Fried on a Friday.

Sleepy SlothThis is one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken, and I’m sure I’ve posted it on here before.But it is exactly how I want to spend my weekend–completely konked out. 🙂  It’s been…a week. And today I’ve got…nothing. It’s true. So many weeks it gets to Thursday and the perfect blog topic for Friday falls in my lap.* …

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    Welcome Mat Wednesday: Katie Ganshert is back!

    You know who rocks? Author Katie Ganshert! And you what rocks? The fact that she’s here today answering fun questions about her second novel, Wishing on Willows……which, by the way, is fab-u-lous. I was a Katie Ganshert fan from the first page of her first book, so heading into her second story, I knew I was in for a treat. Wishing …

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      An all-important question: Darrin or Anthony

      I know, I know, I’m asking you to make a c-r-a-z-y decision on a Monday morning. And I’ll be honest, I’m asking solely for my own purposes. I’ve referenced both these TV shows and their leading men in my current book and I’m wondering, are people even going to know what I’m talking about?The TV shows: Bewitched and I Dream …

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        Decisions on decisions.

        Ever felt tripped up by choices? I have. Like, this week. Like, too many decisions staring me in the face at once…to the point that I freaked out a little trying to choose what to wear to work the other day. I might’ve ended up wearing a sweater I usually wear to bed. Pretty sure no one noticed…pretty sure. But …

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          Welcome Mat Wednesday: Regina Jennings

          Behold, the return of the video intro! For any Tag(g)lines newbies, each week on Wednesday I try to do amazingly profound slightly quirky videos introducing the day’s guest. But my internet service provider has not cooperated lately. Finally, though, things are back in order. I’m sure you’re as relieved as I am. 🙂 Our guest today is author Regina Jennings. Regina’s …

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            A working break.

            Hey friends! I’m talking a little blogging break just for the day as I finish up a three-day writing sprint. It’s sort of like an Olympic sprint minus the short shorts and well, the running…but plus a ton of caffeine, my favorite pajamas and quality time with my laptop. Somewhere Usain Bolt is wishing his sprints were half as exciting. See …

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              Zombies and humans and love.

              So on Monday I posted a reviewish blog on the movie Warm Bodies…which I loved…which is, yes, a zombie movie. And also a rom-com…one of the best in years, in my Roger Eberty opinion. I noted in that post all the things I loved about this movie–the humor, the romance, the story–but it’s the metaphor of the movie that stuck …

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                Welcome Mat Wednesday: Mary Connealy

                Once again, I’m ultra-apologetic about the lack of usual intro video today. Video-related internet woes continue…and even if I had time to fight with my sloooow internet, I’m having a bad hair day, so…really, it’s better this way.Okay, how excited am I to welcome Mary Connealy to Tag(g)lines today? Over-the-top, that’s how. I love Mary’s books, her sense of humor…her …

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                  I watched a zombie movie.

                  We’re sooo talking about one of my favorite topics today…movies!Photo credit: stock.xchng  Turns out, I owe Hollywood an apology. For years I’ve been complaining about how there are no good rom-coms anymore. Sometimes kind of loudly. And probably annoyingly. It’s not like I’m a movie snob. I own Nacho Libre.* Enough said. But seriously, I miss rom-coms in which I actually …

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                    Next vs. Now

                    I read this the other day: If you try to carry tomorrow’s burdens today, you will stagger under the load and eventually fall flat. You must discipline yourself to live within the boundaries of today. It is in the present moment that I walk close to you.   ~Jesus Calling, p. 60, emphasis mine And I immediately thought this: Anybody …

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