I think I’m in love…

…with my new iPhone. I might even start singing Coldplay’s “Yellow” to it soon. (I’m in love with Coldplay, too, but that’s another story and one I’ve probably told about as many times as Enrique Iglesias has sung “I can be your hero, baby.” Wow. It’s wacky out here in left field.)
But much as I’m digging the sleek look, much as I’m adapting to the touchscreen, much as I’m more and more becoming Steve Jobs’ (well, now Tim Cook’s) dream consumer, it took me an awfully long time to cave in to the smartphone life.
Seriously, I held out longer on this than I did in junior high when flared jeans suddenly hit popularity. Um, or wait, I didn’t so much hold out on the jeans as linger in my fashion-oblivious shell. A shell I still sometimes hideaway in. (Maxi dresses, I’m talkin’ ‘bout you!)
Okay, back to the point. Which is this: It was initially difficult for me to picture myself with a smartphone. It felt like too much of a tether. Too much like, “I’ve got my claws into you now. Just try to get away from your out-of-control Inbox. Just try to resist the lure of Facebook for longer than it takes to brush your teeth. Just try to ignore all things ‘connected.’ You. Will. Fail. Because I’m here and here to stay.”
I suppose there’s something about the Internet always being with me that makes me feel…entrapped.
I read this verse the other day:  
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:20b 
And I had a random flashback to my childhood. I’m not sure I’ve actually ever told anyone this, but when I was a kid, I used to repeat that verse pretty much every night before falling asleep (while tracing patterns in the stars on my bedroom wallpaper :).
Not sure why, but it was my own little bedtime mantra. There was an assurance in that little head of mine, a comforting confidence in one simple Truth: Jesus is always with me.

I suppose in some ways an alive faith can’t help but complicate with age. Gray sprouts between black and white, questions join the mix. Which I don’t think is a bad thing as long as certain sureties hold their place.
And of all things, it took an iPhone this week to bring that one certainty swooping back in:

I am with you always. 
When you imagine your smarter-than-it-should-be phone saying these words? Creepy and a little too The Jetsons.

But when Jesus says itand when we grasp itthe simple turns profound as assurance replaces worry, comfort overshadows anxiety, confidence kicks out fear.
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    Comments 12

    1. In the world of breastfeeding everything is now (other that the real deal) called “artificial”. There is “artificial milk” i.e. formula. There are “artificial nipples” i.e. latex or better yet BPFree.
      Thanks, Melissa for reminding us there are many artificial (Webster calls them “humanly contrived”) pleasures out there..i.e. iPhones
      etc. and none compare with the real deal, Jesus Christ. And yes, Melissa, He is with you always. Hallelujah! i.e. used to express praise, joy, or thanks!

    2. Love this verse, and your thoughts, Melissa. Thanks for the reminder that Jesus is always with us. That’s what gets me through dark, tiring, frustrating, etc days. 🙂
      My bedtime verse for many years is: “Be still and know that I am God…..” My mind has a hard time slowing down. 🙂

    3. Mom! Only you would connect this to breastfeeding!! 🙂

      Also, I think in linguistics class we learned that Hallelujah is the only “universal” word – meaning it means the same thing in every language. (One of the very few things I remember from that class…to which I was chronically late…and not very studious!!!)

    4. Awesome Melissa. I’m the same way. I fought tooth and nail against modern technology and constant interrupting “connectedness”. But, in the end, I have also reaped their benefits. Thank God he made them put an “off” button on our fancy smarter-than-me phones!

    5. Reebs! You were able to post a comment!! Genius!! Totally overdoing the exclamation points, but happiness does that to me. You’re right…the off button and I will need to become friends…:)

    6. Oh, I almost forgot…that star wall paper was from the Clarion house. That was a VERY LONG time ago! Would’ve made you about 5 yrs old.
      One final thing…when you young whippersnappers (& I don’t have a clue if that’s spelled right) talk about Coldplay all it does for me is remind me of making igloos as an Iowa kid in the winter!

    7. I know, so long ago! But it’s really crazy how well I remember that wallpaper…the colors and shapes of the stars and everything. I don’t remember much else about that house, but the wallpaper, definitely. And I remember so clearly making “drawings” by tracing the stars with my fingers. Is that weird or what?

      I get it! Cold…play…:)

    8. Melissa,
      I love the way you think. I love the way you write.
      I love the way you take the two things and weave them into beautiful truths. And then share them.
      Now I want an iPhone.

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