Giveaway winners and a very special birthday!

First of all, time to announce the winners of last week’s five-book giveaway. My good friend and I identified the following winners:

When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley: Patricia Bradley
Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bischof: Laura Redig
My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade: Kay M
The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck: Melinda Parson
The Cinderella Rule by Bethany Jett: Lisa Medeiros

I think I’ve contacted all of you, but in case my email got sucked up by the Internet monster, feel free to email/FB/tweet me to claim your prize. Contact info in those icons on the right. 🙂

Secondly, today, June 21, is a very special birthday!!

Nooo…not Prince William. Well, I mean it IS his birthday, but I’m not talking about him. Or Rebecca Black, singer of the most unfortunate song since, well, maybe ever. Or actress Judy Holliday (who, incidentally is mentioned in this week’s Classic Cinephiles ep). 

But I’m talking about Ollie*…aka coolest nephew ever…aka one of my favorite topics of conversation…aka kid with the cutest smile in the world. Here’s proof:

Happy birthday, Ollie!!

Recently, a writing friend, Connie Almony, asked to write a guest post for her website all about Ollie. What better day to contribute a post than on Ollie’s third birthday. So instead of writing my usual devo-ish post here today, I’d love it if you’d stop by Connie’s blog

In the meantime, what are you celebrating or smiling about today?

*I’ve written about Ollie oodles, but in case you’re new around here, Ollie was born in 2010 with multiple heart defects and Down syndrome. He’s totally a miracle kid, having survived a slew of open heart surgeries and other operations. He’s doing pretty great these days and will hopefully even get his trach out later this year! And, oh my goodness, aren’t his glasses adorable?

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    Comments 11

      1. Oh, I’m so glad you emailed because I wasn’t being able to find your contact info! Did you just send it? I’m not seeing it in my inbox, but it could still be floating around cyberspace if you just sent it. 🙂

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