What if burnout isn’t always a bad thing?

So I was talking with a friend recently about productivity and sleep. And how sometimes they feel mutually exclusive. In fact, here’s some of the conversation pasted straight from facebook. (And no, this is not my lazy version of writing a blog post. Or okay, fine, maybe that’s exactly what it is.) My friend: So I can either get sleep …

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    Rajdeep Paulus is back with a beautiful follow-up to her awesome debut

    One of my faaaavorite debut authors from 2013 is back…both here on the blog and in the world of new releases! Rajdeep Paulus‘s sophomore novel, Seeing Through Stones, just released on March 1 and guys, it’s SO good. Seriously, this girl can write. If you don’t take my word for it, take Tosca Lee’s… “Tough and touching, resilient and raw—Rajdeep …

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      Movie gushing is back in session and hello, creepy Jimmy Stewart…

      We’re baaaaack! And by “we” I mean friend/writer/speaker/teacher/podcaster/I’m-probably-leaving-something-out Clay Morgan and I. And by “back” I mean we never really went anywhere but our vlog did. We took a little hiatus, but season two of Classic Movie Gush is now in full swing. If you’re new around these parts, the Gush is a vlog in which we talk about old …

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        Rachel McMillan talks about Sherlock and faith…and it is awesome.

        Guess who’s here today! One of my favorite Canadians…Rachel McMillan. She is great, people. Some reasons why: She likes Dr. MacNeill and has, in fact, waxed eloquent on him before right here on this blog. She introduced me to this music video which might be one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. And she loves Sherlock. The BBC version, …

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          Want to help launch Here to Stay?

          Some writers, when approaching the release of their sophomore novel, are calm, cool, and collected. They’re all, “I’ve done this before. No biggie.” Those writers are not me. I am EXCITED!!! Along with nervous and giddy and jumpy and sleep-deprived. (Although the jumpiness really has nothing to do with upcoming book release and everything to do with watching too much …

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            Super fun Friday news…more books!

            On the Friday before Christmas I received some happy news that I’ve been impatient to share. Impatient like Jack Bauer in an interrogation room with a tight-lipped terrorist. Only I’m not that violent or angry and there’s no bright overhead light and overall, this is just a much happier scenario.* Anyway, I couldn’t share until I’d dotted all the i’s …

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              Meet author (and my friend!!) Patricia Bradley + win her book!

              Today is a SPECIAL day! It’s launch day for awesome debut romantic suspense author Patricia Bradley…let’s all give a collective “YAAAAY!” I met Pat very early in my own writing journey. We met during a MBT retreat in beautiful, sunny Florida and I remember thinking Pat had this gentle and calming presence about her. She is kind and funny and …

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                How writing a book is the same thing as shopping for a swimsuit

                It’s really true: Writing a book and shopping for a swimsuit are the SAME thing. That is, unless you’re a guy. In which case you have it way too easy when it comes to swimsuits. If you’re a male writer, you’ll just have to find a different metaphor for your writing woes. Sorry. But anyway, here’s how writing a book …

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                  One of *those* weeks . . . and what made it all better.

                  So, this is how my week started: I basically blew up a thing of maple syrup in my microwave on Sunday morning. People who know me know microwave mishaps are not exactly a rare occurrence in my life. While there weren’t flames this time around, there was a mess. But I was busy, so I didn’t clean it up right away. …

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                    Introducing published teenage author Stephanie Kehr

                    Before I introduce today’s guest, I have to tell you that even though I’ve never met her in person, she’s probably one of the most patient people ever. The first time she contacted me, I think it took me almost a month to respond. And I can’t count how many times I’ve started emails to her with “I’m so sorry, …

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