This is what happens when you spend four days underground.

About a year ago, I spent an entire week writing. Seven days. Seven days of basically withdrawing from society. Yeats could’ve written a poem about me. (The dude wrote four hermit poems. I have no idea why I know this.) Well, last week, though I wasn’t able to play hermit for a full week, I did hide out writing for …

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    Is it even possible to NOT see this movie?

    So if you ask the Internet what the most-viewed movie in the whole world is, it will tell you…Wizard of Oz. If you try to ask the Internet where exactly it’s getting that information or what kind of numbers we’re talking, the web becomes a wee bit evasive. Take IMDb, for instance. In its Trivia section on Wizard of Oz, it …

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      Are these really the Top 20 Movies of All Time??

      So if it isn’t clear by now, fellow writer and friend Clay Morgan and I like to talk about movies…especially classic movies. Often this takes the form of 20-some-minute long vlogs in which we wax eloquent on whatever classic movie we happened to watch that week. Sometimes we agree on things. Sometimes we don’t. Always, we laugh. But hey, we …

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        A bright thought in the middle of the World Vision ruckus.

        So, the World Vision thing. If you haven’t followed it, you can read about it all over the place, but to start, here’s Christianity Today’s recap. Basic gist is this: World Vision initially decided to start employing people in same-sex marriages. People got mad and started pulling their sponsorships. Then World Vision reversed its decision. And other people got mad …

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          The comedy no one knows about and the hair no one should see

          The comedy: Who’s Minding the Mint The hair: MINE! Okay, so it’s not the worst my hair has ever looked (that honor goes to my third grade perm OR any time I’ve ever tried to wear it straight on a humid day), but really, it’s just a mess in this vlog. But that shouldn’t matter because what’s important is that …

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            When your dream turns into an angsty teenage girl

            I like to think I wasn’t that difficult of a teenager. In my memory, I was an over-achieving goody-two-shoes with weird style, yes, but more love for books than trouble-making. I did get grounded once. The bad, bad thing I did to earn the grounding is this: Some friends and I told our parents we were going to a nearby …

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              Sunset Boulevard: disturbing + awesome + an ode to Golden Era Hollywood

              I’m not sure people understand the depth of thought that goes into these Classic Movie Gush posts. Like seriously…I spent entire MINUTES trying to decide whether to write Sunset Boulevard in the title of this post versus Sunset Blvd. Wikipedia spells it one way, IMDB the other. The movie poster spells Boulevard out. It’s stylized on screen as Blvd. So …

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                Behind the scenes of the book cover for *Here to Stay*

                I love talking book covers! One thing I’ve learned in my short experience as a published author is that SOOO much more goes into a book cover than a title and font and pretty picture. Publishers take all kinds of things into account! My publisher (Bethany House) has been so fun to work with on my two covers so far. …

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