, Jesse! Fun stuff…the facebook community thing is such a great idea. I “liked” it…:)
Oh, Pat, I forgot about Mazie! She is the one cat I will make an exception for since she has a special place in the Ponderers’ hearts. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you soon – will you have pics of Mazie to show?! 🙂
Hi, Jessica–And it’s the old “A friend of Melissa’s is a friend of mine” because, well, if M-Tagg endorses it, I’m in. (Although I’m not “in” on that Diet Coke with lime thing she’s got, but we’ll overlook that.)
I’m a former Accidental Pharisee who has embraced grace with abandon. Can’t wait to visit your new blogging community!
I have to agree with Beth, if Melissa says so, I’m all in. Pat….yep Mazie is the only cat for me….love from a distance. Good thing too since I can’t stop sneezing around them!
Looking forward to visiting often…..I can use all the grace God has for me. I can just see God shaking his head and saying, “That child of mine!”
“Embracing grace with abandon.” I love that, Beth. Sometimes I think it’s so easy to hold loosely to grace in this, “I know you’re here for me, God, but I’m still trying to do things on my own” way. But when we take hold with abandon, there’s such release!
Alena – I think God must shake his head at me plenty often too. By the way, you so encouraged me the other night when we chatted. Seriously, I think you must have the gift of encouragement in mega doses, my friend. You’re a blessing to me. Can’t wait to see you soon!
Diet Pepsi. This new Facebook community MUST serve Diet Pepsi and that’s all there is to it. But other than that,I’m in. Just thinking that MTAGG might have a “twin” whom she’s never met makes the think the the world is in for a run!
Diet Pepsi?! Nooo….I’m such a Diet Coke (with Lime!!) person that Diet Pepsi has no taste for me. If I’m absolutely desperate, I will drink it. Otherwise, it’s Diet Coke all the way! Perhaps we’ll have to duel this out, Reebs! 🙂
I will be sure to take pictures of Mazie with my phone camera. Took him to get his claws clipped yesterday. You’d thought they were going to kill him. He hasn’t gotten over it yet. lol Been under my bed since yesterday afternoon except when he was hungry.
Awww, poor kitty. Excited to see pics of Mazie. 🙂