My Paper Heart (+ awesome author Courtney Walsh’s super giveaway!)

This post is part of Courtney Walsh’s #shareyourheart campaign, celebrating the release of her new novel. Be sure to enter her fabulous giveaway and check out the most adorable book trailer in the world!

My lovely and talented friend Courtney Walsh has a new book out! It’s called Paper Hearts and before I say anything else today, can we please just all agree this is one of the cutest covers ever??


Not only does Paper Hearts have an adorable cover, but folded into the story is also this super sweet angle in which characters exchange love notes written on paper hearts. Sweet, yes? 

To go along with this, Courtney is instigating a big #shareyourheart campaign and she challenged a bunch of her friends to create their own version of a “paper heart.”

Not going to lie: At first I shied away from this. Not because I don’t love anybody or because I have something against hearts. LOL! But because paper implies crafts and crafts imply Melissa falling apart and inevitably getting glue in her hair or stabbing herself with a pipe cleaner. 

Thankfully, Courtney said we can do this however we want. There doesn’t even have to be paper or scissors or tape or glue or anything at all one might find in a scrapbooking store. (Let the Hallelujah chorus begin!) (Sidenote: My Hallelujah chorus and dread of the arts and crafts aisle is in no way meant to look down on those who DO enjoy crafts. Not at all. It’s quite the opposite. I am in awe of people who can use those crinkle-edged scissor things without breaking into tears.)

I chose to do my “paper heart” for two of the cutest and most wonderful people I know: my nephew and niece, Ollie and Delia. Ollie is four and a half and Delia is a month old (as of yesterday!) and they are just the most gorgeous and awesome kids. 

I did not actually write a note on my “paper heart” (which, as you’ll see below, is in the form of a graphic) because, well, they can’t really read just yet. LOL! But here is what the note would say if they could:

Ollie: You inspire me beyond words. You’ve been through so much in your life and yet you smile and laugh and continue to amaze me with your perseverance, endurance, and most of all, joy. You’re only four years old and already, you have impacted literally thousands of lives as people have watched your journey. I am so excited about how God is going to keep using you.

Delia: Your birth last month reminded me of what really matters in life. And I know that sounds cliche, but you’re only a month old so I’m guessing you don’t care about cliches. I’m always so tempted to sink into busyness, deadlines and to-dos. One look at you, and none of that matters. Your smile is a treasure and I can’t wait to get to know you as you grow up.

And to both of you: The spoiling has only just begun. 

Ollie and Delia


I’m excited to participate in the #shareyourheart campaign and especially excited because you have a chance to WIN a pretty awesome prize! All you have to do is find Courtney on Facebook (, and SHARE the Paper Hearts Book Trailer with your friends…Then enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below! That’s it, easy as pie!  Here’s what you can win:


For bonus entries, create your own paper heart and share it on Courtney’s wall and tag your post with #shareyourheart.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Comments 10

    1. I’m with you on the whole craft thing, Melissa, but you rocked your “paper” hearts. That’s adorable! Cannot wait to read Courtney’s book, and I loved her trailer!

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    2. Melissa,

      Seriously. You made me fall in love with Ollie and now there’s Delia?!

      ADORBS! I REALLY think you need to use the name Ollie in a book.

      I’m reading Paper Hearts now…and I was introduced to Courtney Walsh by…YOU! So, thanks! <3

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        Ollie and Delia! I did stick an Oliver in Here to Stay and it’s funny because I originally called him Ollie in the book without realizing I’d named his mom Ellie. Haha! So I went back and switched Ollie to Oliver so the names wouldn’t sound too close. And…there might just be a random Delia thrown into book four. 🙂

        YAY so glad you got an intro to Courtney Walsh. She’s so sweet!

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