State Fair Part Deux

Like the good Iowan I am, I did the State Fair thing! And…I watched a guy eat deep fat fried butter-on-a-stick, this year’s “eww gross” food-on-a-stick addition. Quite the contrast from a couple years ago when the latest fair creation was salad-on-a-stick.

I wish I’d had a camera along to capture the moment. But I was probably too busy trying not to gag anyway. Thankfully, these other important fair highlights were photographed…

Identity Crisis
So confused by this tractor. Here I thought, being a good Midwest girl, I knew my tractor colors. Red equals Case. Green and yellow and leaping deer equal John Deere. But this? It says Case but the green and yellow totally throw me off.

Growth Spurt
Three thoughts in my head when I saw this prize winning pumpkin:
1) Think of all the pumpkin spice lattes Starbucks could make with that!
2) Crazy-scary jack-o-lantern possibilities abound.

3) Wait, aren’t pumpkins harvested in the fall? Has this one been growing since last autumn? Between the tractor and the pumpkin, there’s so much to be confused about at the State Fair!

Happy Birthday
The Iowa State Fair’s famous butter cow turned 100 this year. Not kidding on the fame thing. It’s featured in a Wikipedia entry. If that’s not fame, I don’t know what is. Not only that, apparently Iowa’s favorite butter sculpture is also entering the Republican presidential primary. Say what? All in all, seeing the cow on its 100th anniversary was, to quote my mom, a moo-ving experience.

Have you ever been to the Iowa State Fair? If not, you really should. In 2004, USA Today named the Iowa State Fair to its Top 10 places America goes have fun…it came in second on the list, after Las Vegas, before Times Square. Seriously, it beat out both Disneyland and Cedar Point. And…where else can you get butter-on-a-stick?

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    Comments 5

    1. Moo-ving. Funny! I’ve never been to Iowa at all, but I loved going to the DuQuoin State Fair when I lived in Southern Illinois.

      Never did we have butter on a stick. And salad on one? I want to see a picture!


    2. Yeah, for the salad on a stick, they basically quartered a head of lettuce, skewered it and drizzled on some dressing…for the low, low price of something like $10!

      I should’ve also posted my favorite fair signs:

      Behind the pavillion: “No livestock on the sidewalk.”

      By the big pumpkins: “You can touch me but please don’t climb on me.”

      By the entrance: “Stroller parking.”

    3. A Butter Cow? Entering the Republican Primary? What are his views on the economy and national defense and, um, the Food Pyramid?
      M-Tagg, I would meet you at the state fair anytime … maybe next year?

    4. Okay, so I think we should have a Ps road trip to the Iowa state fair. If I had the extra $$, I’d so do that. Sounds like a blast, especially if there was someone to share the laughter!

    5. Sweet idea, LJ! The Ps totally need to hit the fair next year…think of all the story ideas we’d generate. I’ll probably need to move into a bigger place, though, to fit us all…:)

      You know, Beth, I’m not sure about the Butter Cow’s political views, but I do remember his campaign slogan from the website: “Running for a Butter Tomorrow.” 🙂

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