Maybe the biggest myth Christians believe.

I originally titled this post, “The biggest lie Christians tell.” But I don’t like being provocative just for the sake of being provocative. And even more than that, I think most of the time when people say the following line, they don’t intend to lie. They simply mean to comfort. So I changed up my wording. The myth I’m talking …

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    Welcome Mat Wednesday: Katherine Reay

    I don’t remember when it was I first saw the cover of author Katherine Reay‘s debut novel, Dear Mr. Knightly. But I DO remember that when I saw it, I thought, Oh yeah, soooo reading that! I loved the cover…and I’m thrilled to say, the story inside is just as wonderful. Whether or not you’re a Jane Austen fan, you have to …

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      True story: A lot of times on Fridays I try to write an actual blog post. Something fun or meaningful or inspiring or at least…worthy of being called a blog post. But today I’m just super excited about seeing Thor 2 tonight. And so post-wise, I’ve got nothing. Nothing except this: Yeah, that’ll never stop being funny to me. Any …

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        Welcome Mat Wednesday: Brandy Bruce

        I’ve never met editor and author Brandy Bruce. But after reading the guest post she wrote for today’s Welcome Mat Wednesday, I am pretty convinced we are meant to be friends. Anyone who has heard my Famous Dave’s/BBQ/jacket story (which I’m pretty sure I’ve told around these here bloggy parts) will understand why I say this as soon as you read …

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          Classic Movie Gush: Roman Holiday (guaranteed to make you cry*)

          *The movie is guaranteed to make you cry, I mean. Not this week’s Gush. Although, hey, if Clay and I make you cry happy tears over all the cool movie facts you learn from us, well…then…okay. I realize that not everyone in the world is as crazy about old movies as I am. And that’s okay. Mostly. But whether or …

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            Classic Movie Gush Halloween-style: Arsenic & Old Lace

            It’s Halloween week! I don’t know what your thoughts on Halloween are. Some people don’t like it because it promotes scary stuff. Some other people (who shall remain nameless) say those former people are totally missing the point: the holiday promotes candy! Free candy if you’re a kid in costume (or an adult who’s really good at making puppy dog …

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              Gravity and what makes a story.

              So, how crazy is space? I mean…seriously. Once I was thinking about the universe—which doesn’t happen often, but we all have our philosopher moments now and then—and it struck me: The same God who created things like blood vessels and pollen and rain drops—the minutest details that pump life into our bodies, plants, the earth—also created a vast and unfathomable …

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