Lauren Bacall, Cary Grant, & how to be brave.

Headlines have been crowded this week with news of Robin Williams’ death. And rightly so. The man is legend and his passing, heartbreaking in more ways than one. But another celebrity passed away this week—an actress from Hollywood’s golden era and a personal favorite of mine: Lauren Bacall. And here’s the part of the post where I get all Stern …

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    Why no, I didn’t wear heels to the State Fair

    One of my long-distance best friends and I have a tradition. It’s a tradition shared by about a million people each August. The Iowa State Fair. We go each year. Partially because I only live a few miles away. Partially because it makes a great excuse to see each other. And partially because we have an irrational love for the …

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      My writing process.

      Happy Monday, folks. Today I’m participating in the Writing Process blog hop that’s been making the rounds on the Triple W lately. But first, can we talk about why my madeup world wide web moniker isn’t catching on? I just think Triple W sounds so great. Like a virtual wild west ranch, you know? My friend Clay Morgan tagged me …

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        The truth about the writing life (aka the post about Needtobreathe + a giveaway)

        …because OF COURSE I was going to write a post about Needtobreathe eventually… Earlier this summer I saw my favorite band in concert. Twice. And when I say “favorite” I mean the band I love so much I can’t even really talk about it with any semblance of self-control. I’m reduced to unintelligible gushing. I mean…the whole southern rock infused …

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          Gilmore Guys (a guest series) . . . DIGGER! featuring Allison Pittman and giveaway

          If you’ve been around this blog at all this summer then you know what today is: Gilmore Guys day! Every Friday, awesome author friends are joining me here to talk about our favorite men from one of our favorite TV shows: Gilmore Girls. So far, we’ve talked about Jess, Logan, Luke, Marty, Max, and Kirk. This week’s guest is the fabulous Allison Pittman, whose …

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            Meet author Alicia Willis and enter to win her new book!

            Today I’m so pleased to have a special guest on the blog! I’ve never met Alicia Willis in person but from emails and online interaction, I can tell you she’s super sweet with a super talent for historical fiction. Her fifth book, From the Dark to the Dawn: A Tale of Ancient Rome, released just last week. She’s not only hanging …

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