New Movie Love
How to Steal a Million. If it wasn’t, um, illegal, I’d be pulling off an art museum heist right now. I’m sorry, Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole just make it look so easy. And romantic. And fun.
This story about a school bus fire in my town made headlines from Houston to Chicago. But I swear, I had nothing to do with it. My fire-starting tendencies are limited to microwaves.
New Accomplishment
Sum up a 90,000 word novel in a couple pages. This is called a synopsis, my non-writer friends. It’s about as pleasant as belly flopping from the high dive. But it’s a must-do and I’ve almost must-done my way through it. Yay!
New Challenge
Okay, so I’ve made it through the synopsis, but now I must write a full-blown book proposal. Because, sadly, these sentences alone won’t do it: “I promise my book is awesome. So how about we skip to the part where you publish it?”
New Fashion Risk
Orange almost-mini skirt. I shopped, I tried it on, I bought. But the real question is, can I pull it off?
New Pet Peeve
People who write scathing reviews because they didn’t realize the book they’d purchased was considered Christian fiction. My guess is most of these folks are Kindle freebie nabbers who don’t do their research. Like walking into a sushi joint with your eyes willfully closed and then throwing a fit when you’re served raw fish. Peeps, one look at the publisher or story blurb would solve your problem.
New Encouragement
“Yet he [Abraham] did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.” – Romans 4:20-21
New Ambition
To bust a move when I’m 97, like this…
Not sure which I love more: her shirt or the fact that she keeps dancing when the music’s over!
So, what’s new with you?
Comments 7
Ok, where do you find the funniest videos, duh–youtube, but you know what I mean.
I watched The Switch with Jason Bateman (who doesn’t love Jason Bateman?) and Jennifer Aniston this weekend. Loved it. Such a sweet ending!
Wear the mini, you can do it! I’m with ya on the Amazon reviews. I don’t get people sometimes, ok a lot. But whatever. 🙂
Hehe, I must confess, most of the videos I post where shown to me by someone else. BUT, this time I actually found the video on my own!
Okay, I’ll wear the skirt…I’m thinking leggings and boots also need to be in the mix. 🙂
You soooooo make me laugh. When I grow up I want to think and write just like MTAGG!
Yep, leggings and boots. And take a pic! Yes. Do it. 🙂 lol
Thanks, Reebs. Personally, I want to be like you…I think someday I’ll have to copycat your recent restaurant incident! 🙂
Okay, Jess, pics will definitely happen!
Oh, I just love How to Steal a Million! The scene where there in the closet in the museum? Fabulous! And Audrey Hepburn’s clothes? I mean, come on! Don’t you want to rock out a black lace dress complete with a lace … well, I guess it’s a mask over her face. She was doing it with class long before Lady Gaga!
And I vote yes on the orange mini skirt. Is this your pitching to the editor’s outfit?
I can’t believe I never saw How to Steal a Million before this weekend. And here I thought I’d seen almost everything of Audrey Hepburn’s…AND I had no idea Peter O’Toole was such a blast. You’re right, Audrey’s clothes – gorgeous. Hmm, maybe I should where that sorta dress to the ACFW awards! 🙂 Ooh, I think the mini skirt is going to be for the pizza/Frasier party! But I reserve the right to change my mind…:)