Sometimes you read a Bible verse you’ve probably read a hundred times only this time it’s different. This time, for me and Psalm 32:8-9, it was.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,which have no understandingbut must be controlled by bit and bridleor they will not come to you.
I think anytime I’ve read this verse or a verse like it, I read it as God telling me to pay attention to where he’s leading me. But at a closer look, he tells us right at the end of the verse where he’s leading us.
To him.
The destination doesn’t change.
What changes is my willingness to go there.
I can go on my own.
Or I can be stubborn. And He can do what He has to, to get my attention…like a horse that doesn’t have any understanding of what it’s supposed to do.
I want the former.
And yet, I’m kinda thankful for the latter too. That even when I’m aimless or just stuck in the muddy stuff of life, he’ll take the time to pull me to him. Instruct, counsel and love me even when I’m not at my best.
One of a bazillion things to love about God.
That’s my happy thought this Friday! What’s encouraging you as you move into the weekend?
To him.
The destination doesn’t change.
What changes is my willingness to go there.
I can go on my own.
Or I can be stubborn. And He can do what He has to, to get my attention…like a horse that doesn’t have any understanding of what it’s supposed to do.
I want the former.
And yet, I’m kinda thankful for the latter too. That even when I’m aimless or just stuck in the muddy stuff of life, he’ll take the time to pull me to him. Instruct, counsel and love me even when I’m not at my best.
One of a bazillion things to love about God.
That’s my happy thought this Friday! What’s encouraging you as you move into the weekend?
Comments 11
Wow, did that Psalm minister to me. Only a little different. I once told my husband, “I will go anywhere God calls me as long as I know its God and not me.” What happens after that? I question everything. I love those scriptures that promise He’s leading. That’s my encouragement for the weekend!
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you”
I’m encouraged by the Chris. counseling team I pray for and with every 2 weeks. Their dedication, excellence and caring when facing staggering needs is inspiring, and they’re also kind and supportive to me, insisting that prayer goes two ways. I’m very thankful for this connection.
Pretty sure I’ve had plenty of bit and bridle moments in my life:) But I so desire the moments where I come willingly. Love your happy thought this morning!
Thanks, Melissa. I needed this verse and your thoughts this morning!
I’m parked on Jessica Patch’s blog post from earlier this week about humility. Mining some gold from that one! Thanks for adding some more Scripture to mull over!
I’m mining gold along with Beth. But I, like you, want to go willingly. Wherever. Whenever. And not only do I not want a bridle in my mouth to lead me, but I don’t want one in my mouth to rein in my fiery tongue. Been working on my speech being seasoned with grace, not pepper. 🙂
Love, love, love! It’s encouraging to me to know that if I am diligently seeking him and working hard, I can’t screw up his plan for me. Amen!
Hey Melissa! To hear such sweet wisdom is honey to my lips. I like the point of view you gained on this Psalm. You are so right! God leads us to Himself, draws us ever closer to His heart. That is often my prayer when I’m struggling with the crazy stuff in life… that He will draw me to His heart. I pray that even more when I feel like I’m failing Him in any given part of my life.
My encouragement for the weekend is the fact that I finished a new chapter in my book yesterday. That small accomplishment is just the push I needed to get through the tough edits on the next one and charge to “the end”.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Love those verses. Don’t know how many times I’ve struggled against the bridle and bit, only to realize God’s way was the best!
Such deep thoughts to chew on this weekend! I love how we never have to worry about WHERE He is leading us, but only trust and allow Him to lead.
I’ve got Mandisa’s new song, “Overcomer” playing in my head over and over – trying to let that message soak into my brain and through to my heart!
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