Sometimes Jessica Patch talks about book club meetings on her blog. I always fight a slice of jealousy when I read those posts…because I’m not in a book club. [pouty face]But I read books like others drink water. (If only I drank water like I read books.) And once in awhile I just want someone to gush to. Or to …
Ordinary passionate people…part I
Hey, congrats, Evangeline Denmark! You won the drawing for a copy of Tracey Bateman‘s upcoming release, The Widow of Saunders Creek. Tracey has generously offered to send you a copy of the book, so if you can shoot me your mailing address at melissatagg[at]yahoo[dot]com, I’ll pass it on to her. Congrats! So, if you were around Tag(g)lines last Friday, I …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Reba Hoffman
There are encouragers. And then there are people who encourage you so much you start to wonder if they’ve got some kind of superpower. Reba Hoffman is one of those people I met Reba at the 2009 MBT Storycrafters Retreat. She’s a hoot, and she recently launched her own life coaching business–Magellan Life Coaching. And…as soon as I picked “adventure” …
Veep, veep, it’s time to get political!
It’s been awhile since we’ve talked politics here at Tag(g)lines. Last time I dared to play Political Polly (when I picked a Muppet match for each candidate), we had a quite a few hats in the ring. Now, I think we all can agree it’s more than likely Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. (That is, unless Ron Paul …
When God says, "Hush."
Sometimes I think God must think, “Oh, seriously, Melissa, shut up.” Then I remember he’s way nicer than that. And for all His power and might, He’s gentle, too. Remember that time He came as a whisper instead of the wind or fire or earthquake? So He probably says, “Hush,” instead. Pretty sure He said that to me the other …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Tracey Bateman
Congrats to Dee Topliff! You won the drawing for a copy of Cara Putman’s new book following last week’s guest post. I am sooo happy to welcome fabulous author Tracey Bateman today! I first got hooked on Tracey’s books when I read Catch a Rising Star. And as I mention in the video intro, I’m always so amazed when authors …
Happy Easter…Break!
Hey friends! I’m taking an Easter break from blogging today and Monday. Here’s what I’ll be doing while I’m not hanging out here: Eating a record number of Cadbury mini-eggs Serving a special Easter meal to homeless men, women and children on Sunday Feeling nostalgic about how I used to wear white gloves with a new dress each Easter Sunday …
Welcome Mat Wednesday: Cara Putman
Adventure. What’s it look like to you? Does it mean traveling around the world, or can you find it in your every day life? We’re talking about adventure of all kinds this month during our Wednesday guest posts. And I’m so thrilled that awesome author Cara Putman is helping kick things off with today’s post! So thrilled, in fact, that …
Tag(g), I’m it…literally and otherwise.
First of all, congratulations Melissa Isaksen! You won the drawing for a copy of Katie Ganshert‘s debut novel, Wildflowers from Winter. If you could shoot me an email at melissatagg[at]yahoo[dot]com with your mailing address, I’ll get your copy ordered right away. Second, yay for awesome people like Jessica Patch who give me blog topics! On Mondays in particular, my mind …
What trust looks like…
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! ~Isaiah 26:3 Waahhh, I miss London! I trust random people. Really, I do. And here’s why: -Once in London , while waiting for a bus, I dropped my travel card. Would’ve been so easy for a stranger to pull an Artful …