A chance to win FROM THE START galleys!

Galleys look like this! These are the unpublished proofs that have been edited (like crazy) and are, as we speak, on their way to being printed and bound into a real book.

Galleys look like this! These are the unpublished proofs that have been edited (like crazy) and are, as we speak, on their way to being printed and bound into a real book.

My upcoming book FROM THE START, which releases in April, is all about a retired NFL quarterback and a jaded writer of romantic made-for-TV movies. Writing my heroine scriptwriter wasn’t such a stretch for me. Sure, it took a little research to discover where and how Hallmark-esque movies are made. But I felt up for the task.

Writing a football player, though?

Pretty much as foreign as MATH.

And in case you’re not aware of the relationship between math and I, things pretty much ended my junior year of high school when my pre-calc teacher took me aside and kindly explained it might be best NOT to go on to calculus the following year. Oh, sure, I had a brief fling with arithmetic once more in college when I needed the required gen. ed. credit. But from that point on…math and I…DUNZO. [P&R reference, ftw!]

But like a good writer, I did my research on football, got some help, asked questions that probably sounded pretty dumb…and now, you know, I think I can genuinely say I appreciate the sport. I might even watch the Super Bowl on Sunday! And if you’re wondering, I’ll probably cheer for the Seahawks solely because of some free association logic:

Seahawks…hawks…hawkeyes…The Hawkeye State…IOWA!!

In celebration of the big game, my publisher has offered to give away TWO galleys of FROM THE START!

Galleys are unpublished proofs. They’ve been formatted and edited, but books haven’t yet been printed. So this will be is a super fun sneak peek for two people. And if you don’t like football, don’t worry…the book is still chalk full of fun and romance.

Entry is easy and you’ve got until the end of the day Sunday to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 152

    1. I’m not a fan of pro football. I’ll be rooting for the puppy with the Clydesdale ads! 🙂

      Have a fantastic weekend!

    2. SEAHAWSK!!!!! Die hard fan here! #GOHAWKS!!!!! I’m so excited for the Super Bowl that my heart has been racing since they won the NFC in that CRAZY game!!! And now that it’s so close to the big game, my sleep is suffering and I’m shaking so hard from the EXCITEMENT!!!! 😀

    3. I’m not too sure who I’m rooting for. My guess is Seahawks!
      I love the description for this book! It sounds like it will be a good read! Can’t wait to read it!
      Good luck everyone! Have fun and stay safe this weekend!

    4. I have to work this Sunday, so I was honestly a tiny bit glad when Green Bay lost- now I don’t care as much that I’ll be missing the Super Bowl. But I would kind of like to go back to a Solid Rock Super Bowl party again- good times!

    5. My 9 year old is a huge Green Bay fan so we can’t root for the Sea Hawks which means we will be cheering on the Patriots.

      I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this new book!

    6. I would love to win a copy of your new book and share the word about it! I can’t wait to read it, even if I don’t win it. I know it will be good, and I can’t wait to keep supporting you, Melissa.

    7. Well…since the Lions aren’t in the super bowl, I think I’ll go for the Seahawks cuz their uniforms are prettier

    8. I’m not into football, but my family are all Seahawks fans. I grew up in Washington state so I am rooting for the Seahawks.

    9. We are cheering for the Seahawks!! My husband is an original 12th man and I’ve been a fan since the mid-80’s. Love them!! Go HAWKS!!

    10. Seahawks! I am a Dallas Cowboys fan through and through but since they’re waiting for next year’s Super Bowl, I’m just rooting for whoever is NOT the Patriots! 😉 Go Hawks!
      Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity Melissa! Looks sooo good!

    11. I’m not a football fan, but I don’t mind reading about a swoon worthy player lol!
      Looking forward to the read. Sounds awesome!

    12. don’t like football……but will watch it with my guys they will be watching it…..patriots!..love to win one of tour books

    13. Well, since I like your word association that brings it back to the Hawkeye State, I guess I should go for the Seahawks, BUT it’s Patriots all the way for me!!!!! Can’t wait to read your book.

    14. I will probably root for the Seahawks, mostly because I don’t like the Patriots. (Who am I kidding? I’m just there for the commercials….)

    15. Since we are devoted Buffalo Bills fans in this house and thus we do not like the Patriots, we are rooting for the Seahawks!

    16. Seahawks. 1) because my dad can’t stand the Patriots (so he is obviously going for Seattle) and 2) because they beat my Pack, so they darn better win it all!

    17. I enjoy football (grew up in a family with 4 boys), but I probably won’t be watching the Superbowl this year. I don’t like either team 1) Patriots are probably cheaters, and even before that I didn’t like them and 2) The Seahawks beat the Packers (my team). If I had to pick a winner I’d prefer the Seahawks to win, though.

    18. I will be rooting for the Seahawks for my family, but honestly, I’m just there for the commercials and a hopefully good half-time show *fingers crossed*.

    19. I love NFL football!!! I am pulling for the Seahawks, not because they are my favorite team, but because I don’t particularly care for the Patriots!

    20. I like how you selected the team you are cheering. As an Iowan myself, it takes a lot for me to cheer for anything related to the Hawkeyes. I’m a CYCLONE! 🙂
      Anyway, I attend Super Bowl parties for the fellowship, food, and commercials.

    21. Patriots right now, but that can change any second! Lol. I am not really into football, but do enjoy the excitement and commercials of the Super bowl. 🙂

    22. My husband is a huge football fan. If I won this I could sit in the double recliner with him and read while the games are on!!!!

    23. I am not a real football fan. I like our home team (Go Colts) to do well. Rooting for Seahawks as I don’t care for the Patriots.

    24. Honestly, I am not a football fan. However my mom is, so she watches the Super Bowl and as a result, I do know some about the game. Because I DO not like the Patriots (sorry, fans!), I’m hoping the Seahawks win…. but what I’ll really be doing is playing a stack of DVD’s. 😉

    25. love the Patriots! I became a Patriots fan because growing up, my baby brother loved them. They were so horrible so I cheered them on for him. Now I’m a fan myself! 🙂

    26. My team is the Packers. And disappointed that they lost, but if I was to pick a team it would have to be the Seahawks. Because I think there the better team overall.

    27. Downton Abbey. WINK.

      Seahawks. No offense, Patriot fans, but other than their name and logo reminding me of history (and I love history), I’ve never been a fan. Now the Broncos, and Manning…whole other story.

    28. I’m really not rooting for either team, but I’ll be watching and enjoying the game anyway. 🙂 (My Cowboys didn’t make to the Super Bowl this year.)

    29. I know there’s a lot of controversy around them, but I’m from New Hampshire so I’m a Patriots fan! Plus, I didn’t see or weigh the footballs so I’m not going to judge and I really only ever watch the Super Bowl for the commercials!

    30. I’m a college football fan. But since we live overseas we don’t get many opportunities to be a part of the tailgate parties. Nut we do try to follow our favorites via the Internet. Would love to win! Sounds like such a great read.

    31. Oh dear I am absolutely one of those crazy “12th man” kind of fans. I live in Washington state and believe me the hype is HUGE for our Seahawks and who doesn’t love Russell Wilson- a man of integrity, faith and a huge heart ! So 100% – GO HAWKS!!!

    32. We only watch football during the Superbowl, so we will probably root for the Patriots because we live in the Northeast. We enjoy the commercials, the food, the half time show, and the game, if it’s exciting!

    33. I don’t really have a preference, but if I had to pick I would say Seahawks because I respect their quarterback, Russell Wilson.

    34. As much as I love high school and college football… I really couldn’t care less about pro football. So I won’t be watching the Super Bowl or rooting for anyone.

    35. I’ll watch the game just because my husband enjoys my company for it – so I’ll root for whoever he is rooting for:)

    36. My husband was in a blind draw at work and got the patriots. So… if they win, we win. I guess we will root for them. But for us… it’s still HOCKEY SEASON!!!

    37. I am a HUGE Seahawks fan! So of course my pick is the Seahawks. I love Russell Wilson and how he is not afraid to share his faith and how some of his teammates also give glory to God for everything. Love how at the end of the game they will form a circle, kneel down and pray, as well as all the charity work and foundations that the players have and how they give back to there communities. I have most of the players in my Facebook feed and love the pictures that Russell Wilson will put up of his visits to Seattle Children’s Hospital. Great man, Great Team! GOOOO SEAHAWKS!!!

    38. I would love to win a copy of your new book. I love your comment about math. I always say that I have a math phobia. I am a middle school teacher, and that is the one subject that is NOT on my certification and for good reason.

    39. Oh, and I will be supporting the team my husband supprts. Of course, I will have my face in a book while he watches. I am not really a football fan, but it gives me a chance to be with him and read at the same time.

    40. I love football. My dad had 2 girls so he would have us go out and play ball with him. One of my favorite memories growing up is watching football with my dad!

    41. I have no preference who wins the Super Bowl this year. I will be reading when it’s on anyways. I would love to have the opportunity to win one of your books. Their personality is awesome, just like yours !

    42. I’m not really into football but enjoy the Super Bowl snacks and commercials. This year, I’m staying home to take care of a sick child though. 🙁

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